Many of you may have noticed I've been talking more about church and God these days. Yes, it's been subtle, but it's been there. I've not done a post on this part of my life as I continue to come to terms with my own sin, daily hypocrisy, and scientific reasoning that I have difficulty getting past, but I've decided there is no time like
Miller time the present. Well, that and the fact that it's been a hot topic over at
Bagwine these past few weeks and I want my own piece of the Jeebus action!
Let's get the dirty laundry out of the way first, shall we? I am a sinner. In fact, I am a sinner AND a hypocrite. I am not standing on a moral high horse here because
my moral high horse galloped from the stable long ago. In fact, I'm pretty sure my right foot is firmly planted in a gigantic pile of horse shit left behind by my moral high horse. That doesn't mean that I cannot call myself a Christ follower, although I'm sure there are a few of you who will disagree.
Are we clear? Dana ==> SINNER! Now that we've gotten that out of the way ...
Interesting enough, as I travel this new path - or maybe rediscover the path is a better description - it appears much of America is becoming less Christian. A study conducted by Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut (
American Religious Identification Survey 2008) found that, generally, Americans are less likely to identify themselves as Christian. The study found that 75 percent of Americans call themselves Christian (down from 86 percent in 1990) and 15 percent of people express no religious affiliation at all (up from 8 percent in 1990).
Although that picture might look bleak to Pope Benedict XVI, the survey also found that "born-again" or "evangelical" Christianity is on the rise (also known as non-denominational, often associated with mega-churches). While the percentage who belong to "mainline" congregations such as the Episcopal or Lutheran churches has decreased, the number of people associated with mega-churches has skyrocketed from less than 200,000 in 1990 to more than 8 million in the latest survey.

The church Cam and I attend is a "small scale" mega-church with a congregation of about 6000, spread over three area campuses. It is a Bible based, non-denominational Christian church that uses contemporary Christian music (performed by a live rock band), large screen audio-visual presentations (words to songs, Bible passages and video clips are an integral part of each service and are presented in this way), teachings that are relevant to current issues and a Saturday evening service for those who find Sunday morning
hangovers difficult to navigate. It is a "doing and learning" church, not a "preaching and judgment" church, and it is like no other church I've ever attended. It's a place that I feel accepted, welcomed and safe - even with my scars, habits, hangups and enough baggage to keep American Airlines on the tarmac for weeks.
With churches like mine becoming more accommodating - more "real life" - why are Christianity and church attendance on the decline? Personally, I think it's because Christians tend to screw up Christianity. How many of us see churches as buildings full of people who say one thing but do another? Who are quick to condemn the actions of others while living similarly screwed up lives behind closed doors? Who brag about their "church membership" with the same egotistical tone as they do their country club membership?
I believe organized religion, which I loosely refer to as "the church," has failed in many ways. I'd start with its long list of do's and don't's that no one can live up to. When we fail to live up to those ridiculously high standards (as we all do) the church skims right over grace and focuses on punishment. Many of us have spent far too many hours in churches that made us feel bad about ourselves and our actions. In fact, for most of us to be recognized as "good" in the eyes of the church, we are often forced to keep secrets and deny our daily lives - to live in hypocrisy because we cannot live in perfection. The church actually encourages a life of lies in order to be deserving of its approval. I cannot imagine that "my" God favors that kind of behavior from a church or from His people.
I have to wonder what would happen if more churches, and congregations, were like mine? If people could share themselves with repentant hearts, admitting and owning faults without fear of rejection? If we could walk along side each other, holding out a helping hand rather than condemning each other and turning a blind eye? If we could just admit that we can't keep all the rules - that no one can keep all the rules - but that grace is there in the absence of perfection? Then ... maybe then ... Christianity would look a lot different than it does today and a few more people would embrace it.