05 April 2009

Sunday Stealing


I'm all out of secrets! Seriously ... 18 months ... 4 weeks per month ... that's 72 secrets for goodness sakes. No one should have that many damn secrets!

If I can't tell a secret, then I might as well steal, right? It's Sunday after all. At some point in my internet surfing, I found this blog titled Sunday Stealing. I hoped that some day it would come in handy, and today it did! They write:

Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme. Let's go!

What the hell! Until I can find something better to do with my Sundays, this will have to do ...


1. How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?

Ha! Well, having a catchy title was really important to me. In fact, I was far more concerned with thinking up a catchy title than I was with what I was going to write. I've always been a fan of phrases with double meanings and "A mid-life crisis" came to mind. I could change that up a little to "Amid Life's Crises" And so it was born.

I'll always remember how proud I was of my creativity and how that came crashing down when my dear friend Tali said, "You misspelled 'crisis'." The fact that I had to explain I was using the plural form kind of deflated my glorious moment of creative genius!

2. What are your general goals for blogging?

I never really had any, which is quite clear after reading just a few posts. I'd say my "informal" goal is to create respectful discussion by bringing to light some common - and some uncommon - ideas, experiences and opinions to a public forum.

3. Do people “in your real life” know that you blog and do they comment on your blog OR is it largely anonymous?

When I started blogging, there was just one person I "knew" (had met in person) who read my blog. Since that time, I've met - in person - a handful of people who read my blog, but it is still largely an anonymous blog.

4. How often do you post (x per week)? How often do you read other blogs (x per week)?

I try to post 6 days per week. I read other blogs daily. My reader currently has about 75 blogs - many that post daily.

5. How do you select blogs to read (do you prefer blogs that focus on certain topics or do you choose by tone or…?)

I get most of my new blog reads through commentors and from reading other blogs. I really like that new Blogger widget that publishes a list of blogs with their most recent posts? I've found many good reads that way.

I don't really have topic requirements. I read everything from Stuff Christians Like (a wonderful, satirical, Christ following blogger) to The Seduction of Infidelity. The tone - the writing style - those things are far more important to me.

6. Do you have any plans to copy your blog entries in any other format, or do you think that one day, you’ll just delete it all?

I haven't thought much about this. I know that there are services out there that print and bind blogs, but I can't imagine there would be anyone interested in a legacy copy of this blog. Deleting the entire thing seems a bit harsh. Maybe I'd be better off just putting the entire thing in draft mode? Who knows ...

7. What are the things you like best about blogging?

By far, the single thing I like best about blogging is the relationships that develop. I have met some really amazing people that I would have never met had I not been for this silly little writing forum. I learn far more from all of you than I learn about myself through introspection.

8. What are the things you don’t like about blogging?

There are a few. One of them I recently addressed here.

Sometimes I feel an "obligation" to post - and to post worthy content. That is certainly a self-imposed sense of obligation and not something that I think is expected by any of you, but it can be a stressor if I let it.

The other one I find annoying is bloggers that promote their blogs all over the place - that ask me to promote their blog - and then just quit blogging. I'm all for helping out another blogger, but when you ask me to do that, then two months later drop off the face of the earth? You're on my shit list.

9. How do you handle comments?

I answer them, with the exception of HNT's and one particular commentor who is now on DELETE status. I am sometimes amiss in answering comments that happen later in the day - most of my blog time is before dinner time, so often comments left later in the day don't get answered.

10. Do you have any burning thoughts to share on blog etiquette?

I have some pet-peeves about blogs - some things that will keep me from visiting very often. If the blog is VISUALLY difficult to read, I'll stop visiting. For example, blog templates where the background scrolls or colors/patterns that make deciphering words a struggle. Music that plays the moment I open the blog in my browser will keep me away too. I appreciate that you are a music aficionado, but I come to your blog to read, not to listen to your music (unless I'm sitting on the Big Leather Couch)

11. Any desired blog features?

I'd love to have the ability to block trolls, stalkers and spammers blog readers by IP address and or user name. Yes, WordPress allows me to block commentors by those criteria, but I'd like to be able to block access - not just comments. I understand that this can be done if one moves off the Blogger/WordPress platforms, but honestly the whole "having your own domain and finding a host for the blog" (not even sure I'm using the correct terminology) thing is BEYOND me and I think cost prohibitive to have someone do it for me. Maybe if I were blogging for business I'd go that route, but I think it's a bit over the top in my case.

12. Have you suffered blog addiction?

I've suffered internet addiction. I spend a lot of time in the virtual world and I have to work fairly diligently at keeping it in check and balanced with "real life" responsibilities.



none said...

Yes IP blocking would be great.

And pages that take 5 minutes to load because of tons of imbedded content. I don't visit those as often.

Kimber said...

I love the name of your blog. Very interesting answers! Have a great Sunday. :)

we're doomed said...

A nice post, Dana.

buffalodick said...

Because of all the advertising, videos, and music on some blogs- it can take me 5 minutes before I can comment...

Vixen said...

Ooo...one of my biggest pet peeves (next to trolls of course) are people who 'advertise' their blogs in my comments

"Great post, come check out my blog and tell me what you think/read my post/(etc)"

*rolls eyes*

Christo Gonzales said...

I have to agree with this peeve

"Great post, come check out my blog and tell me what you think/read my post/(etc)"

or even further: "I posted about you, or referred to you" or "I have something for you" or any of those feeble attempts to beg you to go to their blog.

Leonhart said...

Please come and read my blog, and other assorted witticisms designed to antagonise on the basis of your answers in the Q+A.

Dana said...

Hammer, I don't read blogs (generally) with advertising. If you're in it for the money, I probably don't care to hear what you are saying.

Kimber, thanks for stopping by!

Doomed, I've touched before on why I blog, but never quite this in depth.

Dana said...

Buff, you have far more patience than I do if you'll actually wait 5 minutes!

Vixen, yeah ... that drives me nuts too! If you just leave a well written comment I'll be on my way over!

DB, in your line of blogging I'm guessing you get a lot of that. I've always felt that writing a good blog was the best advertising!

Dana said...

Leonhart, that comment required that I add you to my reader - now you'll probably get tired of seeing me!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore your blog title. I love catchy wordplay! Blogwise - we seem to have much in common even thoguh I haven't been here too long, I think I'll stick around though - you're intelligent, funny and down to earth -- I'd make java for you! And also - I think I'll steal this 'stealing' thing from you if I ever run out of secrets!

Anonymous said...

P.S -- if you ever want to completely shut this blog down without losing any content - go to your settings and then permissions -- set it to "authors only" and then it will still be here but only accessible to you or anyone you have listed as authors.

You can also "export" this blog in xml format which you can then "import" into any wordpress blog self hosted or otherwise :-)

If you ever go self hosted and use wordpress -- there are IP blocking/banning plugins - I used them and I will again. Wordpress has some very high security options if you look for the right plugins.

Christo Gonzales said...

you nailed it - if the writing is entertaining then the sheep will follow - is that why I keep coming here? hmmmmmmm

Dana said...

Sam, you'll make coffee for me? WooHoo! I think I need to learn a bit more about the WordPress option. It sounds like that might be right up my alley!

DB, if it's not why you keep coming back, please don't tell me, OK? Ignorance is bliss, you know ...

won said...

I may have missed your point entirely...I am not much on the tech aspects of things.

But, if you are looking to block a few specific ppl from reading, what about toolator.com?

I am using them (no, this isn't an advertisement, just helping a fellow blogger, honest). I think it's working.

Schmoop said...

Great Blog. Great Post. Stop by and read mine site some time. It has something for everyone. It's wonderful, really. Stop By, All. Cheers!!

Dana said...

Won, funny you mention toolator - I was just there last week wondering if it was worth the investment!

Matt-Man, you forgot your direct link. Here, let me help you! [BAGWINE]

Real Live Lesbian said...

You mean the blog world ISN'T real life????

Anonymous said...

That dear friend always was great at taking the wind out of our sails, wasn't she? lol

I really liked this meme and enjoyed reading it. :)