26 April 2009

Sunday Secret


You think I fall asleep on the sofa accidentally - that I don't make it to bed because I'm too lazy to walk upstairs in the middle of the night - or at least that's what you say.

Somehow, I think maybe you're just grateful to have the bed to yourself but don't want me to know that my actions actually make you happy. That is the real reason I stay downstairs.



buffalodick said...

My wife and I seldom sleep in the same bed. I am an insomniac, and it would not be fair to disturb her night's rest...

we're doomed said...

A sad secret to ponder, Dana.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Or are you the one happy to sleep on the couch without him?

snugs said...

I agree with doomed..very sad
but I did also notice your typo I 'know' you will want to correct

Dana said...

Buff, I know that many married couples sleep in separate beds and are better off for it, but it isn't a matter of doing it out of kindness in this home.

Doomed, I don't know if it's how he feels - just know that it is how I feel.

RLL, well, there is some of that as well.

Dana said...

snugs, Ha! Good catch! Bet that made you feel warm and fuzzy!

Schmoop said...

That's too bad, but...I have always thought that actually sleeping together is way overrated. Cheers!!

Karen said...

I get where you are coming from. But why isn't he the one on the couch? Can't you get in the bed alone once in a while? :-)

Campbell Jane said...

Awww I'm sorry you are feeling like that. But hey at least you get all the covers...there's always a bright side!
God Bless

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'd be sure to get to bed every night - just out of spite! Buuuut, I'm passive aggressive like that....

Lu' said...

Many studies out there to indicate sleeping in separate beds is beneficial to a relationship. Hubs likes me to be there. I like my space.

Myst_72 said...

I LOVE when my husband is on night shift..... :)


Anonymous said...

My wife almost always falls asleep on the sofa. If I wake her up she is convinced she is awake now and will just wind back and watch whatever it was she just missed on the TV, and then falls asleep again within seconds. I give up after a while.