01 July 2009

TMI Tuesday #193 (rebroadcast) ... and on Wednesday


TMI Tuesday

1. How many speeding tickets have you had? Accidents?

I've been driving for thirty a few years, so I've had ample opportunity to get more than my fair share of tickets, but only one of those was a speeding ticket and it was dismissed after attending traffic school (got to love California).

Also on the infractions list:
  • Running a stop sign. I had only been driving a few months when I got that one, and had it reduced when I appeared in court.
  • Running a stop sign in Tijuana Mexico. It was the first - and last time - I ever drove in Mexico. Fortunately the police are corrupt willing to work with Americans and $50 cash and a nice cleavage shot took care of it.
  • Seat belt infraction ... because Cam was not wearing his seat belt (this was just a few months ago). Cam paid the $25 fine and has now become quite anal about wearing his seat belt (I'd say that lesson was learned).
Accidents? I've never had one when driving, but I was a passenger in one where the car ended up resting on its side. There were some illegal substances involved in that one, but fortunately no one was hurt nor arrested.

2. Boxers, briefs or commando?

*gigglesnort* BOXERS! OK ... maybe not ...

If I'm dressed for work (skirt or dress with nylons) I don't wear anything but the nylons. If I'm wearing anything else I'm usually a thong girl!

3. Have you ever had sex in your office or your place of employment?

Thinking ...

Nope! Not that I can remember, and if I can't remember it didn't happen, right?

4. Do you or your so own a motorcycle? Do you ever ride one? Do you wear a helmet when you ride?

I used to own one and keep telling husband my next car will be a Harley. When I lived in San Diego, I owned this bike:

Oh how I miss that bike. I've been trying to find someone locally who will let me ride with them, although being a passenger isn't anywhere near as fun as being the first one with the wind in your face.

And a helmet? Always. I'm kind of attached to my brain - it's one of my better attributes.

5. Ever been skinny dipping?

Thinking ...

Does topless in a hot tub count?

Bonus: Ever been arrested? Turned someone in/had someone arrested?

Well, there was this one time ... after a few too many Kamikazes ...

DUI. *hangs head in shame* I certainly did and had to call my MOTHER to come pick me up from jail. She thought it was a prank call and hung up on me the first time I called (I was 25). The charges were dismissed when I went to court and the officer claimed he pulled me over for "swerving within my lane." The judge reminded him that as long as I was within the lane markers he had no cause to pull me over and dismissed the case. Bottom line? I shouldn't have been driving, and I'm glad I got pulled over.



buffalodick said...

The State of Michigan is so desperate for revenue, they have a 2 year "driver reinstatement fee" $500 to $1,000 a year, for two years for a DUI..(on top of the fine!) Every lawyer in this State agrees this is Unconstitutional, but it goes on daily...

Schmoop said...

I had a parking ticket once. Talk about shame. Cheers!!

Osbasso said...

You strike me as a biker chick!

Deech said...

Nice Bike...yeah, something like that is what I am after....

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I had a DUI too. Only mine wasn't dismissed. It's been 21 years ago and I still won't drink and drive...Learned my lesson!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Oh my....I'm getting a little warm thinking about you on that bike!


Christo Gonzales said...

lets see- between you and the other law breakers and most of you are 'conservative' I dont even see why we need a government or rules - y'all dont seem to care anyway.....

Unknown said...

Never been arrested. That would be my nightmare come true.

Had a few speeding tickets, one I got while speeding to traffic school because of the previous speeding ticket. Swear to God, true story.

Two accidents, neither of which was my fault. Bad car damage but no bodily injuries. Other drivers suck! LOL

My God. I would LOVE to have a bike!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Biker chick...yup makes sense...

I have had two moving violations and three accidents...not one of them was I at fault.

I actually had two accidents within 22 hours of each other...that day sucked.

Anonymous said...

Since we're all sharing.

I was arrested for getting into a fight with my then boyfriends wife at a bar when I was drunk off my ass. I wasn't put into jail but given 400 hours community service.

I was really classy in my younger days.


Jay said...

Nobody should EVER drive in Mexico. You WILL get pulled over. Most people get busted when turning right on red lights, which is illegal in Mexico.

Dana said...

buffalodick, YIKE! That *is* steep (and questionable), but the damage that can result from a DUI is pretty hefty too!

Matt-Man, a parking ticket? Hell! You need to really do something significantly illegal one of these days.

Osbasso, must be the tats ...

Dana said...

Flyinfox_SATX, I'd love to have that bike back. Maybe some day ...

Evil Twin's Wife, I think for most of us (hopefully) it takes only one time getting caught to realize how stupid it is (and mine was 21 years ago too!)

Real Live Lesbian, I used to get a little warm BEING on the bike! *wink*

Dana said...

doggybloggy, you need to take a look at your statistics - the majority of people populating our prisons are NOT conservatives - but I'm not sure what that has to do with this post. Maybe liberals don't ever get tickets?

Bina, I'd love to have that bike again too! I already said that, didn't I?

Bond, I'm just so surprised that no one sees me as the ballerina type!

Dana said...

Kim, like your younger days are so far behind you? Pfffttt! *wink*

Jay, seems just about everything is illegal in Mexico, especially if your vehicle has California plates!

we're doomed said...

I think it's great that you love motorcycles. Conservatives and Liberals both break the law. I am not sure which group does it more or if this would have any significance in an argument. The significant difference, perhaps the inherent difference between Conservatives and Liberals when it comes to being bad or breaking the law is this: When conservatives break the law, they understand that they are guilty. Liberals rarely do. Kind of a maturity versus immaturity kind of thingy.

none said...

I've had about half a dozen tickets..probably talked my way out of a dozen more.

"Knocking on wood"

I like motorcycles but I've had my fun and walked away unscathed and will leave them to the young and indestructible.

rage said...

Omg I would be scared to death to get any infraction in Mexico...eep!

Just Me said...

I am surprised you got pulled over because Cam did not have seat belt on. Here you can get a ticket for no seat belt, but you have to be pulled over for something else. They can't (well maybe it is won't) pull u over just for the seat belt.