30 June 2009

Tolerance and Apathy


It's been a while since I ruffled any feathers, and since we are fast approaching a holiday near and dear to my heart (please call it Independence Day and not the fourth of July), I thought I'd spew some political nonsense, with a little help, of course!

"Common Sense" author Bob Basso plays the role of Thomas Paine in this YouTube clip. It's long, 6 minutes +, and will irritate irritate a few of you, but it's worth watching. Much of what he says reflects my own views. I want to thank "the one whose name shall not be spoken" for forwarding this link!

*Disclaimer* Although I appreciate and identify with what is said in this video clip, I have not called the phone number that appears at the end of it and am not making a public endorsement of it.

I've made my political position well known on this blog. I am concerned with the direction I see our country moving towards. Although my political ideology is conservative, even I have moved away from supporting the Republican party primarily because they have contributed to the mess this country is now facing. I voted for an "unelectable," Libertarian presidential candidate this past election (Bob Barr) for that very reason.

I am tired of watching our country move steadily away from the principles that made us the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. I'm tired of being told I am wrong and racist to oppose amnesty for illegal aliens and for supporting English as the official language of this country. I'm tired of watching this country support the world while neglecting our own country. I'm tired of the government becoming more and more involved in my life - taking more and more of my freedoms away - spending more and more of my tax dollars on programs that do little more than make us even more dependent on the government to "take care of us."

There has been much talk about tolerance in this country - a concept that is often portrayed as positive, but a concept that I believe is doing little more than creating apathy in this country.

“Tolerance is another word for indifference.”
~ William Somerset Maugham



Lu' said...

I'm tired... Well said.

Lu' said...

rjstuart.com has another video version by same actor.

we're doomed said...

Bob Barr? This video makes many good points. Those people that think Uncle Sugar should be taking care of them are on the road to human slavery. Yes it sucks going to work every day for the "man". But when we all start working for Uncle Sugar and let him do all our thinking for us we will be slaves. The federal government has already grabbed too much power. We are on a path to losing everything that makes being a American special.

Schmoop said...

Holy Cow!! While I have seen this many times before, I still never know where to begin.

Bob Asso is no Thomas Paine. He's merely a xenophobe who enjoys tossing out simplistic, visceral rhetoric and wearing frilly neckerchiefs and tri-corner hats in order to make a buck.

He's about as much like Thomas Paine as Glenn Beck is, but Asso and Beck do share the making a buck thing. Which is fine.

Paine was a thoughtful man. A smart man. While he knew the power of propaganda, he did wrote it smartly and with a sense of the power of the words he chose.

Asso and his buddy Beck, have none of his characteristics. Neither are able to fill or are worthy of washing Paine's colonial jockstrap.

As for helping other countries and peoples, Paine said this...

“The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.” T. Paine

As for what he would say about this clown...

"The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately." -- T. Paine


Dana said...

Lu', maybe what I should have said is that I am TIRED of the two controlling political parties. It seems that on the off chance they actually get something done, they create even more problems with all of their special interest crap.

Flyinfox_SATX, I don't know where this country got the idea that diversity, rather than unity, was going to solve all of our woes!

we're doomed, Bob Barr ==> Libertarian Candidate. I am just astounded by what citizens of this country are willing to give up in the name of entitlement *shakes head*

Dana said...

Matt-Man, I knew you'd like this! I don't think the point (at least not my point) is that Bab Basso is speaking for Thomas Paine in as much as he is speaking to the values of a more conservative political ideology - one that remembers what made this country successful yet is watching that all slip away.

I believe that we need to take care of ourselves BEFORE we try to save the world, and we aren't doing a very good job of that. One needs to look no further than our astronomical National Debt to see where we are headed, yet we just keep spending and spending and wondering why it is our economy is dying.

Is Basso over-the-top? Absolutely, but his sentiments aren't.

3carnations said...

Great post. I am also conservative leaning, which is generally a very unpopular view in blogland, now isn't it? :-)

Nolens Volens said...

Hmm. The country has elected more Republican presidents than any other parties. Seems like all the greatest times came under Democratic presidency...maybe because the Republicans made things easier for us pesky Dems? LOL

Schmoop said...

Dana: I have no problem with fixing the domestic woes with our country and I think we should put the solutions to those problems first, however...

I think it is disingenuous of Basso or Beck to use Paine's name in this manner. Paine was hardly a conservative. He was quite the free thinker. It's all in the title of his treatise.

Basso mentions foreign aid to Egypt and other countries. Our soft support to other nations is just as important in maintaining peace as is our military might.

Basso mentioned his disdain for aid to Egypt. Hell, we hold joint military exercises with Egypt. Should we cut our billion or two to Israel as well?

Since they are described as a successful democracy in the Middle East, why do they need our aid? Israel is a drain on our economy.

Oh, I know, Jeebus needs to return to the Holy Land someday. Pfffffft. And Basso says, that GAWD is not in government any longer. Far from it. He's there in AIPAC, the Evangelical right wing, and Jewish campaign contributions.


buffalodick said...

My support of the 1st and 2nd amendment are well- known, and uncompromised by "ifs" and "buts"..

Karen said...

I have not watched the video - because I no speakers at work at the present moment. But I will be interested to see it when I get home.

My politcal stance often lines up with yours, but for different reasons. I tend to be very fiscally conservative and I believe in putting the safety of America before all else. Period. My views on social issues always have less to do with the morality of issue than to do with the net effect on our economy. I am firm believer that our nation was built by/on capitalism and I disgusts me to see the massive slide away from that fundamental.

I have been called a bigot, a racist and an elitist for my outlook. The blog-o-sphere tends to dislike all conservative thinking...

Osbasso said...

He's my long lost brother.

Dana said...

3carnations, it sure is when it comes to the blogs I read ... unfortunately!

Nolens Volens, some would argue that the "greatest times" were NOT under Democratic leadership, although I think leadership in politics these days is somewhat of an oxymoron, and has been since Regan was in office.

Matt-Man, I understand your issue with the Thomas Paine reference, and I'd have to agree with you. I'm not endorsing the use of "Paine" here (*gigglesnort* That sounded naughty), but rather Basso's position.

I find it disturbing (at the least) that we "buy" world peace, especially since it isn't a very peaceful world.

Religion in politics? Of course, but not necessarily God. We wouldn't want to offend the Scientologists or Atheists now, would we?

Dana said...

buffalodick, yes they are!

Karen, actually, fiscal conservation is a huge part of my belief system, the moral side of things just happens to coincide with it. I have a theory on the liberal blog-o-sphere. I think it's because there aren't many of us "main stream" conservatives who post political opinions. It's the far right nut-wings that post and somehow we take the brunt of that. In fact, I would say that one of the reasons the country is headed in what I believe to be dangerous waters is because the more liberal folks seem to be better at taking the time to speak up and make themselves heard.

Osbasso, odd ... I thought that same thing!

Vixen said...

You and I have very similar feelings regarding the government and politics.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I'm also a conservative. I keep my politics to myself on the blog because I get so much grief for voicing that opinion. Thanks for posting this video!

Jay said...

Whatever movement left this country has made over the last 2 or 3 years is a direct result of the disastrous policies of the republicans in the previous 6 years. And, since GWB destroyed almost all credibility the republicans once had on the issues of smaller government and getting government out of our lives, it's not all that likely that they can do much about it.

Anonymous said...

wow, I am beginning to think I have a long lost sister out there!!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I have seen this many times...and I do agree with some of his points.

BUT I also agree with Matt that he tends to deal with simplistic ideas that will never work.

Leonhart said...


For "common sense" read "racism".

Diversity does not produce idiocy. It does entirely the opposite.

Your poor education, for the richest nation on Earth, is responsible for the people it produces. Not what language they speak.

As Europe and the Euro expands and takes in more nationalities I'm not seeing a dumbing down or increase in stupidity. I'm seeing more opportunity and diversity and open-mindedness.

America Quick! Close your borders! Close your curtains! The Others are coming! They mean you harm!


Dana said...

Vixen, I've just never seen anyone be successful by being given things rather than earning them. Seems a simple concept.

Evil Twin's Wife, I don't mind people disagreeing with me - it's actually a good thing as long as they are respectful, and for the most part, all of my readers are!

Jay, it has nothing to do with the Republicans, it has to do with promises of something for nothing (IMHO) It's about entitlement. The Republicans (not GWB) destroyed their political position by trying to make all of the special interest folks happy. The mess isn't all GBW/Republicans - it's a failure of our political system to lead the PEOPLE.

Dana said...

Breve, I'm begining to think you have more than one long lost sister!

Bond, of course they are simplistic - it's a 6-minute video - but so are,"We need to have affordable yet we elected a president on those simplistic ideas *wink*

Leonhart, cool! You are more than welcome to the millions of illegal immigrants we have here. Hell! Some of them are "yours" anyway. We'll see if you still call it racism when your taxes go up to support those working in your country who are not paying the taxes to support the infrastructure.

Immigration is not the issue - ILLEGAL immigration is the issue!

Anonymous said...

Well just remember to invite me to the family reunion!!!

Liz Hill said...

""Religion in politics? Of course, but not necessarily God. We wouldn't want to offend the Scientologists or Atheists now, would we?""

Wow--what they say about converts being the 'worst' again is proven true. The whole point about government not being dictated by religion is because organized religion is by it's very nature divisive and exclusionary. Your statement is a clear example. And not too long ago you would have remembered that.

Dana said...

Turnbaby, ouch! My point is that "god" has always been a part of the foundation of this country. Whether one believes that is right or wrong, it has certainly become unacceptable. The things that unified this country (God being only one of them) have become not OK.

organized religion is by it's very nature divisive and exclusionary.

I think this statement speaks more to your personal experience with organized religion than it does to the "faults" in my argument. What I've found is that organized religion doesn't have to be divisive and exclusionary, although there was a time when I would have found that idea absurd.

But the pot shots on my "conversion"? I guess - unfortunately - they are to be expected.

Liz Hill said...

Not a pot shot at all. Just speaking what I see.

And the fact that organized religion is divisive is widely known--not just 'my experience'--ask Ireland, ask all of the countries in the Middle East, etc etc etc.

It's been shown time and time again that once a particular 'brand' of god gains a majority with folks in power then there is a push to make that the only 'brand' of god acceptable. This country was founded on the principle that that practice not be permitted here.