02 June 2009

It's A Bike Vlog!


No TMI Tuesday this week. It's been years since I went on a date-date, and husband never quite figured out that "dating" while married is a good thing, so TMI Tuesday #189 - Dating edition would have been quite a boring read ... not that this vlog will be any better ... but still!


So I got this brilliant idea to vlog my bike ride on Sunday, only there is a TON of background noise and, apparently when I tried to turn the camera to the side to show you some of the beautiful scenery, I hit the selection button and turned off the video. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, you'll get a wonderful view up my nose and some other similarly worthy nonsense. Enjoy!



we're doomed said...

A nice vlog. I hope you do more.

Schmoop said...

My initial reaction was that this a Fellini type of film, but once I heard the Ice Cream Truck, I thought of it as more of a Russ Meyer type of cinematic offering. Cheers!!

Dana said...

doomed, so you liked the "Cream King," did you??

Matt-Man, are you implying that I am a physically and sexually overwhelming female??

we're doomed said...

Yes and yes.

Dana said...

doomed, I'll take that as ... ummm ... a compliment?!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Cute! I especially loved the part where we can hear the ice cream truck and the kids in the background. I remember the joy of seeing the ice cream truck sloooowly move down the street!

Unknown said...

SHIT!!!! I don't have my lap top at work today so I can't freaking watch it. I'll watch it tonight.

Nolens Volens said...

Thanks for taking me along for a ride. LOL

Osbasso said...

There's something about the movement of your shoulders that's mesmerizing. They even get more active as you get closer to the Cream King.

I kid you not.

Jay said...

"Lying in a bed with a breathing tube and drool coming out of my mouth" ... That's how I like all my women.

Oh and the second part of that vlog, where you have the camera on the ground in front of you looking up? I've totally had that view of you in a couple of dreams.

Uh ... maybe I shouldn't have shared that with everyone. ;-)

Granny Nanny said...

nice vlog, thanks for sharing such a beautiful day with us!

katherine. said...

that WAS good.

since you don't mind looking "goofy"...you could always duct tape the camera to the top of your helmet and we could see the ride from your perspective.

Dana said...

Evil Twin's Wife, I don't know that I would go so far as "cute", but thanks!

Bina, you're missing out!! But it will still be there tonight!

Nolens Volens, I'm good at taking men along for the ride *wink*

Dana said...

Osbasso, I'm sure my proximity to the Cream King had nothing to do with said shoulder movement. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Jay, as long as you weren't using my head as a coaster for your beer, we're good!

Granny Nanny, I was so irritated about the accidental slip of the video selection - y'all missed the best part!

Dana said...

katherine oh ... now you have me thinking! Most of my ride is on roads traveled only by tractors!

Biscuit said...

I heard the ice cream truck before you even said something! When one has small children, that sound can be dismaying...

Please tell me how you strapped your video camera to your bike. Not that I wanna do that or anything...I look *so* much worse in a helmet, Dana. SO much. I have an abnormally small head, I think.

Another Suburban Mom said...

Very creative, but it would have been better if we could see your ass in bike shorts.

Vixen said...

That is WAY better than walking and chewing gum. And I can barely do that. So you rock in my book! LOL

Real Live Lesbian said...

You didn't even show your cute bike!!!! Loved the vlog! Thanks for putting us right there in your crotch!

And thanks for the last part. I know that was for me!!!!

Dana said...

Biscuit, you mean that sound that says, "Quick! Search your purse for loose change!"?

I purchased one of [THESE] a while back. I just wrapped it's little legs around the handle bars!

Another Suburban Mom, ummmm ... no! I don't think anyone wants to see my ass in bicycle shorts. It's not a pretty sight!

Vixen, I kept thinking that if I crashed I was going to have to explain why there was a camera attached to my bike!

Dana said...

Real Live Lesbian, I just might have to do another biking vlog with a different perspective! And yes, that last part *was* for you!

{{ d a n i m o }} said...

caution: i'm about to become "this many" years old. . . i think it was the sound of the ice cream truck but. . . you 'n the sky look so puuurdy! :D

the last five seconds of the video made me smile so hard! xD hehehe

Dice Mardell said...

that was swell. thanks for taking us along!

rage said...

Very clever Dana. Thank you for sharing.