13 June 2009

Vacation Vlog - Day 3


My ... oh ... my ...

Day three was ... ummm ... errr ... well ... not the easiest day so far. The anxiety was set off (pun intended) by the accidental alarm yesterday morning, followed by an exchange between BIL and Cam that was so reminiscent of an exchange between husband and Cam that it made me want to hurl, then a graduation party that continued to feed my anxiety, and culminated with some type of physical altercation between husband and 23 year old nephew that resulted in a bloody t-shirt (husbands t-shirt, nephew's blood). Does it get any better than this? I can only hope!

I'm keeping my chin up and attempting a positive attitude, but *shakes head* this is really moronic shit to be dealing with. If nothing else, the example - and impact - it has on the kids is frightening. So kids, what's your favorite memory of San Antonio 2009? Oh! Definitely when dad "took down" nephew because he "challenged" him *rolls eyes*

On that note, here is vacation vlog day 3 for your viewing pleasure. **BONUS** You actually get to see me out of my jammies! Oh ... and ... the volume at the beginning of the clip is low, but it picks up in the second clip - be warned!



Anonymous said...

Praying everyone will hurry up and leave well the ones that need to!

You look cool calm and collected in the morning pics and then your clips you look like you are ready to just go off by yourself..

I know Texas weather is a hoot in the summer!!

still have a good time!!!

Love the Vlogs

Nolens Volens said...

The Further Adventures of Amazing Amid Life's Crises! Part 3! LOL

Christo Gonzales said...

whos husband? what happened? I thought your husband didnt go with you....

Osbasso said...

Gee, your family gathering are much more exciting than mine!

Average Chick said...

I'm so sorry that you are having this much drama on a vacation! We turned down the thermostat here for ya when you get back. It's nowhere near 101 here. I hope everyone leaves soon!

Vixen said...
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Vixen said...

Um. Sounds like you are having....fun?

Nice to see you clothed ;)

Unknown said...

Oh man Dana, your husband tried to take down nephew and bloodied him? What the hell???? Yea, that's just what you need, right?

I remember those 100 degree and higher days in Texas. Like an oven.

Hopefully when everyone leaves (does that include your husband?) you'll feel MUCH better!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

The whole "family brawl" thing sounds like my husbands' side of the family. Hope it gets better from here on out!

Jeff B said...

I'll have to catch the video later. It is only paying in short bursts currently and it's driving me nuts.

Is this your husband who was involved in the bloodied shirt and nephew episode? If so, DAMN!!!

we're doomed said...

101? I cringe because that hot weather must be heading our way. I can't wait, not!

we're doomed said...
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Karen said...

Oh my! Fist Fights at the grad part?!? My goodness. I am praying for you.

Lu' said...

You are dedicated my dear. If it was that hot out and I had to turn off the AC so I could be heard for a vlog, it would be a silent movie :) Hang in there and I hope you get some peacful days to you vaca' soon. Hi Cam.

katherine. said...

I got slapped by a cousin once...but don't think we've ever drawn blood.
