09 June 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?


About a month ago, Karen did a post titled "Are You Listening?" which she stole was inspired to write based on a similar post by Avitable and Hilly. In it she listed Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Certain People. I starred the post in my Google Reader because I knew one of these days it would come in handy. Since yesterday was her birthday, I decided to honor her by stealing it right out from under her ... or ... I don't want to think much today because it's my last day at work before heading out on vacation ... one or the other.

In no particular order, here are the Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to someone in my life, but don't have the balls am too polite to actually say.

1. There is a HUGE world outside of this small town and if you'd open your eyes, you'd see that people who are different from you still have value.

2. I miss our friendship and I still wonder if it was something I did, or something you did, that led to its demise.

3. Ability to do a job, and accountability for doing a job, are two very different things.

4. I'd actually have far more respect for you if you'd be honest about how screwed up your life is behind closed doors - just because you don't show it to the world doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

5. If I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn't.

6. I learned a lot about you by the way you treated the waitress. Now I am certain that I don't like you.

7. You give yourself too much credit. Not everyone worships the ground you walk on.

8. Raising your hand and "shushing" me will get you slapped next time.

9. You are a school teacher - my tax dollars help to pay your salary - and I'm not getting what I'm paying for.

10. A year ago, you defended Noah for calling Cam "fat ass". Karma is a fickle bitch, isn't she? I noticed that Noah weighs about the same as Cam does now ... and he is also about 18" shorter.



captain corky said...

"You give yourself too much credit. Not everyone worships the ground you walk on."

I hope this one wasn't directed at me, cause I don't think my incredibly large ego could handle it. ;)

Leonhart said...

I particularly like Number 5.

That's a put-down worth holding onto. . . It can serve pretty much any situation!

we're doomed said...

Your right Dana, karma is a b*tch. Like "My Name is Earl" a show about karma and fixing the past. I think we all wish we could do a "do over" on some things from the past. I know "My Name is WE'RE DOOMED" would be a long running show and not much of a comedy. I think we all want people and life around us to be decent. We know that's not going to happen. The best path to follow I think, is to be as good a person as you can be every day. We can't control the world events and the dimwits that surround us. But, we can work on that person we see in the mirror every morning and make that person a better person.

Good luck on that vacation thingy and God bless you!

Schmoop said...

Ha. Number 6 is one of the most accurate barometers in gauging a person's humanity and personal make-up.

One can tell alot about a person, even a stranger, while watching how the treat "the help". Cheers!!

Another Suburban Mom said...

Imagine if you actually said those things.

Although I know some teachers that hand you a quarter when you make that comment.

Karen said...

I agree with you and Matt-Man. How a person treats a waitress shows everything about his/her personality.

I liked this version of the meme. It proved to be cathartic to get crap off my chest.

Thanks again for all the Bday wishes. And get back to work on this this last day before Vacation! (I am so jealous!!)

Bette said...

I like all of'em, my favorite being, don't shush me :) Maybe some of those people will read them here and just know it's for them.

Dana~ Have a safe and happy vacation...trusting that you'll take 'us' along with you & Cam. I enjoyed the trip last year!!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

These are great! So many of them could apply to people in my own life!

Happy vacation. :-)

Dana said...

captain corky, if I told you none of these had to do with any bloggers would you believe me? Yeah ... me either *wink*

Leonhart, #5 is near and dear to my heart!

we're doomed, I am a firm believer in karma and have made it through many difficult situations know that - even if I never saw it - people who "wronged" me would eventually reap what they sow!

Dana said...

Matt-Man, I was so bothered by what happened I actually went to the waitress and apologized for this person's behavior.

Another Suburban Mom, Cam has ONE teacher this year that doesn't like him and has done her darnedest to fail him - but he prevailed! I'm not even getting 25 cents worth of value out of her.

Karen, it's funny, when I started this meme I thought I was going to have difficulty. Little did I know that all of these bits would just come spewing out!

Dana said...

Bette, this is a trip to visit husband's family - ironically, without him much of the time. You know I'll share when I can. Rumor has it there might even be a blogger or two that I catch up with this time!

Evil Twin's Wife, I am often amazed at how similar the lives of all of us are, even though they sometimes seem so different!

M said...

I like many of these. I like #1 and have actually said something similar to people I went to high school with when they were belittling types of people there is NO way they ever had experience with given the town of 12,000 they live in.

#3 is our current mantra at work.

#6 is also dead on. As a person who waited tabled in college, I used to marvel at how people were willing to treat "the help". kind of explained a lot of the other interpersonal behavior I saw.

And Karma will always bite you in the ass when you aren't looking. I truly believe that is one of the lessons of life some people will never get.

Great post!

Real Live Lesbian said...

God...I just LOVE karma!

Happy Vacationing!

Jay said...

Let's see. #4 can't be aimed at me cause everyone already knows how effed up my life is.

But, #7? That hurts Dana. That hurts. What? Oh, it was aimed at Matt-Man? Well then, that's okay. LOL ... Kidding ... I'm kidding. I kid because I care. ;-)

Anyway, Matt-Man's right about #6. The true test of a person is how they treat "the help." And the elderly. I would include kids, but I don't like kids.

Nicey said...

Trouble with me is that I always say what I think :(


buffalodick said...

As an observer of Life, I find no one is a constant... People change, for better or worse every day... It is easier to stay objective as you grow older, but emotions will always have a say in matters. I urge folks to think before they leap into the written word.. Saying it might be forgotten, but writing it- is forever...

Vixen said...

Those are all great. I can't stand people who mistreat waitstaff at a restaurant.

But #1 and 8 are the best.

I love lists like this. Gets it off your chest, w/o actually making such comments to the person(s). ;)

Dana said...

Emmy, my town has a population of 3500. What I find interesting is that those who have lived here their entire lives really believe everyone is just like them, and when they run across someone who thinks different - or looks different - they won't even consider that they have anything of value to offer.

Real Live Lesbian, karma really is fickle and one of those things that I really try not to tempt because I've seen her in action!

Jay, I worship the ground you stalk on Jay!

Dana said...

Nicey, that can be trouble some times! Personal filters do have some use on occasion.

buffalodick, you know, I disagree. Words - written or spoken - can be inspiration or destructive. It's the power of speech. And quite honestly? I'd rather have the integrity to stand by what I write than attempt to "hide" behind words that I can claim I never said because there is no proof.

Vixen, I don't deal well with "shushers" and "snappers" Nothing will set me off quite so quickly and with as much intensity as those two things.

Jeff B said...

I think number six is a great gauge of a person's demeanor. Having worked in that business in the past, I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly side of people and know it's a pretty accurate indicator of who they really are.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I will join the bandwagon with #6...It is a true sign of a person by the way they treat people whose jobs are to server the public.

I know #7 was not about me because - well, you do worship the ground I walk on!

Say hi to my brother in S.A. OK?

Christine said...

I guess 8 and 9 are related. I wonder if it is hard to take off that teacher cap when dealing with adults...

Hey..at least you have the self restraint not to say these things. I have lost more friends by saying exactly what I think the moment that I think it then I care to remember.

Osbasso said...

The problem with reading a list like this is that there's actually 2 or 3 that could apply to the reader, then they have to figure out which one fits best! Not that I had that problem...

Nolens Volens said...

Never thought of #6 that way...I always treat all servers with respect the same way in the beginning and it's up to them to lose my respect afterwards. Know what I mean?

Unknown said...

I love your #8!!! That is great!

Just Me said...

#5 is my fav as well. Actually I really liked this post. I just might have to steal .. err .. borrow this myself one day.

Hope you have a wonderful vacation!!

Lu' said...

No 8 shushing is hard to take isn't it. In a few instances it may be warranted, A FEW but other- wise it is the same as telling someone to shut up :(

Dana said...

Jeff B, it was definitely a confirming moment for me!

Bond, I have learned that a really good indicator of the quality of a person is how they treat "strangers" ... and how they comment on blogs *wink*

Christine, actually 8 and 9 aren't related - thank goodness - or I'd likely be in jail!

Dana said...

Osbasso, take the path of least resistance! Actually, none of these are directed at a single blogger. I couldn't do that to all of you!

Nolens Volens, I try to be polite and understanding and will make my satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) known with the tip that I leave.

Bina, I'm telling you, I don't handle disrespect very well.

Dana said...

Baseball Mom, come on! Steal it! You'll be amazed at how easy it all flows!

Lu', I think there is a polite way to insist upon a pause, and MANY ways to put people on the defensive. I often get this when there is a TV program on. Hello? We have a DVR - hit the damned rewind button if your life will be forever altered if you don't see that part of Borne Identity for the 1,728th time!

Biscuit said...

I would love to do this, but I am so transparent, even in writing, that I'm afraid the "recipients" would recognize themselves. But, damn, that must feel *really* good!

rockman said...

Sounds like being self-absorbed and pretentious is a serious character flaw with them. That is always a red flag for me.

Enjoy your vacation and don't think about it, other than to do some serious soul searching to decide your future.