22 December 2008

Interview Questions


As I mentioned Saturday, Karen - who writes Smiling Through It All - offered to write five interview questions for any of her reader's who were foolish daring enough to to ask, and I asked! Karen did a great job and came up with some tough questions.


1. While you were in the military did you experience any discrimination or harassment due to your gender? Or did you get any benefits or perks by way of being a woman?

I definitely experienced some harassment, but never any perks (other than not having to do as many push-ups as my male counterparts to pass a PT test)!

When I was stationed at Ft. Meade, I had a 1SG (that's First Sergent for you civilian types) who frequently made comments that would certainly be considered sexual harassment. The one that stands out most in my mind was the time he said, "You could be more than just a soldier to me" which was said during discussions regarding reenlistment. That wasn't the first such comment he made, nor was it the last, but it was the one that creeped me out the most. He was quite good at insuring there were no witnesses to these comments so that if I took it up the chain of command it would be his word against mine. I tolerated it, and tried to stay away from him as much as possible.

2. This week you talked a bit about the troubles Cam is going through. I want to know what Cam does that makes you proud?

This is a difficult question only because there is so much about him that makes me proud. He is amazingly creative and his imagination and talent are far beyond my grasp. Just one example of this is Cam's amazing affinity for music. He taught himself to play piano (he actually plays several classical pieces by ear) and continues to spend hours at the keyboard attempting to conquer the next composition. Last week, he was given a guitar (from his school principal of all people) and has already taught himself three songs over the weekend.

Aside from his creative nature, his nurturing personality is the other thing I am most proud of. Cam is (generally) a gentle giant. He sticks up for the underdog and has an amazing rapport with young children. In fact, the recent pissing/alpha male incident was the result of Cam seeking "justice" for someone who was being bullied and who Cam felt couldn't stick up for himself.

3. It is my understanding that you made a long move to marry to your husband. How did you two meet?

Husband and I have one of those "just missed" histories that actually started in the early 80's when I moved to the San Diego area and lived in a condo that backed up to his home. We both remember seeing each other around town, but we never formally met.

He and I ended up joining the Army at about the same time (1989 - he enlisted in San Diego, I was back in Washington State and enlisted there). We actually both attended AIT at Fort Sam Houston (TX) at the same time and our morning and evening formations were right next to each other. Again, we both remember the other from casual interactions, but never met formally.

Another 3 years passed and we both ended up at Ft. Detrick (MD). My roommate told me there was someone I must meet and introduced us. We became friends, and eventually "friends with benefits". This was just a few years after my husband's suicide, and I had no interest in making any kind of commitment, so this arrangement worked well for me. Husband, on the other hand, had just turned 30 and was looking for a wife, and to start a family. He went home on leave one weekend and came back engaged to the woman who would eventually become his first wife.

Husband and I remained friends and stayed in touch even after we both left the Army. Little know fact, Cam and my step-daughter were actually born in the same hospital (14 months apart). Anyway, when the company I was working for in Maryland was bought out by a large corporation, and I was required to relocate to the Midwest, I knew he was the only friend I would leave behind that I would truly miss.

After my move, we lost touch. On a whim, about 5 years later, I did an internet search trying to track him down and found his father. I emailed his father who gave me contact information for husband, but I never had the courage to contact him. I did find out that he and his wife had moved to the Chicago area though - just a 5 hour drive from where I was.

Months later, while visiting a friend in Chicago, curiosity got the best of me. I loved husband (as a friend) and really wanted to see him again. We met up for a few hours and the sparks flew. He and his wife had separated and I was not attached. We rekindled the romance and began long-distance dating.

After about a year of the long-distance thing we decided it was time to make things more permanent. I sold my home and moved Cam and I out to the Chicago area. We moved in with husband and 2-1/2 years later we were married. I started blogging about 18 months after we were married, which means y'all have spent about half of my marriage with me.

4. This may sound cheesy, but you are one of my "blogging heroes". I admire your openness and honesty and ability to state a differing opinion so gracefully. Who are are your blogging heroes and why?

Wow! This one really caught me off guard. Honestly made me question Karen's sanity for a moment!

Blogging Heroes huh? I'm going to go ahead and answer this although it has all of the makings of one of those questions where someone will feel bad because they weren't included, but you caught me on a good day - one where being politically correct isn't at the top of my list.

The bottom line? Every blog I read I read because there is something I find "heroic" about the blogger or their blog. I don't read out of obligation, although that is usually how I find new blogs to read. Someone new will stop by and leave a comment which always elicits a visit and often ends up as an addition to my reader. Maybe I did get a little politically correct there, but it's all true!

Let me start with Jay at Cynical Bastard. He writes in a way that makes me want to sit down and have dinner and a beer with him (in fact sometimes I do just that - cyberly of course). He is intelligent, spunky, funny and one of the sweetest bloggers I "know." He is a good guy and gives me faith that there are still good guys out there!

Jeff B at A Word In Edgewise is on my list too. He's there for his wonderful fictional writing, but also for taking on a project that another blogger started, then bailed on, that encourages fictional writing. I admire anyone who can put together a good piece of fiction and the fact that he encourages others just adds to his appeal.

Then there is Lynn at Real Live Lesbian. Her posts are often thought provoking and always from the heart. She writes things that make me stop and consider why I see the world in the way that I do, and that maybe there is another view I should take a look at. She has been an AMAZING support for me from the early days of my blogging. I admire, respect and love her as a blogger and as a friend.

5. Are you making a New Year's Resolution?

I don't usually make standard New Year's Resolutions (those where a new behavior starts on January 1st). I prefer to look at annual goals this time of year (yeah, I know, semantics) - things that I plan on achieving, but that require multiple steps. My focus this year is to provide an emotionally healthy home for Cam and I. As easy as this sounds, it really will be one of the toughest goals I've taken on in quite some time.


So, are there any of you out there who are foolish daring enough to challenge me to interview you? Leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do!



Anonymous said...

Great questions and great answers...I appreciate that you

That is great about Cam's interest and gifts regarding music. Hopefully he will keep up that passion.

M said...

Loved the questions and the answers.

I read Jay daily and wholeheartedly agree on him. I'll have to check out the other two today!

Have a great week!

Biscuit said...

ow I have to check out the other two bloggers. Already well acquainted with the lovely RLL. :)

Karen did an awesome job of thinking up questions that allowed us to see more of you. For those of us who put it all out there, that's a hard thing to do. I'm certainly game enough to answer questions, I'm just not sure what someone would want to know that I haven't already said.

Karen said...

Thanks for answering my questions! You did a great job.

The story of you and Husband is so interesting. What long history and crazy path to get together.

I love that Cam has passion for the underdog. Kids are too often worried about being cool to care aobut others.

And I agree about Jay and Lynn. They are among my favorites too.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Awww...I heart you, too!

If you decide to have a beer with Jay, you've gotta call me! As for Jeff B, he's got a book in him somewhere. And I'll be first in line to read it!

I love your answer about Cam. He sounds like such a sweetheart.

Ok, you caught me on a good day....I'll bite...ask away. But it'll be after the holidays when I answer. We're headed to Michigan on Christmas Day to visit the in-laws. Here's hoping we can find a way to sleep in the same bed! ;)

Unknown said...

Dana, those are insightful questions and your answers are excellent!

Christmas blessings, my friend!

Nolens Volens said...

Think you could interview a "ghost" like me who doesn't reveal much about himself? ;) I had a nice & leisurely read - thanks for that.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Excellent questions and great answers.

I might be convinced to be interviewed...by one of MY blog heroes

Dana said...

Breve, I know that for me, growing up in a similarly dysfunctional family, music saved my life (literally). I hope it is a place of sanity for Cam.

M, Jay is a sweetheart - he'll make someone a wonderful husband some day! Jeff B and RLL are fabulous too and definitely worth reading!

Biscuit, I like it when I am able to pass on great bloggers to others! I'll be working on your questions over the next few days *wink*

Dana said...

Karen, the story of husband and I is a crazy one and, unfortunately, continues to be crazy in other ways. Thank you for providing some AMAZING questions!

RLL, or maybe I'll fly down your way and we'll call Jay to come up! Good luck on the sleeping arrangements and have a safe holiday. I'll have something waiting for you when you get back!

Nick, thanks for stopping by! Merry Christmas to you too!

Dana said...

Nolens Volens, you might be a bit difficult to interview due to the relative anonymity of your blog persona, but I could try!

Bond, I'll have to see if I can get Matt-Man to interview you then *wink*

Anonymous said...

*raises hand* Do me! I could use some thought provoking questions myself.

Your answers were interesting and I had actually wondered how you met your husband.

boo said...

Fabulous! I knew some of the basics of how you met your hubby, but wow! Karen did a great job coming up with your questions. Cam sounds like quite the magical young soul. I see nothing but good things for him in all his future endeavors.

I'd put my little hand in the air and say, "Oh do me, do me!" but it seems as though you have plenty of volunteers. Oh to hell with it, I've always wanted to shout "Do me!" at you anyway... *wink*

captain corky said...

I enjoyed reading about Cam and he sounds like the kind of kid I would have hung out.

Jay said...

Wow! Great questions AND answers.

And thanks for saying such nice things about me. Now I feel all warm and tingly inside. You rock! ;-)

Nolens Volens said...

Then you are more than welcome to try. Like I said, I don't try to be enigmatic...it's just that people make me out to be one. They just didn't TRY to know me...

we're doomed said...

I found your answers very interesting. I hope Cam continues to make music one of his passions. Cam is a good boy who deserves good teachers.

Lu' said...

Brava Dana :) I am tempted to allow an interview but wont allow that breach. Who would care anyway.

Nicey said...

Fab story about how you met your husband I also love hearing about cam he sounds a real gem !
Happy Xmas,

Schmoop said...

Did you ever "do it" in a foxhole? Cause' to me that sounds really hot. cheers Dana!!

Jeff B said...

Great responses! The whole time reading about how you met your husband, I kept thinking, "I hope they can rekindle that romance once again."

Wow, like Jay said, I feel all warm and tingly inside now. Thanks for being a valued friend, it really means a lot to me.