10 December 2008

HNT - Snow!


It may not officially be winter, but here in the Midwest we've had a recent dose of what sure looks like - and feels like - winter. It is beautiful, but does require a bit of labor. With a rather large driveway, there is plenty of shoveling to be done - a chore that I actually enjoy. I find a great deal of peace in the process and feel a huge sense of accomplishment when it is finished, but one must be careful as overheating is a real concern. They say layers are the key - I disagree!





Betty Rocket said...

Snow shovel bewbage!


Happy HNT!

Schmoop said...

Ha. Nice job, Dana. Love your snowballs. Cheers Sexy!!

Anonymous said...

OH, that has to be cold....I hope the neighbors got a good look!

boo said...

*shiver* Dana, just looking at that makes my nips into little rock hard ice cubes begging for warmth, and not in the good way! You're a crazy woman... and you're more than welcome to the cold, wet, white stuff. Give me a roaring fire and a book, please. Beautifully done, as usual. ^_^

Evening said...

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas and your brighten the season.

Trée said...

Nice. :-)

Hubman said...

Oh, you're brave...

ASM has dared me to make nekkid snow angels when we get our first real snow fall. I don't THINK so!

Happy HNT!

Julie said...

ohhhh chilly.....

d2b said...

Ough, Even I think it looks a little bit chilly, but I like the view ;)

Happy HNT!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome pic!!!!
love it

Jay said...

Great pic, but don't get frost bite anywhere important!! ;-)

Average Chick said...

How creative!!! I wish I had someone like you shoveling in my neighborhood!


Vixen said...

Beautiful first shot. Great angle for the 2nd!!! :)

Yesterday's Lineage said...

hehehe,,, now that is brave,, baring the boobs while shovelin!

Cool Pic!

and the first picture, absolutely beautiful!


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

*Shiver* I hope the exposure was only temporary (despite the loveliness). One would hate to get frostbitten nipples. ;)

MarcelloNYC said...

We will have some snow this weekend!


13messages said...

Oh my goodness. :)

To paraphrase Steve Martin in My Blue Heaven, "You're so hot, you could melt all this snow."

Adam Apple said...

Careful you don't catch cold. Although, if you did, I'm sure I could find a way to warm you up again.

Happy HNT!

Pronto said...


hot, cold, hot, cold.....



figleaf said...

I'm afraid if I say anything at all it'll include something about a nip in the air. Aww dang it, see? :-)

Happy HNT, Dana,


Ashly Star said...

I love both pictures! They're both so beautiful. ;) Happy HNT!

Nicey said...

Now that is the best HNT that I have seen from you, but then again I am Boobs man !!
Stay safe, laters


Annoymous said...

Completely snowless here all year round.

Anonymous said...

Now! That is an orginal display of cleavage....I wish I would see that as I shovel snow here..

Another Suburban Mom said...

Mmmmm can I make you some hot cocoa?

Mike said...

Oh my, what a delightfull view! I hope it wasn`t too cold hehe
A very HHNT

Dana said...

Betty, creative shoveling does make the chore a bit more enjoyable!

Matt-Man, fortunately, my snowballs thawed out quickly when I went inside!

Breve, it was 8 degrees while I was shoveling!

Dana said...

Boo, the cold, wet, white stuff will be with us for the next 4 months or so!

Evening, it's amazing what a coating of snow can do for the holiday mood!

Trée, good to see you!

Dana said...

Hubman, I actually wanted to do the nekkid snow angel, but couldn't figure out how to make that happen in my very public front yard!

BBG, not too bad!

d2b, it's amazing how warm one can become when exercising half-nekkid!

Brandi said...

Good to see that you're properly attired for shoveling snow. ;)

Dana said...

SS, sing with me ... "Oh the weather outside is frightful ..."

Jay, frostbitten nipples might be a little difficult to explain!

Average, I'm available for hire ... shoveling snow you silly!

Dana said...

Vixen, the snow really is pretty, but requires constant maintenance!

~c, Cool pic *gigglesnort*

Ms. I, I went inside and quickly warmed the exposed areas! All is well!!

Jennybean said...

looks a tit bit nippley....


Anonymous said...

Brrrr....I was cold till I clicked on the pic. Now..not so much!


g-man said...



Lu' said...

Hmm Redhood. Would those be snow cones? HA!

Pepper said...

Enjoy shoveling? After living in Cleveland for two winters, I can safely say I HATE shoveling.

buffalodick said...

I bet you could have put an eye out with your nipples!

Real Live Lesbian said...

And I was betting on a hot body steaming in the snow!

Great shot!

An Artist Exposed said...

Wonderful click-through - I diodn't see that one coming.HHNT!

rage said...

Wow, great shot! Both of them, but you might want to cover up those beautiful breasts before they get too cold! Brrr!

Happy HNT!

Lapis Ruber said...

Now if I aim very carefully I could just get a snowball on target :-) Happy HNT.

Anndi said...

Wanna come shovel here, too? I'll have some hot cocoa and marshmallows for you.. and if any drips, well... ;)

White Light said...

oh how I miss snow! the closest thing we can get is artificial snow, or if I stick my head in the freezer ;-)

Great pic, love how the color red contrasts so well with your , ehem, assets ;-)

Happy HNT!!

M said...

Oh I love that one!! You're always so stinkin creative :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Standing ovation!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Good job, Dana!

Anonymous said...

And I sit here amazed at how you get these shots!

Jeff B said...

Frosty has nothing on you!

Unknown said...

Wow! Very sexy, indeed!

JW said...

I love that first photo but the click-through ... hmmm ... just be careful you don't get frostbite!

Happy HNT :)

~d said...

YES INDEED, Sister!!
I live (sort of) in New Orleans-ish, and we got out first snow TODAY! OMG!
I love BOTH of your pics!!

HS said...

WOW I really like this!! Very sneaky too ;)

Christo Gonzales said...

I am so glad we buried the hatchet....now if I could only find my snow shovel.........

Dana said...

Marcello, let it snow!

13, I wish it were that easy to get rid of the snow!

Adam, I was in need of a little warming after that!

Dana said...

Pronto, *gigglesnort*

Figleaf, there were a couple of nips in the air!

Amorous, thank you!

Dana said...

Nicey, it was fun to do too!

Harmony, no photo opps for you!

Kannon7, you don't live next door to me, do you?

Dana said...

ASM, yes please!! Brrrrrr!

Mike, it was 12 degrees, plus a bit of a wind chill!

NY Diva, I'm wondering if my neighbors feel it's appropriate attire?

Dana said...

Jennybean, it was a bit nippley!

SwingerWife, it's amazing how a little skin can warm things up, isn't it?

g-man, burrrr would be appropriate!

Dana said...

Lu, vanilla snow cones!

S & P, I spent 5 years in MN and am working on my 5th IL winter, and I still love shoveling!

Buff, I think I could have put more than an eye out!

Dana said...

RLL, I thought about it, but couldn't figure out how to pull that one off!

Artist, good! I caught you off guard!

Rage, I'm thinking I can find someone to help me warm them ... maybe ...

Dana said...

Lapis, now that would be frigid ... and mean!

Anndi, sure! I just need to head north, right?

Lucia, we've got a guest room, and about 4 more months of the white stuff!

Dana said...

M, I have had fun with the creative side of HNT!

Bond, you make me smile!

FF, another "gotcha" moment?

Dana said...

Flyinfox, a big pair of gonads??

Jeff, except that carrot nose!

Bina, sexy in the snow??

Dana said...

Ro, I promise to keep exposure time to a minimum.

~d, thank you!

Hetero, I've got a sneaky side!

Dana said...

Doggy, I'm glad we did too! I think I left your shovel outside the back door!

Alfro said...

let it snow,
let it snow,
let it snow....

I'll be out with my shovel shortly.

Brian Gardes said...

If we get more shots like this, then "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

Biscuit said...

Gosh, I wish I lived next door. :)

BTExpress said...

I love a good down blouse shot.