10 March 2009

TMI Tuesday #177


I'm indulging myself in frivolous mind candy today and participating in TMI Tuesday. It's rainy here and my brain feels a bit rusted.

TMI Tuesday

1. Are you pro-marriage? Why or why not?

I am pro-healthy relationships and pro-realistic decision to marry.

I don't believe that marriage it is the only way to secure a committed, long-term relationship, and I don't believe that a committed, long-term relationship is the best place for everyone. I've also known far to many people who have gotten married (me included) who had absolutely no realistic expectation of what marriage would be, nor did they have the commitment to stick with it when the going got tough. Marriage isn't immediate gratification, nor is it the "prize", but rather it is the beginning of many, many years of hard - sometimes overwhelming - work.

2. Have you ever invented or thought you invented a sexual position?

Let's see ... people have been having sex for thousands of years and I think I've come up with something new? I don't think so, although I've certainly given it my best shot at times.

3. Do you like to be tied up? Always or sometimes?

I like a busy schedule most days, but like my time to relax too.

Ohhhh ... You were asking about being tied up during sex? Honestly, I don't know! No one has ever gone there with me!

4. Do you consider online cybering adultery?

For the sake of clarification, I'll assume "online cybering" means engaging in sexual discussions, performing sexual acts via webcam, etc. for someone other than one's spouse/significant other.

I'm going to play with semantics here. My personal definition of adultery is extramarital, physical sex. Physically, cybering isn't adultery, the real question is, is it emotional adultery?

I would say that emotional adultery is what we commonly call infidelity, or the violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of the primary, committed relationship (physical or emotional). I think "online cybering" falls into that latter category.

5. Do you prefer masturbation over real sex?

You're kidding, right?

6. Do you want sex more times a day than your partner?

I want sex more times per day, more times per week, more times per month, more times per year, more times per decade ... are you noticing a pattern here?

7. Do you get offended when you partner openly flirts with others or are you okay with it?

Husband is an extremely outgoing person - friendly with everyone. He's not inappropriate with his attention to other women so I feel no threat at all.

8. Do you think you're flirty by nature?

GAHHH ... no! I might be flirty on this blog on occasion, and in my comments, but in real life? I don't have the self-confidence to pull off flirty.



Pops G said...

Great answer for number 3...good laugh to start the day!

Professor Fate said...

You nailed #4.

Happy TMI

Unknown said...

Wow. I love your comments to #1 and #4. I wish my husband realized that marriage is HARD work, instead of when the going gets tough his first quesiton is "do you want a divorce?" Makes me feel like HE wants one but is waiting for me to say it first.

buffalodick said...

Wow. Interesting questions, and answers! If anyone has invented a new sexual position, it would have to be a professional contortionist!

Jay said...

Cybering is definitely emotional cheating. Is that as bad as physically cheating? Well, that's open to discussion.

Vixen said...

Love your #1 :) Very well put.

Interesting take on #4, I agree with your classifications. What you said makes sense. I think I was taking it for a more literal blanket sense of "cheating".


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Cybering is like interactive pornography. Is it cheating to read Hustler or Playboy or Playmate?

Is is cheating to watch a porno by yourself?

These are the questions I have always asked about that whole cyber-sex thing going on out there.

Jormengrund said...

Good answers Dana..

You've given me some things to think over considering semantics...

My expressions LIVE said...

Very good answers, as a fellow Illinoinan...I will be back..xoxoxo..Love your blog!

Dana said...

Pops G, I like to make people laugh, and I like to answer a TMI question quite unexpectedly!

Fate, #4 is a bit wishy-washy, but I do think there is a distinct difference between adultery and infidelity.

Bina, I've got one of those too - that threatens divorce. The last time he did that he shut up real quick when I said, "Yeah ... that might not be a bad idea."

Dana said...

Buff, you just never know what you'll get on TMI Tuesday!

Jay, you know, sometimes I think - especially for women - emotional cheating is FAR more dangerous.

Vixen, I would agree that adultery and infidelity are both "cheating"

Dana said...

Vinny, Ohhhhh! I might have to use those examples in a future post! Can I?? Can I?? Those are excellent questions!

Jorm, good to see you back out here! I get kind of crazy with semantics sometimes, not that either one (adultery or infidelity) is better/worse.

Expressions, thanks for stopping by! I've added you to my reader and am enjoying your blog as well!

M said...

Very good answers. Yours are always so well thought out it seems. I throw down the first thing that comes to mind.

Biscuit said...

Regarding what Bond said...one point of clarification that many of us have missed is the one between cybering with *one* partner over a period of time, and doing it with several partners with whom you have no relationship outside of the experience, and to whom you have no emotional attachment. I doubt anyone gets emotionally attached to a picture in Penthouse.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Interesting stuff, Dana.

Does anybody prefer masturbation over real sex?