10 February 2009

TMI Tuesday #173


Welcome to Dana's blog of memes *rolls eyes* Yeah ... I know ... I've been a little lame as of late. I blame it on playing with Biscuit (but it was so much fun)! I'm kidding ... it's Vinny's fault! The good news is there has been a meme intervention. Jay was so worried about my lack of content that he bombarded me with blogworthy news bits in hopes he's be able to pull me from the depths of meme hell, but I needed just one more fix. So dear readers, I bring you ...

TMI Tuesday

1. What do you think is the un-sexiest part of the body?

An enlarged ego. Bigotry. Selfishness. What? You thought I'd say knees, or feet, or armpits? Nah ... every physical aspect has the potential to be sexy, it's the heart and mind that can be the most unattractive.

2. Toilet paper: over, under, or what the hell are you talking about?

Under generally - the kitten has a more difficult time unrolling -and subsequently eating - the toilet paper that is under. When company comes, over - it looks more appealing. SHUUUSH! Yes, I do know how anal it is to change over my toilet paper for guests. But it's not like I have any other quirks.

3. Have you ever called in sick to stay in bed with a sexual partner?

You mean have I ever had some sort of 24 hours flu bug at the same time as my significant other that miraculously cleared up within minutes of calling in sick? Maybe ...

4. Did your parents have a "birds & bees" talk with you? Id so, at what age?

My parents never did the official "birds & bees" talk, but if you read yesterday's meme, you'll know that I did quite a bit of independent study. What's funny is that I knew far more about the mechanics of the actual sex act (although I honestly thought I had "broken" something the first time I had an orgasm) but knew very little about foreplay. First orgasm at 10 - first french kiss at 15 - and the french kiss was scarier!

5. What is one thing a someone could do to you to rock your world?

Love me unconditionally. Help me overcome my fear that the minute someone says they love me, they are really on their way out the door.

Bonus (as in optional):What does sex mean to you?

Ahhh ... sex ...

It has meant so many things at so many different times. Currently, I battle primarily with two meanings. One, purely physical - exertion until I am spent - basking in the pure pleasure of the orgasmic release. The other? A little more complex (and currently missing) - sharing a level of closeness beyond words.



Nolens Volens said...

I never had the "birds & bees" talk either. In fact, I remember embarrassing the hell out of my teacher when she tried to teach us sex education and she tried to explain what "semen" was. I asked if what I peed clear was semen or not. Poor lady, she couldn't explain more because we were 12-14 years old. LOL

Ashly Star said...

I never had the birds and bees talk either. I don't mention that in my sex meme answers today but I talk a little of things I did my own independent research on too, lol. I feel like search a nerd for admitting to researching sex but oh well. =)

I love your #1 answer. I agree completely too.

I love your answer for #5 too. I hope you overcome that fear one day.

Happy Tuesday.

Unknown said...

I love your answer to #1 and #5. That fits me perfectly.

And hell, my mother slapped me when I asked her what "menstruation" meant. She had to sign a piece of paper saying I could go to the "talk" in 6th grade. She said to never, EVER say that out loud again.

buffalodick said...

Some memes are interesting- most are definitely geared to a woman, and most participants are women. No critism here, but some start to look very much like another....

Anonymous said...

I like your answer to the bonus question....I struggled answering it. I found I was writing a dissertation, so I decided to just delete my answer....you summed up what I was trying to say in 3 pages!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bina's comment reminded me of my mother...

I asked her what a "period" was....she said "a dot at the end of a sentence."

Later I asked what an orgasm was...her answer, "I have no idea."


Real Live Lesbian said...

I learned all of my lessons from a book, too. Sometimes it pays to be a book nerd! LOL

Jay said...

What is this "birds and bees" talk that people speak of? These talks don't take place in dysfunctional households. haha ;-)

Another Suburban Mom said...

I love your answer to the bonus. #5 makes me sad, everyone should have that type of love in their lives.

Schmoop said...

I agree with all of your unsexiest things, and would like to add, jealousy. Man, that just burns me up and turns me off. Cheers!!

Vixen said...

Oooo....good answer to #1! That never even occurred to me to answer *that* way. You're so much smarter than me! LOL

Anonymous said...

"independent study" haaaaaaa
that made me giggle...that and wondering you opted for portfolio assessement on that particular course or what...heehee

katherine. said...

you are so right! it doesn't matter how good looking someone is...if they are a jerk they are not sexy.

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I had the exact same thought with my first orgasm. I very much thought that something had broken. It was kinda...scary in a way.

Dana said...

NV, there was very little discussion about these things back in the day.

Amorous, physical appearance - as long as personal hygiene is there - is the least of my concerns!

Bina, shame on you for asking about normal body functions! What were you thinking??

Dana said...

Buff, I've been a bit meme heavy these days, but some times it's just like that!

Breve, you gotta love mother's, but I feel a bit sorry for yours *wink*

RLL, books are usually good for answers when adults are too embarrassed to talk!

Dana said...

Jay, I think it has something to do with geese and pollination, but I'm not sure ...

ASM, everyone should, but I'm not so sure most people do!

Matt-Man, oh yes! How did I forget jealousy?!

Dana said...

Vixen, I'm just creative - or a pain in the ass - one of the two for sure!

Hope, the good news is that I passed the course with flying colors!

Kat, sexy has far more to do with attitude and heart than it does with hair color and height!

Dana said...

Ms. I, I vividly remember thinking, "OH.MY.GOD! What have I done and how am I going to explain it?!"

Biscuit said...

Um...girlies...usually it *hurts* when you break something? Sheesh. ;)

Moosekahl said...

I'm with you on the under...cats can't get as good of a start on the roll if it's under! Os has it all wrong ;)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

sigh...even when I am traveling it is MY fault....

OVER...always OVER....