25 February 2009

Wednesday Weirdness


I just couldn't get excited about TMI Tuesday yesterday - seemed my focus needed to change a bit - but Wednesday Weirdness sure looked fun today! Here we go!

1.) You're on a trip taking a tour through the jungle. You have a backpack with some food, some first aid supplies, a pocket knife, a flashlight and a couple bottles of water. Some how, you get separated from your group. By night fall you haven't found your group and haven't heard them looking for you. How long do you think you would be able to survive on your own?

You know, in addition to being a trained killer, I'm a trained survivalist too. The Army was good for me *wink* Assuming I can find a fresh water source and shelter from extreme weather (or at least supplies to build a shelter), I'm good for the long run. In fact, I might enjoy the solitude so much that I decide to stay "separated"!

2.) Do you think it's okay to lie to spare some one's feelings? Why?

GAHHH! This is such a difficult question. The problem is that is isn't clear cut. "Do I look fat in this?" can be answered in an honest, yet caring way (i.e., "You know, that blue dress is my absolute favorite. Would you wear that for me?"). I think many times people claim they are lying to spare some one's feelings when in reality, they are lying to spare there own fear of confrontation.

3.) If a talking Dana doll were made, what are THREE phrases it would say?


"Is your homework done?"

"May I please have a Large Skim Latte, no foam with an extra shot?"

4.) If the super power to be able to read minds at your own will were possible, do you think it would be... cool and helpful, intrusive and wrong, manipulative or maddening? Explain why you would or wouldn't want to be able to read any one's mind at your own will.

All of the above? There are times when it would be all of those things.

Cool and helpful - Imagine knowing that someone loved/cared for you without them ever having to say a word.

Intrusive and wrong - You just learned that your significant other has been planning a surprise party for your 30th birthday which includes a trip to Napa Valley.

Manipulative and maddening - Your best friend is in an abusive relationship but isn't telling anyone.

Nope! Not interested in that superpower at all.

5.) Drunk confessions, are they the things people can't bring themselves to say sober or just crazy ramblings of an influenced and intoxicated mind?

They are fleeting thoughts, dangerously magnified by the alcohol and then verbalized, only to be forgotten - or worse yet - remembered - with the return of sobriety.

6.) What brings out the worst in you?

Honestly, I don't really have a "bad" side. I don't keep score. I don't harbor grudges. I don't yell and scream. I (usually) handle conflict and confrontation in a logical and well thought out way. In fact, people are often frustrated because it's difficult to push my buttons ... unless you are leaving anonymous or "nasty" comments on my blog *gigglesnort*

7.) Do you think long distance relationships work? Have you ever been in one before?

If we are talking about romantic relationships, yes, they can work, but I think they are very different than "traditional" relationships and require far more work. I've seen them be most successful when there is a solid, "local" relationship established before hand, and when the distance is temporary. Long distance friendships? They also take a lot of maintenance, but I think have the potential to be more successful as well.



Ashly Star said...

Yay for the Army. =D

I love the last sentence in your answer for 2. That got my mind pumping.

Love all your answers, as always. You're an awesome lady.

Happy Wednesday.

Hubman said...

A trained killer? Oh, a badass.. *wink*

[I liked your comment on ASMs blog, btw. Thanks!]

Real Live Lesbian said...

If I'm ever out in the woods and YOU get separated from us...

I'm ditching THEM and looking for YOU! ;)

Yeah, you are a badass.

M said...

I like your answer to #2, it is probably my own fear of confrontation that makes me spare feelings.

Unknown said...

#2? Yea, that's a hard one for me. VERY hard, and it all depends on the situation, my mood, and so many other things. There are things I just wish people ask me AT ALL!

Jay said...

If I'm ever out in the woods with you, it would probably be my plan for you and me to get lost together. ;-)

I think that whatever a person tells you while they are drunk is probably what they really think.

Being able to hear people's thoughts, like Anna Paquin's character in "True Blood" would be kinda cool. Especially at the poker table.

M said...

I wouldn't want to have the ability to read minds either.

Good answers!

Dana said...

Amorous, I've always thought the excuse of lying to not hurt someone else's feelings was questionable.

Hubman, well some of us were in the real Army *wink*

RLL, if you hang out with the fingernail polish chicks you'll be in big trouble.

Lu' said...

3. Crap crapin crap crapper.
Dessert? Why certainly.
Leave me alone I am blogging.

Karen said...

Great answers. I'd be dead in 15 minutes in the jungle. And I have always liked long distance relationships to a certain extent. You have to go out of your way to make things special and really appreciate what time you do get together. Making that work means something.

Biscuit said...

I say those first two phrases all the time, too! Just add "It's around here somewhere..." to the end of the list for me.

Dana said...

M, the real question is which is more important to you? Sparing another's feelings, or avoiding confrontation?

Bina, I think generally women have a far more difficult time with that.

Jay, come on! Let's get lost!!

Dana said...

Emmy, a lot of people said they'd want that superpower, but I'm definitely not one of them!

Lu, *gigglesnort*

Karen, I bet you'd last at least 20 minutes in the jungle!

Adam Apple said...

I'm with you on #1. Once I got myself established, I may never want to be found. However I may make an exception, depending on who was looking for me ;)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Female Trained Killers are Sexy!

Vixen said...

#5 Yeah the worst is when you DON'T remember but the person(s) you were with DO and *remind* you.....DOH.

Vixen said...
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