My 7th grade step-daughter's report card came in the mail this week. She received 1-B, 1-B-, 2-C+'s, 1-C-, 2 D+'s and an F (1.75 GPA). She has always been an A/B student. Husband did not share her report card with me (I snooped), likely because he was humbled (?) by the fact that, for the past 5 years, he has preached to both Cam and me on the virtues of step-daughter as a student - frequently telling Cam he should be more like her. Although I am concerned about the sudden change in her school performance, I also feel vindicated. Reality is that she is human, fragile and capable of the same behaviors and performance as Cam.
When a kid's grades drop that much in one marking period, something is amiss... Any changes you've noticed in last couple of months?
Buff, let's see ... first boyfriend mean anything to you? Actually, she gets one grading term to "fix" this or she'll be moving from the posh city life to "Green Acres" where she'll be parented a bit more.
I hope step daughter feels she has underachieved; if not than this could be a distrubing trend. Summer school?
Kannon7, her mother has her enrolled in several "artsy" classes the summer - dance, building a bird house - husband did call and left a message for her suggesting math and science (2 of her D grades) might be a better option!
Ryno had a similar falling off. And I know the reasons why. In your situation, I understand the feelings of vindication. Cheers Dana!!
7th grade is also when my grades started to suffer.... boys played a big role in that. :)
Matt-Man, what's unfortunate about this situation is that the person who *should* be concerned (her mother) isn't. And yes, I feel a bit guilty regarding the vindication ...
Leighann, boys and a group of friends with even less supervision than she has have played a HUGE role in this.
I read your blog from time to time and I am a bit shocked at several things; your attitude towards your husband (why bother being married?) and the amount of personal information about your family that you include in the same blog where you show your half naked body. I simply do not understand. In the case of your step daughter perhaps you might be a bit more concerned and get to the root of her problems instead od feeling vindicated. With all the stress your describe in your home it's a wonder she did as well as she did.
Anon, and I am always "shocked" at how easy it is for people to hide behind anonymity - feeling free to pass judgment without revealing a thing about themselves - and that people continue to read blogs (26 minutes you spent here) they find disturbing. *shrugs*
Clearly you don't "get" HNT - my guess is you feel nekkidness is "pornographic" - nor did you bother to fully read my Sunday secret or you would have noticed that part where I said, "Although I am concerned about the sudden change in her school performance ..." I will continue to do everything within my power to support the success of my son AND my step-daughter. Unfortunately, I have very little input into my step-daughter's schooling - she has two parents who are ultimately responsible for that.
whatever the reason and whatever excuses she will make if she makes any make no difference the grades are the grades and they need improvement - if a little thing like a boyfriend is so distracting imagine the rest of things life has to offer....
26 minutes...did you manage to get their location....
DB, as we tell all of the kids, her job is to do her best in school - everything else she does/has is negotiable!
Actually, they managed 39 minutes and looked at every one of those "shocking" nekkid pics. I'm fairly certain I know exactly who this is and may decide to take that veil of anonymity away from them!
Kids always have their ups and downs, unless they're consistently average like me. ;-)
But that's a pretty dramatic drop off. Sounds like it's gonna be as hard to get through to her mother as her though. That's when it really gets to be a problem.
Oh and Hey Anonymous! Did you leave that dumb-ass comment before or after you wanked off to Dana's pics? Go be a pathetic loser somewhere else coward.
Same thing happened to me in high school when I really got into girls and rock n roll. Nobody wants to be like me...straighten this kid up! LOL!
Have a great week!
Seems that there is a problem there with step-daughter. I wish you all luck in getting that straightened out. Her mom is an idiot for not being concerned and I think it is natural that you feel vindicated.
I wanted to say something about Anon's comment, but I can't find better words than Jay did.
As a step-parent all you can do is offer support. But yeah, boys had an impact in my grades too. Luckily my mother reminded me that if I stayed on that course there would be consequences... here's hoping the girl's mother realizes this and steers her daughter in the right direction.
As for your response to anonymous... well said. Let's out the coward.
Jay, I *heart* you!!
RD, now I'm REALLY scared - a daughter like you?!
Karen, I have considered disabling anonymous comments, however I'm not one who takes "censorship" lightly. I do find it amusing that anonymous commentors feel they are invisible - I do know who this person is and SHE should know better!
I've often wanted to comment, but have hestitated for this very reason, if we/I are not in complete agreement or a total fan- this lashing incurs. Kind of takes the real-ness out of your blog if no one is allowed to disagree or go against the majority.
Your sweet hubby should put his pride aside and help his daughter get her grades up, she sure as hell is doomed if she has to move to your happy home.
I guess I don't get HNT either, it sure borders on porn to me too, and it is sort of creepy that you mix family pictures with nudity- if I was your family, I would be royally po'd that my pictures are posted right along with your tits.
If your not a fan, or don't agree with what's being said - then just why are here? Why do you feel the need to comment in a place that obviously makes you feel uncomfortable and unwelcome? I don't understand your motivations, and you clearly don't understand hers.
Dana: I <3 you.
I wonder who it was? I don't think I've ever gotten an anon comment. LOL
You gotta love stat counters. ;)
I can totally understand why you would feel vindicated but at the same time, you do seem concerned about the step-daughter. I hope she gets back on track!
five/anon, I have a little more information available to me on the blog than I ever had on the list you first found me on. The blog is real, and you are welcome to make whatever comments you want. If that were not the case, I would have deleted your comment rather than responding to it.
I don't understand your need to be critical - as if your life is one without issues. You did this to me in one public forum - I left - and now you've followed me to another public forum. Quire frankly, it's clearly NOT me who has the issue here.
And for the record, setting up a blogger ID with ZERO information is no less cowardly than leaving a comment as anonymous. What are you afraid of?
Boo(duh), this is someone who I've had contact with in the past - someone who finds great satisfaction in attempting to make me look "bad" in public forums - so much so that she cannot seem to go away. I've attempted no contact with her, but she cannot seem to let this go and go away!
Out the bitch. Then we can all play "go get her" and find out all about her and her life. This is a dangerous little game she plays.
I doubt that I would be as tolerant as you are.
As for your step-daughter, she's lucky to have you in her life. It sounds as if you may be the only middle ground that she experiences.
I am anonymous and I've written Dana at her home email to explain my reasons for posting. It was not to be critical per se. I am not judging her HNT pictures because that's really none of my business and I did learn alot from the postings about her husband. I've known Dana for many years but learned a great about her from that. My concern is that she posts personally identifiable information about her family on the same blog with the HNT and other related discussions. That is my main issue. I think her family, at least so much as posting personally identifiable, personal information, without their permission, is concerned. It's not respectful to her family and it could be dangerous. That is what I was mainly trying to say. I admit the comment about the step daughter was unwarranted.
Howdy Dana!
My youngest also had a major drop in his grades, A- to D- in one quarter! After a small chat with his teacher, looking at his work and noticing this was a SMALL 7 week quarter with a 2 week State testing added in the mix. There is no way 5 weeks of class work should have such an impact on a 3rd graders final grade of the semester.
That being said, I won’t allow him or myself to use that as an excuse! The grading policy was a bit whacked, welcome to life! His work was a bit lacking and I know he can do better. If I allow him to be a victim now, when will it stop? NO… adapt and overcome !
One of my co-workers and fellow coaches suggested I not get so up-set and go easy on the little guy. I asked how does he feel when his team loses and blames the referees? He replied,” I wouldn’t tolerate it! You never blame a loss on a call, good or bad; maybe one less error from us would have made the difference.” I just smiled and said AMEN.
B.T.W. I still love your Half nekid Thursdays!! just to busy to post. Also enjoyed your Family Vacation pic's and stories. Thanks for being human even in your blogging;)
I remember I had a big grade drop in just one quarter and it had nothing to do with boys. I just happened to have a horrible corrupt teacher and to a kid that can cause a lot of damage. It's still a good life lesson though.
Anon- Just go away. Dana has no interest in your input and you don't understand her. The HNT is not pornographic. You sound very conservative and obviously can't relate to her. I don't understand why you bother.
I miss all the excitement. Anon needs to drink a fifth or a gallon of Wild Irish Rose and get over him or herself. Cheers Dana!!
Someone once told me when you point your finger at someone to look at your hand. You will see that there are three more fingers pointing back at yourself.
If you're the Bible type, "If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."
I applaud you Dana for not just hitting the delete button on her comment. Like you, I'm a firm believer in the first amendment. Doesn't always mean I/we agree with what is said, but it affords us the oppertunity to gather up our own soap box when the time is right.
Sounds like there is some history between the two of you, but I think you've made it pretty clear that this is not the forum where she is welcome. It's too bad that some people can't just move on.
FF, what's really kind of sad about this is that its someone I've known for 10 years - someone I've even met in real life. But someone who initially (she did send and email) felt an anonymous comment was appropriate.
Anon, I received your email. Although I appreciate your concern, I feel it is misplaced and unwelcome in this forum.
Al, I am hoping that step-daughter (and her mom) fix this quickly. There is much going on in her very young life and, unfortunately, it appears her mom may think her parenting days are finished. And thanks for the compliment *blushes*
Knight, I actually think this has far more to do with her home environment and the clear lack of supervision in the home. There is only so much we can do with only 96 hours out of every month, but we keep trying!
Matt-Man, I think it might take a little more than that!
Jeff, there is history here - 10 years of it - and it saddens me that this person has decided the best way to address this situation is through negative and condescending comments. That being said, I refuse to delete the comments, no matter how hurtful they might be.
RLL, oh the stories I could tell. It is a dangerous game, and she doesn't have the backup of the gang mentality she had in the other forum. It's unfortunate that people find it acceptable to act this way.
"Human" and "fragile" ...
This so resonates with me: son has just done his 16+ examinations, public ones that in many ways determine his future options.
He's a bright, bright kid but has never really achieved his potential to date. We now have a two-month wait for the results - neither of us will have any nails left :-S
As I named my Blog "Opinions and Rectums", You had an Opinion, and a Rectum showed up to comment...
Dana, you have so much more tact and diplomacy than I ever will. Will you mentor me? I need to learn how to tell off people w/o only using 4-letter words.
Girl, I have felt the SAME way about Chris's son Zach. So vindicated to know he is NOT The perfect child Chris thought he was.
Dana, As you know, my step-son has had some trouble of late. His grades falling were one of them and his car was taken away until they came back. It was a GIRL, the same one he snuck out to see for the ENTIRE night!
Go away Ladies, your comments are not welcomed here, as Knight put it.....You don't understand her, so we believe you don't have the right to judge her....You don't live in her home and I'm sure you don't know the Dana that we know!
I read what Anon had to say after reading your post from today. I've been away you see. Ooh do you get a little nervous knowing that she knew who you were and the length of time you spent here? Maybe you've bitten off more than you can chew and maybe you should just go away quietly and leave this lovely lady alone. That's right, lovely LADY. Dana you rock babe take strenght from knowing that!
Have you identified the love interest she’s mooning over?
Personally I love D's tits and love spending time perusing the HNT... I wish I had her balls, or at least nipples (sparkly ones at that) to do HNT myself.... alas I am not sure I feel so great about myself to put myself out there that way so easily to find (and the fact that my inlaws read my blog LOL)... D I'm sorry that people have to be so petty to launch an assault on your playground... how rude!
I will say that D is pretty guarded in her true private affairs/personal information - she takes her families safety and privacy seriously. She's never given her last name, her city, or the like. Even in her Vlog post she was well concealed (not showing street signs readable, house number, company name etc). Yes I noticed these things. I am proud of D for persueing this outlet for herself all the while still holding onto her families privacy. (does anyone else find themselves saying privacy in the "english" pronunciation...I do and it cracks me up LOL... Priv - A - Cee - LOL!)
Much love to you D - and I'm still waiting on my whino could just email it to me and I'll print it myself... I'm thinking I have the PERFECT spot in my house for it.... (um, under my pillow with my love wand)....
Oh and I forgot to address the situation at hand too (the blog post) -
My grades also fell when I discovered penis, er, I mean boys... my parents put the fear of god in me, but well, I'm not the godly type so it didn't really help, I just had to work my way through it b/c I'm stubborn and pigheaded (Imagine that shit right?)...... however, I do hope that Mom and Dad will take a more proactive approach b/c it's a slippery slope down ...that's pretty low GPA already (I'm not sure I ever got that low, even when I skipped school the majority of my junior year of high school... - apparently blow jobs go a long way... JUST KIDDING!!!!)...
Seriously though - it is good to know that she's not all dad cracks her up to be, and have proof to back it up.... consider it a guilty pleasure D
Even though it's been a month since any comments on this, I feel inclined to say something. I just discovered this blog and have been reading for an hour or so.
It seems there are many followers here, so go with the majority rules thing. You rock, Dana. I don't even use that little saying, but it just fits here. Gotta go read some more. :)
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