17 June 2008

Raw "I"'s

I saw this meme on Jay's blog Tuesday, and found it quite intriguing and insightful. I decided that if I didn't see it on 40 blogs within the following 48 hours, I'd take a stab at it. Fortunately, I didn't see it on any of the blogs I frequent and that was a good thing because I had nothing for you today!

There are a couple of things I really like about this meme (Did I just use "like" and "meme" in the same sentence?). First, there are no rules ... or at least no rules that I could find. No rules is always good because I have a tendency to ignore them and/or make up my own anyway. Second, it was fun to type in the first thing that came to mind, without regard to how it might sound or be perceived. Reading back over it, I find it a fairly good snapshot of where I am right now.

Y'all know I don't play tag, so if you're up to it, give it a shot. It goes fairly quickly and the results might just surprise you!


I am : tired ... emotionally and physically.

I think : that people are generally self-absorbed.

I know : that I am creative.

I want : to be loved without expectations.

I have : much to give the right person.

I wish : that life was as easy as I think it should be.

I hate : liars.

I miss : mountains and the ocean.

I fear : making mistakes that cannot be fixed and negatively impact others.

I feel : misunderstood.

I hear : people's feelings.

I smell : in color.

I crave : Rudy's Bar-B-Q brisket.

I search : for new ways to see "old" things.

I wonder : if most people feel the way that I do.

I regret : saying "Yes" to my husband's marriage proposal.

I love : to have the choice to be alone.

I ache : for compassion and empathy.

I am not : who many people assume I am.

I believe : that I can be successful.

I dance : by myself when drying my hair in the morning.

I sing : only if no one is listening.

I cry : more often than I laugh.

I don't always : listen to what people are saying.

I fight : fair and am frustrated when others don't.

I write : to clear my mind.

I win : whenever I set my mind to it.

I lose : myself in thought.

I never : intentionally hurt anyone, but feel overwhelming guilt when I do hurt someone.

I always : try to find the silver lining.

I confuse : words I'm thinking with words I'm saying.

I listen : when a topic interests me.

I can usually be found : in the library on Sunday afternoons.

I am scared : of spiders.

I need : to trust myself.

I am happy : when I actually live in the moment.

I imagine : what it's like to live a life feeling cherished, secure and truly loved.



boo said...

Wow. That turned out beautifully, Dana. You paint a melancholy picture. I hope you find the peace and love you seek.

Mike said...

That's so inspiring and a insight with your thoughts/wishes

Ashly Star said...

Very cool! I think I will be giving this a shot some time here soon. =)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to understand someone. I learned so much today! I need to do this too.

Dana said...

Boo(duh), that search for the silver lining? It's what keeps me from that peace and love I so desire.

Mike, that it is!

Amorous, it really was kind of fun, and with the exception of TMI Tuesday, I'm not a meme girl.

Dana said...

Kannon7, that I crave Bar-B-Q? *giggle*

captain corky said...

"I think : that people are generally self-absorbed."

I know I am, and I'm also self actualized and selfless most of the time.

captain corky said...

PS I love me.

Dana said...

Corky, I love you too *smooch*

Karen said...

Very cool. I was thinking of stealing this someday too. The answers are really deep.

Schmoop said...

I think you have alot of unrealized courage. Nicely done, buddy. Cheers Dana!!

buffalodick said...

Kind of long for me to do, but I'm glad you did- insightful...

Dana said...

Karen, I think you should steal it! Tomorrow is good *wink*

Matt-Man, courage? If only that fear of making yet another blundering mistake would bow down to the courage I'd be set!

Buff, you'd be surprised at how quickly this meme goes, especially if you just wright rather than think!

Real Live Lesbian said...

I think: that the last one is my favorite.

I have a feeling: that someday soon that last one's gonna come true!

Great job!

Leighann said...

I confuse : words I'm thinking with words I'm saying.

I do this too. Quite often actually!

I wrote this out in my head, but didn't like the way it turned out. So I skipped it. :)

As American as Apple Pie said...

This is a very good insight into your thoughts and life. Part of it makes me sad, part of it makes me see the hope. I think you need to read this to yourself everyday to keep striving for happiness and contentment.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the best meme I've read in a long time. I might have to snag it for under my HNT tomorrow. :)

I'm always copying you. :P Consider it a compliment. Your blog is really good.

Oh and totally agree about writing clearing a head. It helps me a lot!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I loved: The way you opened up as you always do and show your strength as well as your vulnerability

Knight said...

This really is a great meme. To add to the fun try to think about what you would have answered ten years ago and what that picture would have looked like and then attempt ten years in the future.Maybe you don't want to try that though because when I did I became very, very sad.

Scarlett said...

Absolutely beautiful....really! Mwuah!

Unknown said...

That is very cool. I don't think I could be as creative as you if I did it, and honestly, I feel I have no idea about "I". Sad, isn't it?

Sage said...

I think I might just do that.. if you are happy I will back link it to you... excellent opener for conversations; interesting as well to read yours.

Dana said...

RLL, I know the last one is my favorite, but I also know that it is going to require an ending to get to the beginning.

Leighann, the fact that you didn't like it should be the very reason you post it *wink*

Apple, part of it makes me sad, mostly because changing it is within my power and fear keeps me from doing anything.

Dana said...

FF, that's only because memes SUCK *giggle* They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery - I'll take it that way.

Bond, as silly as I find zodiac signs to be, I really am true to mine (Cancer) - hard and crusty on the outside, tender and vulnerable on the inside.

Knight, I don't even remember 10 years ago, and one of my fears is that this will look the same 10 years from now. BTW, I'm really glad you're back - you were missed!

Dana said...

Scarlett, thank you *blushes*

Bina, you need to find "I", just like I do!

Sage, I'm sure your readers would enjoy your take on this one!!

boo said...

Crap. I didn't know you were a Cancer. Makes sense. I've always been drawn to you crabby feeling hiders. Gnymph is Cancerous, too.

none said...

You done good.
I hope some of those answers will be reversed soon.

I might give this one a shot.

Dana said...

Boo(duh), I'm really not much into the zodiac hoopla, but I really do have "traditional" Cancer traits.

Hammer, they will if I work on them!

Deech said...

Dana ...Excellent Meme! Here is hoping that you are doing OK...generally speaking of course.


Librarian Lee said...

I saw that - you miss the mountains and the ocean and I know where you can have them both!

Anonymous said...

Cool meme!

If I remember I will do it too!

Christo Gonzales said...

come on now soldier...there is a not so big world out there that has a seat for you in a comfy spot all just waiting for you to go sit in it....really!

Jay said...

"I think : that people are generally self-absorbed."

I totally agree. I also can't believe that you were thinking about me on each of these answers. That's so touching. I need to go and sit and think about my feelings over this now. ;-)

Your answers were much, much better than mine.

Liquid said...

I like: this.

Neil Benson said...


Your post is very sad and reflects your mood.

Maybe there is a silver lining but not the one you imagined. Ultimately happiness lies within ourselves not because of anything anybody else does. You have to believe yourself worthy of happiness. I have a wonderful partner, but when I was miserable at work I was walking into walls.

Dana said...

Flyinfox, I'm always OK, doncha know??

LL, I do to, but may settle for about 5 hours east of there!

PP, I think you should remember ... and do it!

Dana said...

DB, could you be any more optimistically barfy?? *wink*

Jay, funny, I though your answers were much better!

Liquid, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Dana said...

Neil, I didn't think it was that sad! Hmmmm ...