
1. Have you ever dated/married purely for money?
Never purely for money. Is money one of the factors in selecting a long-term relationship? Absolutely! Anyone who claims that isn't the case is lying through their teeth. We all - especially as we get older - want a sense of financial security, and that's a little difficult to do when you are dating the guy who stands on the corner, playing his guitar for spare change.
**EDIT** I think I need to clarify this money answer. Does everyone ask for the previous year's tax returns before making a commitment? No, although they probably should. Are there minimum salary requirements for love? Absolutely not! But does money (oh, evil money) figure in to each and every relationship? Yes! Each one of us speaks of money (finances) in our long-term relationships - budgeting - how the bills will be paid - ways to increase earning potential - deciding to budget for just one income. A true partnership is one on all levels - emotional, financial - you cannot keep a roof over your head with love - the banks don't consider that viable currency.
2. What is your type?
12 pt Verdana *gigglesnort*
3. What is the best sex game you have ever played?
Sex games? Like strip poker? Or like She-Ra Princess of Power meets the Incredible Hulk? Damn! I have to tell the truth, don't I? I've not played any sex games - ever!
4. Have you ever given or received an orgasm from a person whose last name you did not know?
Ummmm ... just the last name? Well, yes! First and last name? *blushes* maybe ...
Yes, this response is coming from the mother who just spent a weekend with her son discussing sexual purity, and the fact that I answered this the way I did is exactly why I spent the weekend with my son discussing sexual purity.
5. Have you ever masturbated in front of a sexual partner?
When they were awake? I've masturbated with my husband snoring in bed next to me after a moment of unfulfilled sex. Does that count?
And yes, I've masturbated in front of a sexual partner who was awake too - both as part of a greater sexual experience and as the only sexual act (while my partner did the same).
Bonus (as in optional):At what age do you think men and women reach their sexual peak? Do you think you have hit yours yet?
I think sexual peak has far more to do with emotions than with physical age, but then I think sex is far more than a physical act *shrugs*
Have I hit mine yet? I hope not!
Never purely for money. Is money one of the factors in selecting a long-term relationship? Absolutely! Anyone who claims that isn't the case is lying through their teeth. We all - especially as we get older - want a sense of financial security, and that's a little difficult to do when you are dating the guy who stands on the corner, playing his guitar for spare change.
**EDIT** I think I need to clarify this money answer. Does everyone ask for the previous year's tax returns before making a commitment? No, although they probably should. Are there minimum salary requirements for love? Absolutely not! But does money (oh, evil money) figure in to each and every relationship? Yes! Each one of us speaks of money (finances) in our long-term relationships - budgeting - how the bills will be paid - ways to increase earning potential - deciding to budget for just one income. A true partnership is one on all levels - emotional, financial - you cannot keep a roof over your head with love - the banks don't consider that viable currency.
2. What is your type?
12 pt Verdana *gigglesnort*
3. What is the best sex game you have ever played?
Sex games? Like strip poker? Or like She-Ra Princess of Power meets the Incredible Hulk? Damn! I have to tell the truth, don't I? I've not played any sex games - ever!
4. Have you ever given or received an orgasm from a person whose last name you did not know?
Ummmm ... just the last name? Well, yes! First and last name? *blushes* maybe ...
Yes, this response is coming from the mother who just spent a weekend with her son discussing sexual purity, and the fact that I answered this the way I did is exactly why I spent the weekend with my son discussing sexual purity.
5. Have you ever masturbated in front of a sexual partner?
When they were awake? I've masturbated with my husband snoring in bed next to me after a moment of unfulfilled sex. Does that count?
And yes, I've masturbated in front of a sexual partner who was awake too - both as part of a greater sexual experience and as the only sexual act (while my partner did the same).
Bonus (as in optional):At what age do you think men and women reach their sexual peak? Do you think you have hit yours yet?
I think sexual peak has far more to do with emotions than with physical age, but then I think sex is far more than a physical act *shrugs*
Have I hit mine yet? I hope not!
You made me laugh with your answer to #2. :) HTT!
Dana - Thanks for clarifying your view for me. My discussion was not specific to to anyone (certainly not you)but more a general frustration that is evident between me and my former wife. I want to apologize if in any way it sounded negative towards you, which was not in any way intended.
Babushka and I have read enough about your relationship with Cam on the pages to know your dedication to him.
Your response to #4 speaks volumes. Using our decisions that we regret in our youth as a discussion point with our kids is, in my opinion, how we best teach them.
Good Morning Dana,
12 pt Verdana, the best line yet today!
I'm a 12 pt Georgia girl myself!!!
Great answers!
Happy TMI to you!
Ouch! on question # 5. But I did like all of your answers!
Well, I and Schmoop must be lying through our teeth because money was never a factor between us. How can it be a factor when there is none? And yeah, we are older. Cheers!!
Maybe because I am younger and pretty financially secure on my own, but money is never a direct factor for me. But I do consider things like class, education, work ethic... So maybe that is just money in a hidden form.
Your answers are always provocative and interesting!
Need a volunteer to help you with #3? I think I know someone...
Have to disagree with #1, with out lying through my teeth. LOL
#2- *awesome* Won't read a better answer today, hehe!
Have a great day Dana!
LOL! We totally have the same type. :)
I think Karen is right. A lot times we get around to money without explicitly thinking our talking about money. But, their family background, job, education and all that leads us to money sometimes.
But, I also believe that we love who we love and we can't help that. So even if we do try to make money part of our "requirements" it might take a back seat anyway.
Great answers, you make me giggle :)
NV, that question has been answered too many times the "regular" way!
Kahuna, I just know how destructive my sexual history was, and I'll be damned if I want to "encourage" that in my son!
Karl, a woman has to have a little fun once in a while.
Breve, I only chose Verdana because it had "Dana" in it!
Flyinfox, well ... it is what it is!
Matt-Man, I think if you read my edit, my answer will make a bit more sense. We may not choose for money, but long-term relationships are most certainly impacted by money.
Karen, I would say that the root of class, education and work ethics is - indeed - money.
Hubman, I don't know, I can be a bit shy in real life!
Vixen, as I said to Matt-Man, I think my edit might clarify my money answer.
Random, I knew someone would have my type!
Jay, money is one of those things no one wants to talk about, but everyone should talk about. It seems superficial, but it is the main reason most marriages fail.
M, sometimes I make myself giggle.
12 pt...LOL so size matters then huh?
No promos today!
Oh that reminds me I was writing another She-Ra chapter :)
The distance between your last post and this one is immense. I have two sons, far older now than your one. Your "do as I say, but not as I do" might hit you in the neck, as these kids today are pretty handy with computers. Be careful.
Bond, size AND font - don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise *wink*
g-man, I miss the adventures of She-Ra!
Buff, you bring up a point that I struggle with immensely! You see, my past is checkered, to say the least. Cam is aware of (age appropriate) parts of my past. This isn't a case of "Do as I say, not as I do" as much as it is a case of "Learn from my mistakes." I can't very well approach this from the standpoint of "Well, I was a mess so you should be a mess too" can I? This is actually going to be blog fodder for tomorrow. As far as Cam finding my blog? It is blocked from the computer he has access to, just in case.
Not knowing first and last name?? Our little Dana?? Noooooo...I won't believe it!! :)
I love your matter-of-fact way of answering these questions. :-)
I really do love these. You get know the writer so much more then just reading bloggers everyday
Good one!
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