1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
We had a "date night" a couple of weeks ago and went to see Gran Torino. I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan, and an even bigger muscle car fan (I don't think I've shared my dream of owning, and restoring, a 1969 Dodge Super Bee), and as this was classic Eastwood, and classic muscle , I was happier than a seagull with a french fry!
Want to know what made it even better? We went to a new movie theater -
one that has recliners instead of regular seats, has wait staff, and serves dinner as well as wine. I discovered that I will gladly pay 3x the amount of a "regular" movie ticket for the perks of this cinema. It seats just 32 (there were 9 people when we went). Tickets are pricey enough that parents don't drop their tweens off for movie theater babysitting. It was the most enjoyment I've ever experience while watching a new release. Of course the bottle of Merlot may have contributed to that!
2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
Ohhh ... I love me some Raisinets! But not just by themselves. No, I need a
small bag of HOT, buttered (and heavily salted) popcorn to dump the Raisinets in to. Nothing better that the melted chocolate, salty-sweet goodness of this concoction!
3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
You know, I never have! I know that movies are expensive these days, and the food so overpriced it makes one want to gouge their eyes out, but I'm there for the "experience" which includes disgustingly unhealthy, movie theater eats!
4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
I don't think I have. Back in the olden days, when I was a teenager, there were still ushers at all theaters, and there was only one movie showing at any given theater (I remember the first multiplex that was built in the Seattle area being a HUGE event). Theaters were usually packed and ushers poised to give a dose of public humility. We know how much I enjoy that!
Now? Nahhhh ... too many kids in theaters these days. I wouldn't want adults doing that if my son were at the movies - that means I had better not be participating!
5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
All the way to the back row? The front row? I've sat in both! I even sat against the wall once! *gigglesnort*
Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?
We had a "date night" a couple of weeks ago and went to see Gran Torino. I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan, and an even bigger muscle car fan (I don't think I've shared my dream of owning, and restoring, a 1969 Dodge Super Bee), and as this was classic Eastwood, and classic muscle , I was happier than a seagull with a french fry!
Want to know what made it even better? We went to a new movie theater -

2. What is your favorite movie theater snack?
Ohhh ... I love me some Raisinets! But not just by themselves. No, I need a

3. Have you ever snuck in 'outside' food into a theater?
You know, I never have! I know that movies are expensive these days, and the food so overpriced it makes one want to gouge their eyes out, but I'm there for the "experience" which includes disgustingly unhealthy, movie theater eats!
4. Have you ever made out in a theater?
I don't think I have. Back in the olden days, when I was a teenager, there were still ushers at all theaters, and there was only one movie showing at any given theater (I remember the first multiplex that was built in the Seattle area being a HUGE event). Theaters were usually packed and ushers poised to give a dose of public humility. We know how much I enjoy that!
Now? Nahhhh ... too many kids in theaters these days. I wouldn't want adults doing that if my son were at the movies - that means I had better not be participating!
5. What is the 'farthest' you have gone in a theater?
All the way to the back row? The front row? I've sat in both! I even sat against the wall once! *gigglesnort*
Bonus (as in optional): What is one of your favorite movie sex scene?
I went to the WAY BACK machine on this one. 1954, Alfred Hitchcock, Rear Window, Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart. I can't even begin to describe how sexy and intimate this kiss is - you'll just have to watch!
I have never tried the whole 'ultimate' experience. Maybe one of these nights.
You're going to laugh when you read my answers.
I really wish my town had gone the "new fancy theater" route instead of the "close it down" route. *sigh*
Oooooo......Wanna go to the movies?!?! (at YOUR theater of course)
You know, I've never tried the Raisinets in popcorn but I used to have a girlfriend that loved Jr Mints in hers. Hmm.....
BTW, how was Gran Torino? It's something Mike and I really want to see.
We don't have one of those fancy theaters around here - which is surprising because we have everything in this area. ;-). But I was at one in San Diego. They are freaking awesome!!
I have not been to one of the 'new' theaters yet (hell, I have not been in a movie theater in years (time to change that)...
Never thought of combining Raisinettes (YUM) with popcorn...now you have me thinking...
I used to go to the movies at lunch in NYC when I did not have a lunch date, so yes I snuck in food (Mickey D's, Burger King)...
and I did have a 'friend' who would join me at times and in a nearly empty theater - in the back row - well..I can't remember what movie it was, but I never saw it anyway.
They have one of those theatres here in Charleston, but I still haven't been - I really want to try it now!
North by Northwest is another sexy Hitchcock movie - he was just a dirty old man (lol).
Happy TMI!
Gran Torino is my next "must see." I have heard only good things about it, and from reliable sources. I just saw Revolutionary Road last Friday, and it was excellent.
Your theater sounds fantastic; at the MOA, they have a few VIP theaters with comfy seating, no kids, you order your snacks and they bring them to you, and wine and beer for the evening movies. I LOVE it!
My favorite popcorn add-in has always been M&M peanuts, but it would be fun to throw some Raisinets in there, too. Mmmm...Raisinets.
And finally...Grace Kelly? OMG, so beautiful. I love her.
They don't let me in movie theaters. I guess they don't appreciate my offbeat comments when something on the screen is just unbelievable.....
One of our favorite movie theaters has living room type theaters as well as upscale larger theaters with leather seats. They also serve dinner and wine. It's fantastic! Always worth the price!
Great answer to the bonus question!
I'm so jealous of your fancy theatre!
As for Grand Torino...I *loved* it! But Revolutionary Road made me want to slit my own wrists. Perhaps it was a tad too close to my ex the redneck?
I'm so jealous of your fancy theatre!
As for Grand Torino...I *loved* it! But Revolutionary Road made me want to slit my own wrists. Perhaps it was a tad too close to my ex the redneck?
My favorite is popcorn and peanut m&m's.......MMMMMMMM!!!
I don't have any "new and fancy" movie theater, but we've got a theater pub that fits the bill nicely.
They serve all sorts of food, and they've got beer and wine for the buying as well.
Atmosphere is cozy, and not too pricey, since it's regular admission for the movie, and food is just about the norm that you'd find at any restaurant.
I only wish there were some way to get newer movies in, and not just the old ones that have already come out on DVD......
ha....me too with the popcorn and peanut M&Ms...way yum!
haven't tried "dinner theater" yet....but would love to!
There was one of those fancy "new" theaters in Austin and when I lived in San Antonio I went up there to it a few times. The best part was that no kids were allowed. ;-)
I love movie theater popcorn. It's a must have when I go to the theater.
And I sit in the back. It's a better view from there.
ASM, oh ... you've got to do the "experience"!
Biscuit, sure, you bad mouth Raisinets and popcorn, then come visit me. Ha!
Vixen, I *loved* Gran Torino! It was classic (i.e. Dirty Harry) Eastwood. I'd even see it a second time which is saying something for me!
Karen, it was by far the best movie experience I have ever had!
Bond, a "friend", huh??
Bunny, Hitchcock was a dirty old man ... that's why I like him!
kim-d, Grace Kelly is a classic! Everything she did was sexy!
Farceur, please don't sit behind me, OK? *wink*
Emmy, there is something about the classics, where they left a bit more to the imagination, that just gets me going!
RLL, come visit! I'll take you to the movies! I'll even feed you Raisinets and popcorn!
gottaluvme3, I think I'm going to have to try that as several people have mentioned that!
Jormengrund, we have a theater pub too! But like yours, they show only movies on DVD. The last one was Forest Gump and they had all kinds of shrimp specials!
Love that scene in Rear Window, love it! One of my all time favorites!! Thanks for answering the bonus question!
The movie sounds awesome - I am just afraid I would start to snooze in the recliner
Mmmmmmmmmm. Heavily salted popcorn. Double Mmmmmmmmmm, Grace Kelly. Cheers Dana!!
Your movie theater sounds freaking fabulous.
And good pick on the kiss. My, my.
Sometimes I wish we still got that dressed up for a day with the girls. And Jimmy Stewart is just so darn handsome and the tension in the air between there faces is amazing! Good choice.
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