
Here is a closer look at the bulletin board. Two pics of Cam, a calendar, and the beautiful dollie my good friend Librarian Lee made for me. She is really crafty and makes some amazingly fun things!
The "back" side of the U. Nothing too exciting here, but I want to make sure you are developing an appreciation for the teal desktop. There was a fire here in the late 80's and they "redecorated" the offices. Clearly the person who made the furniture choices was a bit partial to trendy colors.
And now the right side of the U. More papers - my handy-dandy container of Clorox disinfecting wipes (it's how I keep the office cooties at bay). And that box full of paper on the floor? Headed to the shredder later today. We do a LOT of shredding in accounting!
The tour wouldn't be complete without a few pics of the lunch room. Nicely decorated for the holidays with plastic table cloths!

I've got so many irons in the fire right now I don't know if I'm coming, going or just staring at a huge pile of wrinkled white shirts!
I've got two blog-business items to take care of - both require a vlog drawing. There were several of you who showed a baffling desire to be interviewed by me, and in the interest of my lack of creativity sanity, I'll be drawing two names from the bunch. If anyone is still interested and missed the first call for the interview opportunity, feel free to throw your name in the hat!
Then there is the issue of "The Fourth Turning" Back in September, Jay (Cynical Bastard) did a drawing for a book giveaway. I won the drawing and Jay sent me the book, and a few extra surprises too! This has morphed into somewhat of a pay it forward thing as Jay received the book from Fortune Cookies, who suggested it would be cool if he passed the book along to another blogger who would enjoy it and promise to pass it along to another blogger and so on and so on.
If you have any interest in the book (and understand, this is not "light" reading, but is an excellent book) let me know in the comments. I will, of course, vlog that drawing as well! Just remember, if you win the book drawing, it will mean that you will have to give me your name and address. If you are concerned that I might show up on your doorstep to steal your husband, don't be - it's the wives I am after *wink* Just something to take that into consideration.
If you have any interest in the book (and understand, this is not "light" reading, but is an excellent book) let me know in the comments. I will, of course, vlog that drawing as well! Just remember, if you win the book drawing, it will mean that you will have to give me your name and address. If you are concerned that I might show up on your doorstep to steal your husband, don't be - it's the wives I am after *wink* Just something to take that into consideration.
Work is NUTS! Seriously, the end of the year is a nightmare in accounting, especially in the midst of a financial "down turn" where everyone is looking really, really closely at the numbers. This expense gets moved here - this one there - did we really spend that much on freight?
Anyway, I thought it was time to show y'all where I spend the majority of my waking hours.
Anyway, I thought it was time to show y'all where I spend the majority of my waking hours.
This is an aerial view of the complex. That concrete building in the upper left hand corner of the pic? The one that looks similar to a prison? That's where the office is housed.

My cubicle is shaped in a giant U, so I'll start on the left hand side and move around for you. Paper, paper everywhere! The bear was sent with some flowers that husband had delivered to the office last year (Yes, the ones I paid half of because he paid for them out of the joint checking account.)

The vending area, and more lovely teal counter tops! This is the first office I have worked in where they do not provide coffee for the employees. That machine on the left is the coffee, $0.35 for 8 oz. of sludge that even I - a known coffee addict - will not allow to touch my lips!

I have no doubt that Matt-Man wanted to see the women's restroom. Yes, more teal (Hey! At least it all matches!) That sign on the mirror is the infamous "Flush the toilet you disgusting pigs" sign.

Yes, this is an odd picture, but I thought you should see how they decided to deal with the toilet flushing. When I started working here a year ago, we had two-ply toilet paper. I took this pic of the toilet through the one-ply scratch-your-ass toilet paper that is serving as a reminder of our flushing sins.

If not, a quick glimpse of the ceiling might. If you click on the fluorescent light, you'll see that all of those little black spots are CRITTERS! Now, the office is in the middle of a corn field, but it sure would be nice if someone could empty the bugs out on occasion!

Funny....and makes me a little sad...I NEED A JOB!!!
And sure, throw my name in the hat!!
Have a great weekend Dana!!
I don't what I find funnier- that your office building resembles a prison, the color of all of the countertops, or the carpet pattern!
And I thought 1950's era gov't buildings were bad!!
Does "The Fourth Turning" have any pictures?
I'd like to know more about it, but I'm not sure I'm up for such a commitment right now. Could you write me a book report? You know, so I know what it's about, since I'm too lazy to actually read it? :)
Your cubical is much larger than mine...but
And I do not have bugs above my head
Enjoy the weekend Dana!
I scream a lot when I see colors that are just there because someone thought they were cool.. My voice in the wilderness continues...
Good Morning Dana,
Great job on your Shades of grey shots!
That lunch room must be part of a management strategy to keep you at your desk.
Can't you just feel your soul being sucked out of you by the florescent lights and that hideous carpet? LOL
At my former place of employment I used to see one of the accounting chicks over at the big paper shredder every once in a while. I would always tease her that the only person that ever goes to jail for shredding documents is the person doing the shredding, not the one who told her to. LOL ;-)
Interesting. That carpet looks like someone already hurled.
Where do you hide your prison shiv? I keep mine in the planter.
Thanks for the tour! At least the Cube is spacious and not one of those where you seat 20 in it.
Pic of the Bathroom? Priceless....
I cringed the whole way through your office, hee hee. I've worked in a similar setting, where you KNOW they are making hand over fist but refuse to offer their hardworking employees basic amenities. And, funny enough, that setting was an accounting firm too. Stay strong and hang on to that sanity! Lol.
I loved this tour through your workplace.
awww you have my dollie :) Your office is very, errr, hmm well..institutional. and tealllllllllll....cough cough...I think even plants wouldn't help. This will bother me all danged day.
Loved the tour! Kinda makes me sad though. I'm too ADD for somewhere like that I think.
I love the come and go freedom of my job and will miss it so much when I have to leave one of these days.
As a person who buys the toilet paper. It actually saves money to get the good stuff because people don't use as much.
Breeve, and please understand that although I am poking fun, I am EXTREMELY grateful to have a job right now! Good luck in your search!
Hubman, I don't think I ever worked in an Army building that was as bad as this, including the one I worked in in Korea!
RLL, No pictures, but it does have a lot of graphs! There will be no "Dana Note" cheating!
Bond, it is a nice size, and there is a window in the office behind me, so I can see outside!
Buff, I'm joining your screaming!
Karl, but my desk isn't much better!
Jay, I think it's sucked out far more than just my soul!
Knight, my prison shiv is in the right hand drawer - I didn't want y'all to feel too sorry for me!
Flyinfox, see? I knew someone would love the bathroom pic!
Random, I could have included photos of the corporate jet to elaborate that point!
Artist, thank you!
Lee, of course I have your dollie! And plants aren't allowed - bugs you know!
Even with all the papers on your TEAL GREEN!!! counter it still looks pretty darned organized. Did you spiff it up for us or is it generally that way?
Can you bring your own coffee pot? I'll bet if someone did, people might be willing to donate REAL coffee. Oh, hell, put a one-cup coffee pot in your beeeyuuutiful cubicle!
That carpet...almost as bad as the carpet at Chuck E. Cheese, which makes me dizzy.
You must be taller than I realized to get that complex shot!
Your cubicle looks remarkably familiar. Where do you keep all the fileboxes?
I loved my last job...had my own office along with autonomy. Sadly, the replacement isn't even up to my par.
At least you have a neat work area with a little room for manoeuvre; as you may recall, mine is crammed to bursting with computer equipment.
Or did you have a tidy up especially? :)
To be honest Dana, I'm jealous.
I don't get carpet. I've got polished concrete for a floor.
We get "free" coffee, but it's also the same stuff we use to fix cracks in the asphalt, so I really don't let that stuff near me.
I have halogen lighting, but since I'm in a 20x20 concrete cell with no windows, I tend to only turn on one of the two banks, so that I don't scorch my eyes out.
Add to that the incessant hum and whine of the server and electronic equipment in an enclosed area, along with the never-ending AC running to keep the temp a frigid 67 degrees, and you get to know what it is I deal with while working away at my desk.
This is one reason I find excuses to go walk around the warehouse and pretend to look at wires, or phones, or whatever...
I had to giggle at the bear photo/comment because my coworker was complaining about the same thing just the other day. Except he's now her EX-husband. :)
How do you keep your desk so clean? I got computer parts, files, disks, and post it notes all over mine right now :) And of course the picture of Lumberg taking my red stapler :) I do agree your building does look a bit like a prison. Sorry to say(or happily to say) the inside sure doesn't. There is color and things actually match. I have yet to see a prison that has matching furniture.....
Thanks for sharing your little corner of employment :)
I worked in an office like that for 3.5 yrs prior to having Emma. I can relate. It all looks very familiar to me though the color scheme was different. lol Oh, and we had to pay for coffee there, too but it wasn't a machine it was honor system.
Your office scares me..... LOL
Have a great wkend Dana. xo
I wish my two computer work stations/offices were as nice as Dana has. I used to have my printer covered with a cardboard box to protect it from bird droppings. I guess Dana's office is a little dated. But she has a pretty nice area to work. And she has a job. I agree on the toilet paper, get two ply.
Can you file a workers comp complaint for having to stomach all that Teal?
Ha. Great pics, Dana. But, WTF? No picture of me on your cork board? I am crushed, nay...OUTRAGED!! Cheers!!
This is the first time I've seen a cubicle in a year. It made me throw up in my mouth a little. I don't miss my cubicle one bit!
M, as crazy as it looks, it's year end and each of those stacks of paper is well organized and labeled.
Jeff, spiff it up? Oh my no! If I were to spiff it up I'd have hidden everything in the drawers!
Biscuit, we cannot bring a coffee pot - not in our cubicle (fire hazard) nor in the lunch room (coffee funds have been mismanaged in the past).
Os, have you been peeking in my cubicle? The file boxes are stored in the vault - of course - I just didn't expect anyone would have any interest in seeing the vault.
NV, I've actually worked in places where cubicles are shared. At least I do have my own space.
Ro, I do have far more space than you do.
Jormengrund, trust me - although I was poking fun, I have worked in far worse places. One of these days I'll give the run down on my less than desirable jobs/work environments.
NY Diva, well ... mine might be following those footsteps!
Average, some days it sure feels like a prison ...
FF, honor system? You must be kidding!
Vixen, my office scares me!
Doomed, I do have plenty of work space AND a job that pays reasonably well, is fairly secure, and is close to home. When put in perspective, the teal isn't that bad, is it?
If I didn't know any better, I'd say we worked at the same place. Not exactly, but pretty damn close.
My hats off to ya for having to deal with all of the accounting stuff.
I like the teal in your office, but in the bathroom it's too glarey.
Your space looks well-organized. The carpeting is annoying because you can't see what-all has spilled on it. Do people think the cleaning crew has x-ray vision or something? Or that they're bothering to really look when they come in? Ew.
And making people pay for coffee!!
I'd love to read the book...and I kinda like the way it gets passed around among blogging friends.
The interview...eh..maybe...
(and...keeping a promise...I say..."teal is not a color...teal is a duck")
I would be interested in reading the book.
Now, tell me...How the heck do you keep your cubicle so neat? I have a whole office and I can't manage to find a spot very "things".
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