At 6:30 PM yesterday, it was 41 degrees F in Fairbanks, Alaska ... and -12 degrees F (-34 with wind chill) in NW Illinois. Hello? 53 degrees warmer (75 degrees if we figure in wind chill) in Fairbanks? Make up that guest bed Moose - I'm on my way!
Yesterday, a few of you mentioned you'd like to learn how to do selective colorization (the B & W photo with a single - or multiple - items still in color). Well, way back when I did a post on open source programs (FREE) - programs like Mozilla Firefox, OpenOffice and Paint.net (go check them out after you finish reading).
Well, there is a great photo editing program out there called Gimp. It mirrors PhotoShop in many ways, except that it is FREE! Can you tell I like FREE?? Not only is it a great, FREE program, but the tutorials are straight forward and easy to follow, with screen shots for those of us whoare instruction challenged like picture books! Yes, even the tutorial for selective colorization. I'll be honest - it takes some patience and some practice, but it isn't overly difficult and it's a lot of fun! Or am I just anal retentive? Rhetorical - no need to answer.

Well, there is a great photo editing program out there called Gimp. It mirrors PhotoShop in many ways, except that it is FREE! Can you tell I like FREE?? Not only is it a great, FREE program, but the tutorials are straight forward and easy to follow, with screen shots for those of us who
Speaking of HNT, I am often amazed at the appreciation for some of the photos that actually make me cringe prior to posting. Yesterday was one of those times. I had an idea in my head that I just couldn't seem to capture on the camera, so I gave up and posted what I could salvage from what I was able to get. I've come to the conclusion that either most of you are full of shit extremely well mannered, or I am oblivious to what makes a good HNT. Whichever it is, I certainly do appreciate the positive feedback, even though I wasn't able to respond to the comments.
Rhinitis medicamentosa. Ever heard of it? It's what happens when you use an over-the-counter nasal spray more than about 5 days. OTC nasal sprays are extremely affective, but they can also cause stuffiness to increase if used too long or in too high of a dose. Why do I mention this? 
Husband has been dosing himself with Afrin 12-hour nasal spray 3-4 times a day (yes, he does have a college degree, why do you ask?) for the past two weeks and is now convinced that he has some terrible, nose eating virus because if he goes more than 6 hours without taking the Afrin, he becomes unbearably stuffed up. Not only that, but when he blows his nose, he gets blood every time (I know - it's not TMI Tuesday - but you'll see where this is going).
As I told him this morning, when nasal sprays are used more than three days, the blood vessels in the nasal lining become tolerant to the drugs' shrinking effects, causing the need for more frequent use to get the same level of relief. With continued overuse, the sprays choke off blood flow to the nasal membranes and damage them. Doctors say it's like getting a chemical burn inside your nose.
Now I've got to convince him that the two weeks of stuffiness he is going to sufferwhen I hide every bottle I find and duct tape his nose shut when he stops using the spray isn't really due to some mysterious nose eating virus, but to his own abuse of the dreaded Afrin. And I've got to find a more secluded couch - I can hear him snoring even though we aren't on the same floor of the house.
Husband has been dosing himself with Afrin 12-hour nasal spray 3-4 times a day (yes, he does have a college degree, why do you ask?) for the past two weeks and is now convinced that he has some terrible, nose eating virus because if he goes more than 6 hours without taking the Afrin, he becomes unbearably stuffed up. Not only that, but when he blows his nose, he gets blood every time (I know - it's not TMI Tuesday - but you'll see where this is going).
As I told him this morning, when nasal sprays are used more than three days, the blood vessels in the nasal lining become tolerant to the drugs' shrinking effects, causing the need for more frequent use to get the same level of relief. With continued overuse, the sprays choke off blood flow to the nasal membranes and damage them. Doctors say it's like getting a chemical burn inside your nose.
Now I've got to convince him that the two weeks of stuffiness he is going to suffer
I'm a great fan of GIMP too as you probably recall. I'm also a great fan of the tutorials and of selective colorization. And, more to the point, I like the method you linked up there. It's slightly more involved than the way I've been doing it but it's a lot more forgiving!
My biggest amazement with HNT is the sheer amount of time that so many people devote to it! You'd think we were being paid ... and perhaps, in fact, we are ...
Lol - fuck me half of colunbia has gone up my nose its fecked but hey I will be careful with the nasel spray ; )
I've been using GIMP on and off for a couple of years. Even have GIMP For Dummies. Still haven't learned how to do selective colorization. Perhaps I should use that to inspire an HNT, seeing as I have no inspiration otherwise.
Your picture was lovely. :) My surf time got cut short yesterday unexpectedly, so I was never able to get to everyone.
Thanks for the info on selective colorization- I've been wondering how to do that myself!
Good luck with hubby's affliction
You've got an Afrin junkie on your hands.
There's only one way to fix his affliction....suffering. I think he may be getting a tad of what he deserves.
Karma, she's a bitch. ;)
Global warming my ass! :)
I can speak for myself (and probably others) when I say that I appreciate the effort and commitment to HNT that you make. And because it may not have been what you were going for does not negate its value.
I have found that the older I get the more the dry air makes my nose bleed.
I got Photoshop for Christmas and I'm gonna start putting it to good use soon.
My ex has a twin in Illinois;-)
I love GIMP! And am constantly recommending it to people!
Afrin always scares the crap out of me for exactly the reason you describe. And, as a doctor once told me, using it for long periods of time can actually have the reverse affect which makes the user think they need it more. When the same doctor followed that with a recommendation to use it, I told him I'd pass.
entertaining AND educational
Gimp is really cool. I've never really used it, but lots of people tell me it rocks.
I have tried PhotoPlus. It's pretty cool, but limited and much, much harder to figure out.
Hide that Afrin!! Both my parents used it and so I didn't think anything of it when I started using the stuff during a terrible cold. I kept using it. I became addicted to it, I could not breathe without it.
Then I went to the doctor one year after a sinus attack that wouldn't go away. My doctor immediately knew I was using Afrin just by looking at my nasal passages. Gave me some meds and told me to stay off for two weeks or else.
Sorry for the novel, but that stuff is scary addictive!
P.S. - So excited about Gimp. Going to check it out now, thanks!
Everybody is talking about that hot water nose cleaner- even my kid!
Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blogs, and was going to comment on the delurking blog. But I get so busy I barely have time to read!! Just a thanks for all you do to keep the rest of us thinking, and hope you have a wonderful 2009 that has more good than bad.
Definitely sounds like it's time for the CPAP machine to strap onto his face, and let him deal with it!
That, or cut his nose off..
I know which would be easier to deal with!
I'll check out your suggestions on colorization. Thanks! Check your e-mail. ;)
My soon-to-be ex has been using nose spray for 3 years complaining about the fact that he's always stuffed up!!! And yes, the SOB does have a college education.. Don't really help them, does it? :):):)
Should I not tell you that it is 50 degrees at my house right now then? :) Yeah, it's frickin' amazingly warm up here. I was able to OPEN my back door and leave it open while I put up weather tape to prevent it from leaking when it gets cold again. It was warm and tape remained flexible enough to stick to something.
And yes, your husband is self inducing his misery at this point. ENT 101.
I use the saline water flush and think it works just fine. No chemicals.
Has your....um...dear husband?.. ever tried those Breathe Right strips? I have a deviated septum which causes me to snore a bit...says Lovee ;)...and they work wonders. Especially if I have a cold.
Is Gimp the same as a Netti Pot? Those work fabulously too :)
Um yeah.... My ex husband was a nose spray addict. And after *years* of use and developing issues caused by the nasal spray, he FINALLY believed what everyone had been telling him....including his dr. Doh.
Good luck with his snoring though!
You can come stay with us for a while! Oregon isn't that far!
Here's the scoop on the Afrin.
Afrin WILL cause what's known as a rebound effect. It is a pure physical addiction. It breaks down the sinus membranes, and then they build themselves back up as self-protection (that's what they're there for, after all).
Please tell your husband that the cure for this is to QUIT COLD TURKEY.
Yes, it's uncomfortable.
Yes, it's like having a clothespin over your nose and duct tape over your mouth.
Yes, it's scary to think you can't breathe.
BUT --
Depending on how long he's been using that shit, it will take from one week to two months to get back to normal non-medicated breathing IF he quits using.
Yes, he can switch to something milder (4-way isn't too bad), but only give himself one SMALL hit in the morning before leaving for work and then just deal with it for the rest of the day.
He will NOT die.
I know this because I was addicted to Afrin (and then to 4-way) for about 2 years. What cured me was seeing a segment of "20/20" that dealt with cold remedies. They profiled one guy who was addicted to nasal spray for 7 years -- he would leave his dates on the dance floor at a disco to run out to an all-night pharmacy and pick up a bottle. He quit cold turkey and it took him 2 months. I was on the stuff for 2 years and it took less than 2 weeks to get my breathing back to normal.
It can be done.
But you MUST stop listening to these asshole doctors who prescribe the spray in the first place without explaining the dangers, and then make you feel like a pathetic junkie when you complain that your nose is ALWAYS stuffed up. I had one doctor who shook his head and said "You've ruined your sinuses...you'll be hooked for life." WRONG.
[stepping off soap box, taking deep cleansing NATURAL breath...]
P.S. There's even a website you can look at, called afrinaddiction.com.
Also, he will probably find he's less prone to feel sleepy and wanting to take naps in the middle of the day after he quits using. It's a sedative on top of everything else.
Ro, and I'm a big fan of your Gimp! Hmmm ... that sounded kind of naughty, didn't it?
Nicey, I don't think you'll even have the need for nasal spray!
Biscuit, follow that tutorial and you'll have no problems. I do hope all is well!
Hubman, who knew I could be so useful?
RLL, karma can be a bit fickle, can't she?
g-man, I have fun with HNT - trying to make it "my own" while still staying within the realm of the concept. That being said, it's frustrating as hell when it doesn't go the way you hope!
Turnbaby, you need to put it to work - we miss you on Thursdays!
Emmy, I'm a HUGE open source fan (in general) and was thrilled to find Gimp. The best part? They keep making it better!
Kat, and a few other not so pleasing adjectives *wink*
Jay, it has certainly rocked me!
Random, I told husband about a week ago that he needed to back off the Afrin. He assured me that he would suffocate should he stop using it. I assured him that he only thought he would.
Buff, that thing on Oprah? What is it called? Netti pot, right?
Granny, thank you so much!
Jormengrund, I keep telling him if he continues to use the Afrin his nose will start looking like Michael Jackson's!
NV, Gimp is the way to go!
Just me, common sense isn't taught at the university level!
Moose, kiss my ass! And I mean that in the nicest way *wink*
Lu, I've used saline spray with really good results. I'm not a huge fan of medications - even OTC's
tt, he claims he doesn't have a problem - of course he hasn't!
Vixen, what is it with men and nose spray addictions? Seems a little too common.
Garbanzo, I keep threatening to head west ... one of these days ...
Volly, next time I'm consulting you before writing my posts! Thank you for the additional information.
Nasal spray, who would have thought that would be an addiction? Whats next?
Are you saying your last HNT was not comment worthy??? I beg to differ; I loved it!
Yes, I know the dangers of nasal spray. I knew teacher that carried around in his pocket all day long; I say him recently at a pub (3 years later) and besides his keys and cell phone on the table....his bottle of nasal spray....NOW there is a junkie!!!
I hate when I check the weather in any arctic and it is colder in NYC.....
Sounds like hubby isn't too bright in regards to OTCs.
i will give gimp a shot.
i use picnik for my stuff.
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