First things first! I don't get awards - all of those warm, fuzzy blogger awards with pictures of little kittens and heart shaped clouds never seem to find their way here (imagine that!). So, when I get an award - even if it is one that required nothing from me other than leaving a comment - I celebrate!
How many of you know Tink? My guess is that if you haven't been to her blog, you've seen pieces of her on other blogs. She hosts the Weekly Words Challenge - the weekly photo meme that generates some wonderful creativity. If for some silly reason you haven't visited, you need to get over to Pickled Beef and visit - I know you'll go back again and again!
How many of you know Tink? My guess is that if you haven't been to her blog, you've seen pieces of her on other blogs. She hosts the Weekly Words Challenge - the weekly photo meme that generates some wonderful creativity. If for some silly reason you haven't visited, you need to get over to Pickled Beef and visit - I know you'll go back again and again!
Every year, for the past three years, Tink has given out Golden Spork Awards. This year, "nominations" were done on Delurking Day. Here is what is required to receive a nomination (read closely ... the requirements are pretty stringent)!
... and that's exactly what I did! And look! It's a shiny SPORKY! This year I found myself with a "Clever" Spork Award (Tink calls this category "The people that give me pause.") Go visit the list of winners and find yourself some new blogs tostalk read!
So comment here (there and everywhere), even if you don't normally. In fact, I'll make it easy on you.
Copy and paste the phrase below:
Hi, my name is (insert name here). I think you're very (adjective). My favorite animal is a (type of animal). My favorite movie is (movie title). When I grow up I want to be a (job title). I have a sick obsession with rubbing (first thing you see) on my (random body part). Please come visit me at (blog address).
Not only could you gain new friends, but you'll also receive a super awesome Golden Spork Award! Yup, it's that time of year again. Cutoff time for comments is 8am (Eastern Standard Time) tomorrow. If you don't comment, you won't get a spork, and everyone knows that shiny utensils ROCK. Awards will be handed out next Monday.
... and that's exactly what I did! And look! It's a shiny SPORKY! This year I found myself with a "Clever" Spork Award (Tink calls this category "The people that give me pause.") Go visit the list of winners and find yourself some new blogs to
How do men handle gas and ... well ... poop, #2, pinching a loaf, SHIT in public restrooms? Let me tell you how women's' public restroom etiquette for "gas and more" works.
First of all, under no circumstances should other women know that you fart and shit. Really! You must hold all gas and more inside as long as there is anyone else in the public restroom. This is even more critical should you be in a workplace restroom where everyone knows you.
Now, should you slip and make noise (fart or plop) you must remain locked in your stall until everyone who heard your blunder has left the restroom. It would be a double blunder should you let others hear your "gas and more" noise and then actually let them see who it came from!
Somehow, I can't imagine men having such stringent bathroom rules.
First of all, under no circumstances should other women know that you fart and shit. Really! You must hold all gas and more inside as long as there is anyone else in the public restroom. This is even more critical should you be in a workplace restroom where everyone knows you.
Now, should you slip and make noise (fart or plop) you must remain locked in your stall until everyone who heard your blunder has left the restroom. It would be a double blunder should you let others hear your "gas and more" noise and then actually let them see who it came from!
Somehow, I can't imagine men having such stringent bathroom rules.

Nicey in his HNT comment yesterday said, "Work it baby, cracking photo, so gotta ask this but who takes them for ya ??? Laters"
Some of you may not know that with the exception of THIS HNT, I've taken ever single photo myself. I've got a tripod and a 10-second delay timer on my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W120. The lighting in yesterday's shot? A task light I bought at the dollar store.
In other words, nothing fancy in my photos. Just a regular point and shoot digital camera (under $150), a $10 tripod, household lighting and a lot of imagination. It's something I really enjoy doing from a creative standpoint, and it's been fun watching the progression from where I started.
Some of you may not know that with the exception of THIS HNT, I've taken ever single photo myself. I've got a tripod and a 10-second delay timer on my Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W120. The lighting in yesterday's shot? A task light I bought at the dollar store.
In other words, nothing fancy in my photos. Just a regular point and shoot digital camera (under $150), a $10 tripod, household lighting and a lot of imagination. It's something I really enjoy doing from a creative standpoint, and it's been fun watching the progression from where I started.
One more quick thing ... stop laughing ... I should be able to say this in less than 1000 words!
If you have a chance, go visit Siren today. Why you ask? Well, once in a while you come across a blogger with an amazing amount of integrity. One who could just as easily have created blogger drama on her first visit here, but instead chose to honor what I consider the "true spirit" of blogging and kept her mind open instead. She may never visit again, but just in case she does, I wanted to say, "Thank you!"
If you have a chance, go visit Siren today. Why you ask? Well, once in a while you come across a blogger with an amazing amount of integrity. One who could just as easily have created blogger drama on her first visit here, but instead chose to honor what I consider the "true spirit" of blogging and kept her mind open instead. She may never visit again, but just in case she does, I wanted to say, "Thank you!"
On the subject of public pooping and farting, I'm a member of the "Let It Fly" school. Well, in the bathroom of course. I don't hide in the stall at work. I mean, we all do it! It is silly to get overly embarrassed about it.
But that reminds me of my grandma. She stayed overnight in a hotel with me about 2 years ago. This was her first overnight out of her house in nearly 60 years. During that stay she told me that in her entire life she never pooped anywhere but her home. Isn't that insane.
There are some anomalies....my son-in-law claims he has never farted...at least NEVER in front of anyone else; further more he thinks it is gross for other to do so...he doesn't like talk about any bathroom habits, so my daughter after 7 years of being in a relationship with him, has "held" herself around him....no wonder the girl often has stomach aches....and when she comes home to Mom's house, seems to make up for lost time!!!!
I thought for a second that you meant *my* Siren...my Goddess Siren. I was stoked, and, well, she does have an annoying amount of integrity, as well. But now I have go look for the other one!
I laughed out loud, SO HARD, at the women's restroom thing, because it is SO true. Try pulling all of that off when being at work means that you will leave the bathroom and then put yourself up in front of 25 people, some of whom may have been present in the bathroom. Fun!!!
I've been thinking a bit about all of the purity talk, and I may post something about it on my own blog today if I have time. Just thoughts that I never got around to expressing here, because I'm a dork who has had her head up her ass for a couple of weeks...
When it is necessary, I live by the
"Plop Plop pi** pi** oh what a relief it is" school of thought
Get it done ...get out
Great weekend Dana
The only rules in men's restrooms is no talking to each other while either man's dong is out. And keep your eyes forward, staring at the wall while at he urinals.
The general rule in the men's restroom is if you hear it, you're probably going to smell it at some point.
Thus, guys get the job done, and get OUT.
Eyes forward, short, sweet, to the point, then scrub quick (if at all) and get outta dodge.
I happen to know lots about men's restroom rules :)
There is lots of conversation that goes on in there. Anything from the weather, to work, to what's going on in the world. There seems to be no secrets or embarassment, well at least here. After lunch, about 12:30, seems to be prime time.
My bathroom here at work, which I pretty much have to myself, is adjacent to the mens (7 of them share it). Walls between us are pretty thin.
Shoot, I wont even go when someone is in the mens.
[/blush] Thank you Dana for the shout out, I just got a Sony Cyber-Shot for my Christmas, I am still learning all the features, though i think i should invest in a tripod too, sometimes i am a lil wiggley.
I think we might be suprised at what men don't like but just suck it up, ew pardon the expression, and do what they have to dodo HA!. Thankfully both my workplaces had or have single use bathrooms. Drawback, opening the door and a coworker is waiting ARRGHHHH!
What I want to know is what the fuck is with the guy at work who ALWAYS initiates a conversation when he is taking a dump?
There are 2 guys like that at my workplace. If I'm heading to the restroom and see them doing the same, I find another restroom or come back later!
Oh yeah, congrats on the award!
So I have been lurking here for a while and decided I would like to finally post.
Your comment on passing gas was hysterical. I never knew women felt that way. We men try to pass gas together when we can and if we can get a gas empowered barbershop quartet...so much the better!
Karen, I'm a member of the "Let It Fly" school too, but had this thought as one of my coworkers gave me the look when I exited the stall. Apparently she was traumatized by my violation of the rules!
Breve, husband - in the 20 years I've known him - has farted ONE TIME in front of me and was completely embarrassed!
Biscuit, sorry that it wasn't your Siren, but she's a funny Siren none-the-less! And yes, the bathroom rules are alive and well, aren't they?
Bond, Plop-plop-piss-piss ... *gigglesnort*
Jay, what? You can't talk with the schlong out? Gosh, women can talk across stalls!
Jormengrund, get done, get out - now that makes sense!
M, you silly girl! Just let it fly!
Siren, I appreciate you handling your visit here the way you did!
Lu, uh-oh ... then they know what you were doing in there, don't they??
Oh Dana you made me giggle! I want to rant about the bathroom thing daily. Also, I'm convinced a lot of women save the nastiest shit for work so they don't do it at home where their partners might know. Weirdos.
I *heart* Tink. Her and I became friends on my old blog over 4 years ago. :) Congrats on the award!
Hubman, now conversations are allowed in the womens restroom if you know the other people!
Farceur, the habits or women are quite comical!
NY Diva, oh ... don't even get me started! I've often thought that women (generally) are FAR nastier than men - they just hide it better!
Vixen, I've been reading Tink since I first started blogging, but have been BAD about commenting on her blog for some reason. I think I feel a bit intimidated as she is so talented!
I wanna spork you. Cheers Dana!!
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