
What bothers me most about this is the history (and attempted justification) of the School Board's position. The District Superintendent was quoted as saying, “Upon further conversation, we felt that this is really something that we can do in (our district). It would be a very, very powerful day for our kids to actually learn the significance (of Veterans Day) and to honor our veterans by actually being in school and learning about the contributions veterans have made to (our district).” Sounds great, doesn’t it? Spending the day learning why we celebrate the holiday?

That aside (and it is difficult for me to put that aside), the “real” reason this exception was requested has absolutely NOTHING to do with teaching the kids “…the significance (of Veterans Day).” Nope! At our PTO meeting last week, the principal informed us that the teachers and administrators wanted to swap Veteran’s Day for the one attendance day scheduled for Thanksgiving week. Ahhhh … this is all starting to make sense, isn’t it?
Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for two of the three attendance days of Thanksgiving week – that left just one attendance day (and two teacher work days) during the holiday week. Presto-chango, the district moves conferences from Tuesday and Wednesday to Monday and Tuesday, and makes Wednesday a non-attendance day. The kids get the entire week of Thanksgiving off, the teachers and administrators get to start their Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday rather than Thursday, and we all live happily ever after … that is, unless you are a veteran …
*EDIT* These are the holidays currently observed by my school district: Labor Day, Columbus Day, Non-Student Attendance Day (November 25 - observed instead of Veteran's Day), Thanksgiving Recess (November 26 & 27), Winter Recess (2 weeks), Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, April District Holiday (Good Friday), Spring Recess (1 week), Memorial Day
I think I had an anonymous commenter yesterday who mistakenly thought I was an advice columnist. Either that or she was way off when she typed in www.dearabby.com She wrote:
Well … I can’t just let anon be lost out here in cyberspace without answers, can I?

Ummmm lets see. Where do I start? I was shown your interesting but yet disgusting pics by a friend. She was expressing her concern because this is something that her husband finds interesting. Which we cannot for the life of us figure out. Do you have some sort of spell on the guys that open these up? How else would they even find this attractive? Being a woman myself, I have to tell you that what you are doing is a disgrace to women. Just one more loser giving us a bad name. THANKS!!! It is obvious that you are desperate for attention. Its too bad that you have to get it by showing of what you call "ART". Not sure but Im thinking you may need to go back to school or at least pull out a dictionary so that you can find the true meaning of the word. Cause girl...art is meant to be beautiful and you sure haven't shown us anything of the sort yet!!!
With deepest sincerity...
Well … I can’t just let anon be lost out here in cyberspace without answers, can I?
Dear Disgusted,
Where do you start? The best place would be at www.blogger.com where you can sign yourself up for a Blogger profile. You don’t even have to start a blog, but we bloggers are a fickle bunch - we have far more respect for commenters who have the gonads (or, in your case, the lady bits) to stand up and be known when they have an adversarial opinion (i.e., at a minimum, set up a Blogger profile with an email address attached to it). In fact, most of us treat folks who take the time to do that with the utmost respect. But when you post anonymously, it just looks cowardly and petty. Anything you might have said that had an iota of value loses its mojo …
Secondly, yes! I do have magical powers! Things likemind reading,shape shifting, compassion, empathy, brains and a sense of humor. Believe it or not, these are things that most people (not just men) find … well … attractive. I know, it’s hard to believe, but really! It’s true! Most people read my blog in spite of my HNT’s, not because of them! Not only that, but the majority of people who do stop by on Thursdays (HNT day, just in case you want to visit again next week) actually read my blog every day of the week. Imagine! That means that my words are SIX times more magically powerful than my photos. Just call me She-Ra!
On the subject of art and beauty, maybe you are familiar with the words of the English dramatist John Lyly?
"...as neere is Fancie to Beautie, as the pricke to the Rose, as the stalke to the rynde, as the earth to the roote."
“Good Lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean,
Needs not the painted flourish of your praise:
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,
Not utter'd by base sale of chapmen's tongues”
I know! Benjamin Franklin!
“Beauty, like supreme dominion, is but supported by opinion”
No? What about David Hume?
"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them."
Certainly, a well educated and articulate person like yourself must be familiar with Margaret Wolfe Hungerford (née Hamilton), who, in Molly Bawn, (1878) penned the line,
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
And lastly, I find your disgust with the human body … well … pathetic. You see, the human body – in its many shapes, sizes and colors – is truly a wonderful, amazing and beautiful thing! Holy smokes! Just the fact that it was designed - perfectly - to make reproduction of the human race not only possible, but enjoyable, is amazing in itself. Those *gasp* breasts that I had the audacity to show? They, all on their own, provided all of the nutrients my newborn son needed for the first 8 weeks of his life! Oh … wait … is that why you came to my blog instead of writing on walls in Facebook? You couldn’t find any more breastfeeding photos to gripe about?
Let me help you out. www.facebook.com Just search on the words “breast feeding”. I’m sure you’ll find a handful of “rebels” out there to keep you occupied while you wait for The Jerry Springer Show to start!
I just can't get over the fact that you had the concentration to write and publish this post at 4 a.m.!!! I hope you wrote it the night before. LOL
I agree about the anon commenter. People are so silly. I would have responded jealous much? Because this chick so obviously is.
That's sad about your son's school and Veterans Day but I can also see the benefit of a five day weekend at Thanksgiving. A lot of people travel. I think only Veterans should get that day off. ;)
Excellent thoughts all. Love your logic.
Anonymous critics are cowards. You hit the nail on the head. Lord know I don't mind differing opinions, but name calling is just rude.
FF, this one was written last night, but I was up at 4AM! I understand the appeal of a long holiday week, but call it what it is instead of pretending your doing it for the kids.
ASM, and I know you like logical chicks *wink*
Karen, differing opinions are wonderful, but petty name-calling is sophomoric, and doing it anonymously? Even more so!
Ha. I love getting comments like the one left by Anon. I find them fun people to mess with...because, well typically they're not very bright.
One problem I have with you however...Don't quote Hume. He was an Empicial Idiot. Wayyyyyyy overrated. Cheers Dana!!
You of course have the right to do whatever you want so long as its legal. What bothers me, is that you have an angry husband and apparently got "caught" (meaning you were playing with fire) in public last week looking at the web. At some point I imagine that your online life and real life are going to collide and I don't think the consequences are going to be pretty. Your son is going to be the one to suffer. Aren't you are all concerned about that?
I find your school's intentions disgusting. Veteran's day is celebrated for a very important reason. A reason much more important than the teachers and administration at your school district. Some people have no shame. And when they are educating children it is the most shameful of all. I think I will go chew on a piece of steel to calm down.
Matt-Man, I'm starting to see the joy of anon commenters too! And what do you have against Hume?? He was certainly an interesting character!
dlk24, off topic and anonymous (as in you have invite only blog and zero information on your profile). Need I say more?
Doomed, there was a hush-hush notice of the public meeting two days before the vote was taken. Had I known about it veteran's would have had a voice.
I am not a big fan of any of the British Empiricist philosophers. Hume, Locke, and Berkeley...Hacks, one and all. Cheers!!
Okay I admit it. After reading your post I went and checked our school calendar. I kept thinking, "We have Veterans Day off?" I do not remember this. How do I not remember this? Nope! Our district has classes that day. But I do remember they had a breakfast and assembly honoring Veterans. I didn't know any schools got that day off.
Happy Friday!
Damn, is this the first installment of English Lit Fridays -
Arrghhh- effing school districts... I suspect you can correctly guess my opinion on the matter!
I love your reply to the anonymous commenter.
BTW, I think ladies who quote literature are hot ;-)
Nice response, Dana. In addition to the points you made, I would suggest that if one of these women has a problem with her husband looking at HNT's, her beef is with him and not you.
Matt-Man, hacks? Oh my! Although I'd tend to agree, his quote fit the tone of the argument enough that I felt he was worthy!
BBallMom, really? Wow! But I bet they get Columbus Day and Martin Luther King's Birthday off, don't they?
DB, I just figured since I showed my bare side yesterday I should show my intellectual side today to balance things out.
Hubman, I haven't decided yet if my protest to the school will be removing Cam from classes that day, or volunteering to speak at any "educational" celebration they might have.
Biscuit, you are clearly confused! You see, if it weren't for women like *me* their husbands wouldn't even bother to look at HNT's. And let's not forget, this has *nothing* to do with the type of people they are either!
Hi Dana,
Good for you "anon" was way off base. Your pics are "icing on the cake" so to speak. Keep it up girl...
I love anonymous trash talkers. They are so clever.
You can shapeshift too?! Amazing. It's one of my coolest tricks as well. ;)
I think you handled the anonymous disgusted person quite well. It definitely made me grin. You rock, not just because you're beautiful either. ;)
Have a great weekend!
Wonder if the teachers would give up one of their "professional development days" or one of their "inservice days"? I mean, everyone, except those of us married to them, wonders what they are - and if the teachers are really learning anything. (And for the record, the hubby complains about how 75% of them are a waste of time). So, since no one except a small group of people understand what they are for, they should get rid of that day instead. Isn't that the logic? Districts can be illogical - and when they do something quietly, they know they are doing something wrong. :)
Good response to the anonymous poster! Sounds like someone learned that her husband likes "naked women" and wants to lash out instead of realizing he's a normal heterosexual man. Well handled! :)
But I bet they get Columbus Day and Martin Luther King's Birthday off, don't they?
Actually no. They do get Presidents' Day though.
If the district is so concerned with having the extra Thanksgiving Day, why don't they just tack on an extra day at the end of the year?
Of all the controversial topics you write about I'm surprised the crazy anons pop out on HNT day. Some people just don't get it.
Around here we've never had those days off.. Probably a good place for our school system to start and organize a celebration for the veterans..
Tee hee! I love going after people who leave nasty comments and you made my day. Bitingly sharp retort there.
the veteran's day excuse is lame...but many school districts are already in class that day...and have tacked on wednesday to thanksgiving.
As for the comment without a name....so some woman found out her husband as been enjoying your photography on HNT. And rather than dealing with her own marriage issues, showed her friend. AND then rather than commenting to you herself...had her friend write it. And her friend was a coward about it. Let alone the lack of art appreciation.
what kinda makes me laugh....I wonder how many married men who read your weblog are now thinking it was their wife's friend who commented. laughing...really...think about all of them worrying...
It really is Jerry Springer.
I, too, am always amazed that women will lash out at other women over something they should be konking their husbands over the head for. NOT that this situation requires a konking...
I mean, it WAS just your chest wasn't it? Or did I miss the second click through?
You know I think you are FABULOUS! And I love your reponse.
Kuddos Dana!!!! Love your response to the anon commenter. And I agree with Biscuit. That woman has an issue she needs to bring up with her *husband* NOT you. It totally makes me laugh.
*shaking head*
The Veteran's Day thing annoys the hell out of me bc it's so obvious they have ulterior motives behind the change.
I actually didn't know that there were school districts out there that were off for Veteran's Day. Do they get Columbus Day and President's Day off too?
I know that if I say that I don't see why kids should be out of school for Veteran's Day then I automatically hate the military and I'm rooting for the terrorists and blah, blah, blah. But, like I said, I didn't even realize they were out that day in some places.
As for your anon commenter. Jealous much? Maybe if she got that stick out of her ass for a while, she might find that she could do something that would take her husbands eye's away from HNT posts.
I find it funny that the public justification was "we can teach them why everyone else is celebrating but you are in school learning about it" :) The actual reason is more believable albeit less honoring those who have served.
Loved your response to the commenter. I have to agree with Biscuit with regard to her taking out her frustration with her husband on you. To refer to the body as disgusting shows an apparent low self esteem. I feel kinda sorry for her, I hope she finds help.
Gah! We wonder why our youth has no understanding of what it means to volunteer your life to protect your country. If we all run around acting like we don't care all the time, of course they aren't going to care. Ridiculous. I have it when people are dishonest about their motivations for things.
I cannot stand it when people refuse to separate nudity from sexuality. They are two different things, and while it's true they tend to overlap, it drives me insane that some individuals cannot appreciate the beauty of the human form for what it is, because they are too distracted by the wet and sticky bits. Gah! I say, Gah, Ack, and Blast!
I'm not sure how I feel about the Veterans' day issue. I don't remember ever getting Veterans' Day off from school.
As for your commenter, they obviously have a very closed mind to think that only the things that they consider art can actually be art. Let's not talk about the fact that some of the most famous artist's visions weren't recognized as art until after they were deceased. You're beautiful. Your pictures are beautiful. Don't ever let anyone tell you any differently.
SoxYes, why thank you!
Amorous, it made me grin writing it!
Emmy, you'd think anon would be thrilled that her "friend's" husband wasn't surfing the gay porn sites *shrugs*
BBall Mom, in Illinois, schools must observe state holidays unless they are granted a waiver by the school board, thus the exorbitant amount of holidays.
Knight, I have a theory on the HNT backlash - those are the days my posts are just pictures - no reading (i.e. thought) required!
Buff, I was disturbed to learn my district wasn't offering any education regarding Veteran's Day!
NV, I'm glad you enjoyed my snarkiness!
Kat, actually, I have a pretty good idea which wife (or which wife's friend) this was, and so does the husband involved. But, there may be a few more out there with a guilty conscience.
RLL, I didn't even show the dreaded areola on that one! I'm guessing she finds Manet's The Luncheon on the Grass disgusting and non-art as well!
Vixen, it's my magical powers that overtake the rational thoughts of men. You know - the shiny-object phenomena.
Jay, I promise not to call you unpatriotic *wink* Bottom line? I've never worked anywhere that celebrated Veteran's Day as a holiday.
Anon? Well, her reaction should give her some insight as to why her husband (or friend's husband) in visiting HNT's!
g-man, I feel sorry for her too, but hope she returns to MySpace and FaceBook where the moral police censor.
I enjoy reading the way you eloquently phrase your thoughts, truely. Oh and anon' Dana's HNT pictures ARE ART you simpleton! I like to read and view Amid Life's Cries. Oh crap am I going to go to hell now?
**deleted rude slam at prudes** :)
What a wonderful, classy response! It won't make a blind bit of difference to anyone who can descend out of the blue and post something like that anonymously but, girl, it'll wind Ms Anonymous up tremendously :)
Ugh, my blood is boiling right now. I just don't understand people that go out of their way to confront others in way that she did only to sign off anonymously? Grow some! I hear one word from her entire rant and that word is Jealousy.
We love your photos and blogging. So glad you have such a great attitude about this!
I think this says it all:
She was expressing her concern because this is something that her husband finds interesting. Which we cannot for the life of us figure out. Do you have some sort of spell on the guys that open these up?
It's a bit to easy and convenient to ascribe jealousy, but in this case I kind of think it fits.
Why, oh why, does my husband find you attractive? Let me tear you down a bit so I can feel better about that. . .
Lovedlovedloved your response to the 'unenlightened one'!! Although, I shouldn't be too harsh. She sounds like my soon-to-be-ex MIL.. :):):)
Boo, we have got to be one of the most uptight societies when it comes to nudity. I'm just doing my part to change a few minds *wink*
Ms. U, you know, I don't get overly excited about my nudity, but I do get excited about the creative aspect of half-nekkid, self portraits. When something comes together the way I invision it, when I do see sensuality in a 44 year old woman, when I keep people guessing with click-throughs? Those are the things that excite me!
Lu, I hope you are going to hell! I'd hate to think I was saving this seat next to me for nothing!
Ro, I will take on a battle of words, thoughts and logic any time! Although I enjoy it a bit more when it's actually a challenge.
Random, as I gain more confidence in my writing, I realize that HNT's are nothing more that an excercise in self-photography. Half-nekkid? Yes, but not degrading or pornographic!
Ms. I, I purposely did not mention jealousy in my response because it *is* such an easy out, but I have to agree with you - this looks very much like a green-eyed monster!
Sitting here LMAO....Jealous hell no. What is there to be jealous about? Sure as hell not you. How could I be of someone who has to use the internet to make herself feel better. Yes you have alot of "followers" but lets get real. I think you all need to get a life. I have real friends. I can actually call them up on the phone and go have lunch with them or whatever. I dont have to show my body or "art" as you call it. Yeah sure I do have my friends on myspace, but I know who they are. As for starting my own blog on here, the only reason I got on was to see what the hell was so thrilling. As of yet...haven't found it. So I will leave you with this....You are reading my last post on here. I think that you are a very lonely person in general and need to use this as a way to make yourself feel better. If this is what it takes then more power to you. Go for it. Shape shifter, and you look like that???? WOW.
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