28 December 2007

Personal Responsibility

Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility.
~ Albert Schweitzer

I have been spending much of my unemployed free time exploring politics in general. I am frustrated with the common assumption that there are only two viable political parties and that we must select one or the other. I am frustrated with the Electoral College and the overwhelming knowledge that the popular vote no longer matters. I am frustrated that our country seems to be voting against candidates and ideas rather than voting for candidates and ideas. More than anything else, I am frustrated with this prevailing thought that we need more government - more social programs - to take care of our citizens.

It seems that in this overly politically correct society we have fostered, no one is willing to step up to the plate and say, "Take care of yourself!" We cannot do that because:

(1) It is not their fault
(2) They can't do it on their own, and
(3) They are repressed because they are [fill in the blank with anything other than white male]


What we need (in my oh-so-humble opinion) is LESS government. We need to allow people to fail, and to take personal responsibility for their failures. We need to concentrate on not only perceived, and real, constitutional rights, but the responsibilities we all have to uphold those rights, and we need to do that as individuals rather than relying on our government to do it for us.

When we endorse a bigger government - more social programs - we are giving all of our power to just a few people. We are in essence saying, "We cannot take care of ourselves." In fact, I take this concept even a bit further and say that when we start making excuses for people based on race, education - you name it - we are actually holding them back from succeeding. We are telling them they do not need to improve, they do not need to work harder, they do not need to better themselves, because it's not their fault.

Somehow, I do not think these are the ethics and ideals our founding fathers envisioned.


none said...

Amen. I totally agree.

Dana said...

Hammer, thanks for stopping by! However, I'll be surprised if everyone who leaves comments feels the way you do.

Leighann said...

I was just discussing this very topic with the husband last night. Catch me on IM today!

Schmoop said...

I consider myself a liberal, and believe that folks are entitled to help, but yes, things have gone incredibly far overboard. Cheers!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Amen, Sister! We were just having the conversation yesterday about how many countries are more FREE than America. Not that I'd trade it. But the limitations are certainly getting out of hand.

buffalodick said...

I voted for Ross Perot twice. The popular vote has never counted. Ron Paul is the only candidate that has pointed out the current President has violated the Constitution. He is the only candidate that has flatly stated the USA in Iraq is wrong. I'm tired of hidden agendas. I'm discouraged this guy doesn't have a prayer. Thomas Jefferson was clear on what this country should be- not what it has become. Prosperity breeds apathy...Which reminds me of a joke that's not so funny- A blonde is asked: "Do you know the difference between Ingnorance and Apathy?" She answers "I don't know, and I don't care"....

Dana said...

Leighann, are you afraid to publish your thoughts on this for all to read??

Matt-Man, it's OK, I still respect you *smirk* I actually fall square into the Libertarian category.

RLL, I'm just tired of the government feeling the need - and the people blindly accepting - to regulate and legislate every facet of my life.

Dana said...

Buffalodickdy, a few months ago I was making fun of Ron Paul. Now I am watching interviews with him!

Jay said...

I agree with you. What frustrates me the most is people who actually believe that one party is better than the other. Or that one party is less of a "nanny state" gov't than the other. Both parties, Dem an Repubs want total fucking control of our lives.

Leighann said...

Not at all, I was just afraid it would get LONG! :)

Jeff B said...

Great soap box moment. I'm a 41 year old white male. Sometimes I feel like one of the most shackled people on the planet. If I say anything about one of the 'special interest' groups, I'm labeled a racest, intollerant or ______ (fill in the blank).

Funny how we all want to be recognized as individuals, but when we as indivuals make a mistake it's not our fault. It's always because of our up-bringing or our current social situation or again, ______ (fill it in).

Welfare and many other assistants programs were origonally designed to help people get out of a particular situation, but they have been misused for so long now that they are merely a means of dependance for the most part.

The whole political party designations are a joke anymore. What does a true Rep or Demo look like anymore? I have no idea. Like Buffalo I think Perot was the only one who has made much sense in the last umpteen years. His 'run the country like a business' campaign actually made sense. Don't let the special interest groups dictate who you are or what you'll do.

OK, I'm done for now. Thanks for letting me pull up my soapbox next to you.

captain corky said...

I hate politics. Nothing infuriates me more than Law Makers going after baseball players who use steroids. With all the shit that's going on in the world... They waste their time and our money on?!? Funk that!

I think I'll go watch some cartoons now, that thought hurt my head.

Dana said...

Jay, I couldn't agree with you more! Bottom line is that the single most important quality of any potential president these days is their ability to lie well.

Jeff, you can come set your soapbox up next to mine any time! I'll give my little Special Interest presentation soon!

CPT, I saw there is a Speed Racer movie coming out this summer. I can hardly wait!!

Leighann said...

Okay my comment would have been strikingly similar to that of Jeff!

I think that the American people have been coddled for far too long.

Trust me when I say this though, I could go on and on, that's why I said catch me on IM! LOL

R.E.H. said...

I try to stay clear of politics for the most part. Simply because I feel not one of them know common sense. They're all rubbish, aren't they?

Well... am I cheerful today?

buffalodick said...

I know, he looks like Mister Magoo- but when do we stop judging people by their looks, and start listening to what they say... He ain't perfect, but he knows what the founding fathers were trying to say...

Christo Gonzales said...


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have ever been here but I'll surely be back! Amen girl, carry on! I could write a 97 gazillion word comment here on how social programs have never worked but I won't. The show stopping question for all the folks that push for the social programs is this (because they are undoubtably against the current admin) ask them this, Do you want GW making your decisions for you?
I can't believe anyone could want anyone else deciding anything fr them, and that is the power we give up when we allow them to give us things through social programs, that and the fact that we have as many if not more poverty level folks now than we did when some social programs were put into place, the same amount of poor they just cost more.
damn it was long anyway
great post!

You can Call me AL said...

Personal responsibility! AMEN..

Albert Schweitzer is one of my favorite philosophers and Noble Peace Prize recipient.
The quote of his I enjoy the most," The only way out of today's misery is for people to become worthy of each other's trust."

Rick said...

Albert knew what he was talking about.


Crashtest Comic said...

I never voted--
Never beleived in voting...& I'm sick of Bush/Clintons in the White House.

If they gave me someone who I passionately believed in, I'd run out right now and vote.

OJ for President!

Dana said...

REH, unfortunately, I think we have to decipher levels of rubbish. Sad that we don't even expect honesty from our elected officials any longer.

Buffalodickdy, for me the whole Ron Paul thing (and I am embarrassed to admit this) had to do with the grass roots presentation. My assumption was that he had to be some psycho liberal to have people out on street corners touting his politics.

Dana said...

Doggybloggy, I'm feeling some ... what ... opposition maybe? I'd love to hear your views, even if they are different from mine!

Southern Sage, thanks for stopping by! I just heard a comment on a news show - "I don't even trust the government to deliver my mail" I had to laugh at the truth in that statement.

YCCMA, thank you for stopping by as well! I find such wisdom in the little quips of thoughtful people!

Dana said...

Rick, thanks for stopping by!

Crashtest Comic, as much as it bothers me to hear that you don't vote (and it does bother me), I certainly understand!

Rick Rockhill said...

That's it. I've made up my mind. I'm voting for YOU for President

Dana said...

No thank you! Too many skeletons in THIS closet!!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever notice that it is no ones fault until something goes wrong?

Thanks for hanging out at my blog.

I am adding you to my blogroll.Neato pad you have here girlie!