18 December 2007

The Principal's Office

You know, I didn't like being called to the Principal's office when I was in school, and I like it even less now that I'm not in school, but today I got that special feeling once again when I answered the phone and heard, "Mrs. C, I have your son in my office." *stomach drops, immediate nausea ensues*

Seems my dear 6th grader decided to push boundaries a bit too far (not sure where he got that from) and he landed smack dab in trouble. It was an instance of a few, minor things all lumped together in a 30 minute time frame that suddenly became larger than life. No single, terrible thing - just all over, general disrespectful behavior that is completely unacceptable.

We are currently experiencing the beginnings of (black cloud hovers) puberty in my house, and my little boy has decided that not only is he a man, but he has an opinion that he will freely express, damn the consequences. Well, today he found out that the consequences of being a man child involve in school suspension for the day and grounding from all communications with his friends (internet, IM and the good old telephone) outside of school for a week.

... and I discovered that the Principal's office still looks, smells and feels the same way it did 30 years ago!


Schmoop said...

My son has the same attitude, and yet he is blessed with a "he's cute when he does it" charisma. He's fine at school, but his mom and I lower the boom. Cheers Dana!!

Jay said...

I only got called into the principal's office a couple of times in high school. I did get detention a few times in Jr. High though. But, for the most part I escaped trouble in high school. Of course, our principal was too busy going to seminars all over the country so he could troll out of town parks for blow jobs. But hey, everybody has to have a hobby, right? ;-)

Dana said...

Matt-man, I bet he got that endearing quality from his father!

Jay, I'll admit to having visited the Principal's office more than one time in my school career - in fact I was 5 the first time I experienced it. I know, the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

R.E.H. said...

The number of times I was called to the principal's office back in the day is mind-boggling. I think the school were seriously considering adding it to my scheduled classes...

Lets see... 11:45 is Principal Office, Gym Class starts at 12:30... and so on...

I know... I was a a trouble maker as a kid ;)

MrRyanO said...

ahhh, sounds like a fun day. No phone, no internet, no porn...that would suck!

g-man said...

That sucks. My eldest is 18, the last few years really sucked. Being only a every other weekend dad didn't help. His mother didn't do herself any favors by not disciplining him (them). The good news is that they eventually come out of it when they realize that you (mom and dad) were really right about a lot of things.

Taking away porn and back up porn, and video game porn (and the ability to share it with his friends) the best punishment!

buffalodick said...

The only difference between a "good" kid and a "bad" kid is- a bad kid gets caught....

Dana said...

R.E.H., I'll not be inviting you to dinner anytime soon! You're as bad a role model as I am!

RockDog, funny how puberty and porn go together so well. He was really upset that I took away the "internet" AND wouldn't allow him to call his "chick" I am a MEAN mom.

g-man, that is assuming he actually makes it to 18!

Buffalodickdy, I would agree, and when you are 5'-8" tall and 190 lbs at 11 years old, you become the easy one to spot!

Anonymous said...

lol poor guy.

I never did that kind of acting out, cause my father wasn't opposed to a good ol' ass kickin. No IM or phone for a week must be some real torture.

Leighann said...

I have no idea what it's like in the pricipals office! :p

Real Live Lesbian said...

I agree with Buff...of course, I'm the good girl that NEVER got caught. My mother would DIE if she knew the things I did.

Sounds like excellent punishment! Mine was always no phone/no car. I had a smart mouth. Hard to believe, huh? ;)

Unknown said...

As we are the principal, we don't have an office but damn we can make life hell for the kids...is he your oldest? I have to in puberty, Niko & Zak, 15 & 14 and they test boundaries on a minute to minute basis it seems.
Oh, btw TAG, you're it ~ come to the Cafe for details, and I apologize now.

Dana said...

thebirdman33, we have a special punishment called "nose and toes" that is used quite sparingly and involves standing facing a wall with nose and toes touching the wall. That's what's next.

Leighann, Thing #4 will have you quite familiar with the Principal's office - I have no doubt!

RLL, although I had my share of visits, it was no where near the number of times I *should* have been sent - and my parents will never know!

Sassy, no need to apologize - I'll take it as a compliment - afterall, it lets me know you are thinking about me!