14 November 2008

Friday Wrap-Up


I had this brilliant idea, after my HNT yesterday, to do a post of my favorite non-sexual HNT's this week, but you know what? I had a heck of a time trying to find any! I did a google blog search for HNT, clicked on at least 150 links, and came up with ... well ... not enough to actually do a worthy post. Now mind you, many of the HNT's are not in-your-face nekkidness, but they still have a distinct sexual overtone to them. I know that mine usually do, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I was. I think I'll attempt to do at least one emotionally half-nekkid HNT each month just to see if I can!


I'm taking a trip this weekend to Indianapolis to meet up with a few bloggers. Most of you know that meeting new people TERRIFIES me. Logically, I know it's really not a big deal, but emotionally I worry about everything involved - from saying something completely dorky, to being a general disappointment. This type of event challenges my self esteem issues in the worst way.

I might even take a side trip to visit two other bloggers who have been on my "to do" list for quite some time. We'll see what happens. Either way, I will - of course - offer stories and photographic evidence of any and all activities that will not embarrass me or any other blogger with expressed written permission only!

EDIT: I have my iGoogle page set up to display my horoscope (just for shits and grins). Thought it was funny that today it read (some of you will appreciate this more than others):

You are no stranger to keeping secrets, yet now it's important that you know when to stay quiet and when to talk. There is much that can be safely shared, yet once you open the door, it will be hard to shut it without telling everything. Remember, discretion really is the better part of valor and today some things are better left unsaid.


A few of my regular blog reads are offering up real, live holiday cards this season, I'll be doing my own holiday give-away (more on that later), and Another Suburban Mom (ASM) is organizing a VIRTUAL COOKIE EXCHANGE. This is seriously cool for all of you holiday bakers out there. All you need to do is pick your favorite holiday cookie, candy or food gift recipe and post it on December 12th. She also encourages that you write a story about why they are your favorites, or a nice memory about making them with grandma or grandpa. All you have to do is leave a comment on her VIRTUAL COOKIE EXCHANGE post letting her know you want to share. She is even putting together a special blogroll to list all of the participants.

You know you want to do it - all of the cool kids are!!



Real Live Lesbian said...

FINALLY! A cookie that's on my diet! ;)

Have fun this weekend!

buffalodick said...

Have a nice trip!

Major.Sunshine said...

Have fun this weekend!!

Ken said...

Enjoy your Blogmeets.
Seems more and more people are getting past the fears of meeting through the computer.

Nolens Volens said...

Indy??? That's 4 hours away from me! Too bad I'm going to a retreat. ;)

By the way, re-check my post...I edited it to clarify it.

Lu' said...

I must say I prefer your not in your face sexual posts because they are far more sexy whith inuendo. I look forward to seeing the different challenge the non-sexual HNT results; once a month.

I would be happy to give my po box to anyone that actually wanted to send cookies, just sayin' :)

Jay said...

Can you believe that I've been blogging for almost three years and I still haven't met a single blog buddy in person? I will have to change that next year!

Mmmmm cookies.

Deech said...

I am sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you when you took your trip down here to Texas....I am going to have to figure out how to remedy that. For that matter, I have bloggers that I know here in SA that I would love to meet.

The cookie thing...sounds like a great Idea!

Karen said...

I am jealous that you are having a blogger meet up this weekend. I have met 2 bloggers, who were totally awesome. But I want to meet so many more!

Schmoop said...

Have fun and have a safe trip Dana. As for the Cookie Exchange? That's sweet, but I think a Nookie Exchange would be much better. Cheers!!

Hubman said...

Just so you know, ASM excels in completely dorky comments, so you have nothing to worry about!

Anndi said...

You have a list?

M said...

Add me to the list of potential dorks.

Trust me, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about!

Dana said...

RLL, yeah ... that damn ASM and her great ideas! I'll attempt fun - we'll see ...

Buff, will do!

TRLFTP, my goal is to remember the fun I have and to not wake up with a hangover!

Jormengrund said...

I'm already signed up for the Cookie Exchange!

Heh, coming from you, I'm surprised that you're nervous about meeting new folks, I mean, while in the service, how many different peoeple did you meet and interact with?

Anyway, g'luck with the meet, and I can't wait to read about it all!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I loved yesterday's HNT...I think the fact that so many are sexual in nature loses what I thought was the "meaning" for HNT...but maybe that is just me...

OOO let's see..Indianapolis to Memphis - only 7 hours....am I one of the two you are going to 'pop in' on???


Enjoy your weekend!

Dana said...

Micky, meeting fellow bloggers is kind of like getting a tattoo - the first time it's difficult to make the decision, but then it become addictive!

Nolens Volens, it is too bad you had other plans!

Lu, I'd rather have cookies in my tummy than in my PO box!

Dana said...

Jay, I soooo want to pop your blogger meet cherry!

Flyinfox, you certainly need to meet your local bloggers!

Karen, it's addictive, isn't it??

Dana said...

Matt-Man, a virtual nookie exchange? That doesn't sound like much fun to me!!

Hubman, maybe my dorkiness will be a welcome thing then!

Anndi, of course I have a list - it's called my blogroll!!

Dana said...

M, why am I just not seeing the dork in you?

Jormengrund, oh, trust me, my military career was FULL of anxiety for that very reason!

Bond, I'm with you on the HNT meaning - in fact, I think many people DON'T participate because there is a sexual tone that has almost become expected. I'm going to see if I can't change that perception just a bit.

And 7 hours?? Ummm ... no ... think about 2 hours directly east and you might figure out who they are *wink* But when I come to visit RLL (also on my list) you'll have to stop by!!

Leighann said...

Have a great weekend, toots!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I was supposed to be in Indiana this weekend. Hope you have a great time. I feel certain you will.

Thank you for the compliment you paid me in my comments. Means a lot! :)

Can't wait to see pics of your fun times! I love picture filled posts. Your HNT yesterday was very cool. I hear ya on the non-sexual HNTs. I think I might have to try that myself. You proved it doesn't have to be boring. ;)

Brian Gardes said...

Have a great time this weekend. Please, for the love of blogdom, do something crazy this weekend!!!

Knight said...

When I'm in Chicago I will be giving you a call.

The horoscope edit is pretty funny. Makes you wonder if the writer is reading your blog to come up with this stuff.

Average Chick said...

Have no fear about meeting bloggers in real life! You have got to be just as charming as you are on your blog. We're all human! We all got our quirks...no biggie :)

Your non sexual HNT was very moving..It's a good idea to try for once a month

Enjoy your trip! I'm hoping to start my blog crawl next week :)

Jeff B said...

Wow, did the horoscope hit it on the head or what?

Safe travels and good times to you.