22 November 2008

Sunday Secret


This picture was taken last week during the Indy trip (ASM in the center, M on the right). I HATE it! It is a vivid and concrete reminder of just how "BIG" I am and how unnatural and unfeminine I feel when in a group of women.



Osbasso said...


Anonymous said...

Well you are a tall woman but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. Stand up and be proud! I'd kill to be tall like that!

And I'm w/ Os, pfffttt!

Lu' said...

Damn Girl, you are tall, no wait that is statuesque insn't it.

Unnatural and unfeminine, Nope. It doesn't have to be Thursday for me to say that. All I can tell you is you don't look like you were once a guy, well that and I think you are lovely :)

Others words can't really change how you feel deep in your heart so I'm just telling it as I see it.

MrRyanO said...

I need to add my pfffttt!!

I know plenty of guys, like the RockDog for example, that love a taller than average woman!...and we've seen the HNT pictures...you're a woman!

Rejoice and be proud!


Dana said...

Os, don't be Pfffftttt-ing me!

FF, I think it's a "grass is greener" issue. I don't mind being a bit tall, but when standing next to average women, I just want to blend in.

Lu, I've had several people comment that they had no idea I was so tall - that my HNT's don't communicate my size. It's one of the things I enjoy about HNT!

Hubman said...

You do realize that ASM wishes she was tall like you and hates being "short"?

And then she wouldn't have to put up with my teasingly calling her "stumpy"!

Real Live Lesbian said...

I just thought they looked short! :P


Richard said...

Whoever said that standing out in the crowd is bad. You look great.

Anonymous said...

My response is stronger than Pfffttt!

Bullshit! you look great!!

Brandi said...

You didn't seem big to me. But then again, I am rather tall myself. :)

Fabsterrant said...

Tall is a good thing. 6'6" here.

Anonymous said...

Well looking good to me!
Looks like a fun time too.

Anndi said...


Why on earth do we always want to blend in?

Helen said...

Hey, Amazons are people too! Female people, even!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I have to say, I sometimes grouse that the world is designed with an average size guy in mind, and that means I'm never going to own a car with the radio buttons close enough to the steering wheel for my liking. I bet you can reach all six of your presets!

Another Suburban Mom said...

As the short woman in the picture, I can tell you how I hate standing next to tall women as I feel I look squat and dumpy.

If I could wake up tomorrow and be 5'9" I would be a happy girl.

I still think you are hot!

Dana said...

RockDog, ohhh ... I know your type - the tall women are great to have mental fantasies with - kind of like those midget fantasies.

Hubman, you call her "stumpy"? Shame on you! I get "Burly broad" at home.

RLL, Ha! No, they look like feminine women!

Dana said...

Richard, I'm just a wallflower at heart I guess.

Tall Guy, you said a bad word on my blog! But I'm glad you did - thank you!

NY Diva, why couldn't you have been in that photo?? *grin*

Dana said...

Fabsterrant, but to be a tall man is quite different than being a tall woman!

SS, it was a fun time!

Anndi, because then no one will have any expectations of us?

Dana said...

Helen, I can also get stuff off the top shelf at the market - and often do when I see "normal" women longingly gazing at some elusive product.

ASM, *blushes* Thank you!

Biscuit said...

I agree, it's a "grass is greener" thing. I was always envious of the girls with curly hair and pretty fingernails. Still am.

Both of my brothers are 6'4" and they told me the whole time I was growing up that I was going to be a beautiful 6' tall woman. They thought it was going to be great because they loved tall women. I was a huge disappointment in that department!

buffalodick said...

Six foot women in Western Mich aren't that uncommon- a lot of Dutch blood in the area!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

embrace your tallness hun.. i am a 6 footer myself and i freaking LOVE it.


Average Chick said...

Oh sweetie...you look good!!!

I had a similar issue with taking a picture with the girls I was out with..instead I looked like the big brown whale in the picture...

Anonymous said...

I came back to read your comments and I'm laughing at you reaching for things easily on the top shelf while I'm climbing the damn racks. Ha ha ha!

rage said...

Tall, short, you're all beautiful....

Vixen said...


I understand though, we all have our insecurities. Just try not to dwell on them (too much).

You are you and that person is beautiful. :)

Brian Gardes said...

You may hate it, but you are hot in that pic! See, I think you are hot even when it is not HNT!

Anonymous said...

how tall are you? Iam 6' and i love every centimeter. I wear my heels proud and honestly I ant imagine being little. I am 6' since iam 12 years old and was taller than my 6th grad teacher.

Make a vacation in europe and you will feel better. Here in the states people are littler than overseas.

JW said...

Stuff and nonsense.

I'd also recommend taking a lesson from the Amazons and holding your head high and proud. Perhaps leave out the bit about cutting off one breast though; no one needs to be that good at archery nowadays.

Schmoop said...

We all have those feelings about ourselves. I have a birthmark on my ass that looks like Richard Nixon. It's really emabarassing. Cheers Dana!!

Karen said...

Honestly, my first thought was "ASM is a midget!" I think you look normal.

Nicey said...

I love taller woman been out 2 over 6 foot, they kick, you carry it well

Deech said...

You feel the way you feel. I can't really change that. However, I completely disagree with you in regards to being unnatural and unfeminine.

You are a lovely lady. And if you could see that through my eyes you would see why....

M said...

ARE you f***ing kidding me?

A: you had on heels
B: ASM and I are seriously short
C: I look like sh**

So there.

Anonymous said...

long time only lurk here mama, but I think you look lovely. Really. XO

tt said...

we always want something we don't have right? You want to be shorter to feel more girlie...I want to be taller so I won't be as fat.
We just wish in one hand and spit in the other..which one wins??
On a personal note...I think you're just fine!!!! and.....I'm jealous of your height so there!!

Anndi said...

When you blend in? You ARE conforming to someone's expectations.

Anonymous said...

That was hot- thank you, I needed this…

Jill said...

But just remember, us shorter chics are wishing the opposite - that we could have some height like you!

Anonymous said...

I understand completely....I am 5'10" but always seem to attract friends that at 5'2". Fortunately both of my daughters are 5'9" and whenever we can, we don our heels and go out and have a great time together.

Liz Hill said...

I can see you stooping in the pic--sigh--Had I been ableto be there I would have nudged you up. I wear heels to make me 5'11' I'm no tiny thing and I've learned to love it because it's ME and what's not to love? Embrace YOU because YOU are lovely--very feminine and sensual.
