10 December 2009

Brain Freeze


It's cold! No ... FRIGID! -1 degree F air temperature, -23 degrees F with the wind chill. I've not been this cold, this early in the winter, since leaving Minnesota 6 years ago. I even had to plug in my car last night! I'm sure the new neighbors loved the 100', orange extension cord I strung under their door mat *shrugs* All I know is that my car started - without much effort - this morning.

That said, days like this are absolutely beautiful, especially with a fresh snow fall. After starting my car this morning, I snapped a few pictures (all click to BIG). Hopefully, some sort of jealousy will be felt by all of you who were able to drive your this morning without listening to the tires rub on the "carnicles"!



This is my kitchen window - from the outside! Those ice crystals? They are actually on the inside of the window!)



Jay said...

Snow if very beautiful. Unless I have to get out and drive around in it. Then it really sucks.

I'm thinking your apartment isn't all that energy efficient. Maybe you could ask your landlord to put some weather stripping around your window. Or some of that clear Saran Wrap type stuff over the windows.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I have the same crystals in my window! Woooo!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos. I'm in FL and it was 84 degrees yesterday.

Not sure if I believe that it is really December.


Doc said...

I'm no expert but I think that ice on the inside ain't a good thing.

Karen said...

Beautiful!! I love cold, cold days like that too. Sunny and crisp and wonderful.

New heard of plugging in a car. LOL. Guess it is a good idea.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'm jealous. I want some snow. It's cold enough here today....but it's sunny. :( I know. I know. Nobody up North wants to hear it!

Lu' said...

I 'specially like the one that looks like cotton :)

Margaret said...

I do not like snow for more than 5 minutes - especially if I have to be in it.

BUT - the pictures are beautiful - except for the one with ice on the inside of the window. I don't like that one. :)


Evil Twin's Wife said...

You can have all our cold weather and snow, too, if you want!

Dana said...

Jay, I'm thinking it might be worth it to invest in a couple of those window film kits, although this is a fairly common occurrence when it gets this cold. Humidity inside the house actually freezes on the windows!

Kim, I'm sure you do!

Ashleigh, you SUCK! Or maybe I'm just a tad bit envious of your southern climate right now!

Schmoop said...

We get ice on the inside of our windows as well. Not yet though, we only got down to 16. Nice pics. Cheers Dana!!

Dana said...

Doc, probably not a good thing, but it happens!

Karen, it really is beautiful! I bought my car in Minnesota. Engine block heaters are one of the things that come "standard" on cars shipped there.

Real Live Lesbian, I actually like snow ... when I know it isn't going to stay around until APRIL!!!

Dana said...

Lu', it *does* look like cotton, doesn't it??

Margaret, I've gotten used to snow, but this bitter cold? 30 degrees would be a heatwave today!

Evil Twin's Wife, I think I'll get plenty of that right here without adding yours!

Unknown said...

Yep, it is very cold. Here it's not as cold as you're experiencing, but it is still too cold for Alex to cat around outside.

Jeff B said...

Ha, I took a picture of ice crystals today too. And to think, I was whining about 12 degrees. You win!

Deech said...

Yeah, that's freakin cold!