01 April 2018

No Secret - No Stealing

This is in no way one of my traditional Sunday posts. Y'all know I usually go with Sunday Stealing, or a Sunday Secret. Not today ... 

In what can only be explained as a crazy turn of events, I have set up a GoFundMe for Mike ... yes ... that Mike. 

In a nutshell, Mike traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, last week to begin 4-weeks of training with his new employer, eventually taking that knowledge to Madison, Wisconsin where he would open a new location of that same restaurant.

3-hours into his first training shift, in a freak accident, he ruptured both of his quadriceps. That is a significant injury, however, due to a delayed diagnosis and care plan (48-hours after the injury), he developed acute compartment syndrome - a medical emergency.

An emergency fasciotomy was performed - large incisions were made on his inner and outer thighs in an attempt to reduce the swelling, and save his legs. Those incisions remain open as he continues to go through negative-pressure wound therapy in an Albuquerque hospital - far away from family - and probably for at least another 30-days before he can be medically transported to a hospital in Wisconsin to continue his treatment and eventual rehabilitation.

I cannot imagine being so far away from one's support system, in a strange city, literally fighting to keep your legs. It's got to be beyond terrifying.

Look ... I'm terrible at asking for donations/fundraising ... I do not like to do it. And in this situation? Many of you probably think I'm absolutely nuts for doing exactly that, but my relationship with Mike went from being all about what he had done to me, to not being about me at all. Compassion kicked in.

All funds raised are going directly to Mike - not to or through me. He's using the funds for non-covered expenses - the eventual medical transport to Wisconsin likely eating up the majority of raised funds. If you are so inclined, I know Mike would appreciate the assistance.

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