29 March 2018

10 Things Thursday

  1. Have you ever noticed that people from New York (the city, not the state) say they are from Brooklyn, New York City ... like the borough is the city and the city is the state ... odd ...
  2. If Baby Boomers were born from 1946 through 1964, Gen-Xers were born from 1961 through 1981, and I was born in 1964, am I a Boomer, or a Gen-Xer??
  3. Speaking of Gen-Xers, a friend sent me a link to an article titled The New Midlife Crisis | Why (and How) It's Hitting Gen X Women. In spite of the fact that it's from O Magazine (I'm not an Oprah fan), it really is insightful and made me feel not so crazy.
  4. Oh! Oh! Oh! According to 10 Things Women Over 40 Should Buy for Themselves, I should own Spanx leggings, a good pair of $200+ jeans, and have my meals delivered by BistroMD. Apparently I should also accumulate large amounts of debt. $200+ jeans? Yah ... NO!
  5. I find this chart from Straight Statistics quite interesting, depressing, and yet hopeful. It's a chart showing average happiness as a function of age. If I am to believe this information, I am at my least happy right now, and that's not a stretch for me. I'm hoping the rest of this chart is equally accurate.   
  6. I've always been a little envious of people who can knit. It just seemed like a craft that was beyond my attention span, but after reading THIS ARTICLE and watching the videos? I might just give it a shot!
  7. Who remembers colored toilet paper?? For those of you who don't, you used to be able to purchase toilet paper to match you pastel pink or blue bathroom, which was all the rage in the 50's and 60's. Now when you walk through the toilet paper aisle you are blinded by the WHITE!! If you are interested in the demise of colored toilet paper, this Apartment Therapy article will give you all of the details.
  8. I mentioned last week that one of the upsides of Cam moving out was fewer dirty dishes. My condo has a dishwasher - something I thought I couldn't live without - but I've discovered that I generate very few dishes on my own. The problem? I didn't own a dish rack and I only have about 2-1/2 feet of counter space next to my sink to use for a dish rack. So? I am now the proud owner of this Over-the-Sink Dish Drainer Rack, and it's PERFECT!
  9. I treated myself to new pillows and sheets this week. Cam took his pillows and sheets when he left, so his bed is really lacking, and some day I may actually have a guest who needs a bed to sleep in. I decided to purchase some GOOD pillows for my bed and put my old bamboo pillows on his bed - this is how I splurge.
  10. I should probably write an entire post on Cam and his departure. Hmmmm ... yes! I do think I'll expand on this tenth Thursday Thing another time. It deserves more than a few sentences. 


Mike said...

2. If people are talking bad about Boomers or GenXers, you are the other one.

&. I'd forgotten about that. I don't miss it.

Mike said...

The & is a 7.