17 April 2018

TMI Tuesday | Lovers Guide

1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.

  • Thou shalt commit to brutal honesty, respectfulness, openness, and direct communication
  • Thou shalt not fake orgasms
  • Thou shalt communicate desires, no matter how vulnerable that makes one

2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.

  • Dishonesty
  • Deceit
  • Dull

3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone Using Only Your Eyes What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
Seduction is definitely NOT my strong point - I just want to know that you are interested in me rather than me having to convince you to want me. So, working under those assumptions, my top three moves of seduction are:
  • Eye contact - I will look at someone until they notice I am looking at them, then look down shyly. It's my way of saying "I'm noticing you" without showing my entire hand.
  • Cleavage - If my intent is to hook up with someone, you better believe that I am going to play up my assets, and for me? That would be cleavage!
  • Smile - I am not likely to make the first contact with someone, but I do want to seem approachable and smiling certainly helps with that.
4. What is your sexual healing?
Ummmm ... what is my sexual healing ... hmmmm ... I've got nothing *shrugs*
5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
If I didn't know how to have an orgasm I would absolutely attend the class and I would work really hard to finish first in my class *wink*
Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
I don't feel like I am overly confident in any area of my life. I am confident in certain areas (intelligence, self-sufficiency), but not overly confident.

1 comment:

Mike said...

3. Eye contact?!