
You might feel like you need to take sides. I'd prefer you don't.
*NOTE* I received an email that stated:
"I would say that not allowing comments was a bad move. It looks like you didn't want anyone to point out that some of your "facts" might have been a bit one-sided. Or maybe someone would say the pics didn't look all that similar and that it didn't seem like a big deal."
Although not my intent, I can see how it might seem that way. As such, I've opened the comments. I will NOT respond to any of your comments as I believe there is fault shared between both Kim and I in this debacle and I don't want to attempt to "justify" my part in the shared bad behavior.
What's important is for me to lay out the facts that have been missing from the back and forth, passive aggressive banter between us. I'm not interested in making accusations, spinning the truth without giving reference when it's available, or name calling. If you feel the need to support Kim, you can do that on her blog.
And now, the rest of the story ...
I pissed off fellow blogger Kim many months ago. What's odd is I don't even remember what the original falling out was all about (it was that trivial in my mind at the time), but I'm certain she does - she's been making me "pay" for whatever my misdeed was for quite some time now.
Why aren't some of you aware of what's been going on? Sadly, covert abuse is her expertise. Sure, she seems nice, and I have no doubt she can be nice. She was extremely nice to me at one time ... until it became apparent that I don't play by her rules.
Kim is also one smart cookie (seriously). She knows the ins and outs of social media well - what shows up in her follower's time lines and what doesn't. Seldom does she slip up.
Kim is the person I spoke of in [THIS] blog rant. I've tried to address this situation with her directly, but she's been a bit slippery, ignoring several of my past attempts at email communication.
It seems she has no faults that she's willing to admit to publicly. It is everyone around her who has faults and they must be punished for those faults. People who have "wronged" Kim must be humiliated. I can only presume that is so she can feel better about herself.
I'm willing to ignore a lot of bullshit, but I'm not willing to allow Kim's half-truths to go unchecked any longer.
Things between Kim and I recently came to a head when I saw this photo on her Project 365 blog last week.

The following twitter exchange took place between me and two other two others (Kim was not one of them).

This is my photo that I felt had been copied and/or was the "inspiration" for her photo.

Could I have handled my own frustration in a more constructive way? Ummm ... yeah ... probably! Do I have regrets that I didn't? Nope, and I'll show you why ...
A few days later Kim posted this entry to her blog.

Let's skip the obvious - she doesn't really hate to get all passive aggressive - if she did she'd have written a blog post like the one I'm writing (and she likely will). She could have chosen to address this in a different manner - confronted me directly, in public or in private. But this passive aggressive post gave her the opportunity to spin her story to her advantage. If you read the comments you'll see it was a success!
The facts (or lack there of) are far more interesting to me.
She compares a microphone photo we both took as an example of how unreasonable I'm being. Here is her photo.

... and mine ...

But she didn't bother with the story behind the photos. When you hear it you'll understand why.
Are they the same microphone? Yes! This is the microphone used by Annie of the Annie & Burl Live Blog Talk Radio show. Kim took her photo of the mic long before I did. She is often in the studio when the Annie & Burl Live show airs.
I had a one-time opportunity to partake in one of their shows over the summer and took a photo of the identical mic - an iconic image of the radio show, if you will. I'd argue you'd be hard pressed to tell that is the same microphone. Why? Because I went out of my way to adjust my composition knowing I was taking a photo of something she had already photographed.
Next claim, I was passive-aggressive on twitter.
Yes I was, although I'm still trying to figure out how she discovered that since she insists she doesn't "stalk" my tweets like I do hers. But here's what got me:
"In fact I think her words implied that I lifted the picture off her blog and put it as mine."
You know, if you're going to make such harsh accusations, you really need to present facts. In this case the facts are out there in a public forum, easy to grab just like I did. There's no excuse for saying "I think" when you can know with just a few clicks on your computer, unless the facts don't support your accusations (which seems to be the case here).
Let's assume for a moment that Kim didn't read my tweets. That is possible, and due to the way one of the tweets in that exchange was formatted, I'm fairly certain it showed up in Kim's Twitter timeline.
But how would Kim know who or what I was talking about unless she was familiar with my photo (she does view my P365 blog) and saw the similarities as well? I didn't mention her name. Didn't even mention the content of the photo. Remember? This was a passive aggressive twitter exchange. Hmmmm ...
There is also the possibility that Kim did, in fact, read that entire twitter exchange (and what is printed above is the public exchange in it's entirety). But how could that be if she wrote in her blog post that I "implied that [she] lifted the picture off [my] blog and put it as [hers]"?
Well, her blog post wouldn't have had quite the same impact had she mentioned that I clarified that was not the case, would it?
I plainly stated in my response that the photo was NOT my photo posted on another blog, but rather one "almost identical to mine" - and looking at the two photos (Kim did NOT provide both photos on her blog post - again one has to wonder why), even she would be hard pressed to claim the photos weren't "almost identical" - composition, cropping and subject matter are the same.
One of her next lines in the post is even more telling.
I do not like being bullied, I do not like being accused of things and I want it to stop.
So, what did I do? I let it go. I didn't even comment on her post. I decide to (cautiously) deem it an odd coincidence and move forward. Let's be realistic, I cannot claim to know what inspired Kim's photo. She says I'm full of shit (passive aggressively of course) so? OK *shrugs*
She wants it to stop? Cool! I made a conscientious choice to no longer aggravate the situation (that hasn't always been the case). I wanted this to stop months ago, yet I was still contributing to the problem.
I figured if I gave it my best effort, Kim would finally give up on directing her passive aggressive attack towards me. Why would someone claiming she's reacting to my "bullying" need to continue with hers if there was no provocation? Right?
Just days later this Twitter exchange occurs.

Ummm ... yeah ... she obviously doesn't want this to stop, otherwise she wouldn't be poking it with a stick on Twitter.
In true passive aggressive form, when I stated that I didn't understand the inconsistencies between her words and actions (she wants it to stop, but she's going to keep poking it with a stick on Twitter) she deflects.
See, this can't be about a flaw she has. Noooo ... it's about me! I'm stalking her tweets. It's my fault! Of course it is ...
I'm the bully! Of course I am ...
At this point I'm thinking, yet again, that she's gotten it all out of her system. She's done her thing - placing blame elsewhere - in a public forum where we have many mutual friends. I've been punished. I've received my public flogging - TWICE. All should be well ... or not ...
Two days later, this Twitter exchange between Kim and yet another of her followers.

Passive aggressive people ignore problems, see things through their own skewed sense of reality and, if forced to deal with the problems will completely withdraw (i.e the follow, unfollow, block, go private twitter response).
Passive aggressive people deny evidence of wrong doing, distort what everyone knows to be real so that their "altered" situations fit their own agenda, and minimize or lie so that their version of what is real seems more logical.
Kim is a master.
If I didn't know as much about passive aggressive behavior as I do, I'd be thinking something was terribly wrong with me. Unfortunately for Kim, I am all too familiar with this behavior - from others and within myself. It doesn't work on me, or for me, and that appears to frustrate the hell out of Kim. She has not let it go. She continues to go to great lengths to insure I continue to "pay".
I have many flaws, but rampant passive aggressive behavior is not one of them - thank goodness - it isn't attractive nor endearing.
Bottom line? When your tweets read like these (pulled directly from Kim's public twitter feed in the last week or so) ...

... it becomes pretty clear who you really are. Kim's own words speak far louder than any of my words ever could.
*CLARIFICATION* The above referenced tweets were NOT directed towards me
She won't let it go. I've wasted enough time trying to make this right and she has wasted far too much time trying to make me wrong, but I'm willing to bet that won't stop her from continuing on with her efforts.
Personally? I'm done. I've made changes to my Twitter account and Blogger account to insure I won't even be "tempted" to see what she is saying/doing. If she chooses to continue her passive aggressive attacks towards me, I'll be none the wiser. I cannot think of a better gift to myself!
The good news? I've learned there are just some people I will never like no matter how many "friends" we have in common, and pretending to is just plain silly.
Fuck it ...
So you opened comments and here I am...
I read the post over at Kims and not being a 365 player and not being able to be on Twitter as much as I would like, I had no idea this was you.
Are bottles similar? Yes..are they the same...no
Are the mics similar? yes
Are they the same?
I went to a concert last night and some guy was next to me shooting the band...will our shots look similar? yes, Are they the same? No
This crap about calling people out on Facebook and Twitter is ridiculous and will be the downfall of social media at some point in time.
Sorry this had to happen. I consider you both friends (I have met Kim and figure 2011 is the year I get to meet you)...
needing to be friends with some one who is friends with your friends is the same in real live as it is on the internet..sometimes it works...sometimes it is a train wreck.
I was wondering if/when someone would mention that closing the comments might have the opposite effect of your intention.
I agree with Vinny, the calling people out on social media stuff is really ridiculous. Childish. Very childish.
Why do you keep asking for conflict and deny you deserve it(sometimes, not every time) when reproached?
Please, don't respond to this comment with tons of details in why I may be wrong about my observation. It's my observation, in my words.
Smarts doesn't always come from a book.
I'm sorry Dana, honest to God truth, in all the time I've been reading around in this bloggerhood, your the train-wreck that keeps me looking.
Funny place, these tubes.
"gift to myself"
Make sure this gift keeps on giving for your own sanity.
Oh I said to myself, self, let's go see what Dana is up to today....and now I am just going to say it outloud to you what I said outloud to my self as I read this. If this is the type of immature bullshit you continue to involve yourself in, then you have ABSOLUTELY no business running for school board. We, the tax payers, parents and community, look to our school board members to be mature enough to be leaders, problem solve and compromise. I shudder to think what school board meetings would be like if you were on the board. This post reminds me of junior high, but thank you for once again providing entertainment. And go for it, hit me with your best shot so you can once again take the focus off of you and blame the dreaded troll...
To All, as I said in my post, I am not going to respond to any comments. I do not want my responses to sound like justification of my shared bad behavior in this situation and that is EXACTLY what would happen.
Thanks for the feedback!
once a train wreck always a train wreck....
i have to say way to go dana! after dealing with the same type of thing for over a year on my blog, facebook & myspace, its actually refreshing to see someone tackle it head on. the take that most people will have is exactly what the people who start shit like this desire.. as soon as someone decides they dont like you they start 'camp building' by continually talking about you to everyone else, so that if you get tired of it and decide to step down off the high road and engage in it, they can point their fingers and say, "see! i told you! what a childish ass hole!" i stayed the course and was abused for months by people that didnt like me until they tired of it and moved on.. the price i paid was sleepless nights, emails from people i didnt know telling me all sorts of lovely shit about myself, reading attacks on my family posted on blogs & facebook pages.. and what did i get by saying karma will see to it that they get theirs? abused.. thats it. i stayed away from them and let them talk, they were met with silence from me & my family and they dashed their heads against my wall until they grew weary and went away... but the debris of their nastiness took a long time to clean up, they just went on their way and had a grand old time.. i say fuck 'em, call a damn spade a spade.. is it all childish? yes. is it all pointless in the end? yes. but why do people get to be assholes? how far does the "thats just the way they are" excuse go? at what point do you reach your limit? on line or otherwise?
i don't know Kim. However, I agree with you about the photos but I might be a bit biased since I am quite the Dana fan. ;)
What blows my mind are the commenters. I don't get people leaving mean, non-constructive comments to say a blogger is mean. Or stalking a blog with which you don't agree just to leave a fucked up comment to try to make the blogger feel bad about herself...wtf? Dana, take peace in the fact that karma is a bitch. Hang in there, sister.
I haven't been in blog land for quite some time, and all I'm saying is, (and I've said it many times before), you are such an excellent writer!
Other than getting all upset like Clay did, I agree with the loveable bastard. Cheers Dana!!
I gotta say whether I am on a side is neither here nor there it seems (I have never heard of her for the record. :) I am pretty appalled at the comments. Just plain rude. It's as if people think that because they are behind the cover of their screen they can forget all the manners and rules of kindergarten kindness. COME ON PEOPLE. Grow up!
You too Dana. :) Good for you for letting it go. Not worth your time. Oh! and good job not taking the troll bait. :)
Any chance we an get pictures of you two hugging it out?
Grown women having an internet feud over a picture is pathetic. It's not the same picture. So what if she used your idea? Get the hell over it and grow up. Good God there are more important things in the world, blog world included, to argue over.
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