I can't think of a better way to end a week filled with (some might say self-induced) blog drama than to reflect on what I've learned about myself and others:

- People (generally, including me) are far more likely to criticize the negative than they are to praise the positive. I don't know why that is, but I don't like it and I will continue to work on not being one of "those" people.
- There really is such a thing as constructive criticism, but two key factors need to be present for it to get through - it needs to come from someone you respect and it needs to focus on the behavior, not the person.
- I don't write as well as I'd like to think I do. My intended message was muddled, and sometimes lost, in my posts on Monday and on Wednesday. I was very clear in what I thought I was saying, but based on comments, many readers were not.
- We all need to use the unfollow and unsubscribe buttons more freely.
That "Mark as SPAM" option blogger now has for comments? It seems to work, at least initially. I'm not sure what happens once a commenter is marked as SPAM, but I'm hoping future comments will automatically go to the SPAM comments tab. We'll see.
I like having options ...
I like having options ...
Although social media does have a "dark side" (just like life) it can be a lot of fun too. Yesterday/this morning there was a conversation on twitter that made me chuckle. It involved two "normal" people (@jpryan06 and myself) and two "famous" people (If you watch Morning Joe on MSNBC).
I continue to be amazed at how social media allows "conversations" between people who would never have that opportunity in any other venue.

~*~*~I continue to be amazed at how social media allows "conversations" between people who would never have that opportunity in any other venue.

The Mark As Spam comments section is working for me. Got few spam comments and they never showed up on my posts. At first I was confused when I was notified of those spam and they weren't there at all. I discovered the section later on. It does take some work - you need to check the section once in a while to make sure all non-spam comments do make it through, but I am loving it.
I think social media has a lot of good....like this:
It gets better.
I also like the MARK AS SPAM option, though all my spam is about naked women and viagra!
I get oodles of spam everyday on old comments. I mark them all as spam and then I get the same spam comments the next day. My spam filter DID blog a couple of legit comments though. So, at least I know it's not disabled.
I would prefer to get replies from strippers than Joe or Mika.
Oh man! Mika?? I love Morning Joe. I sort of want to marry Willie (though he is already married). But I spend my whole morning rolling my eyes at Mika. She is a train wreck - in my opinion.
I am not allowed to Twitter comment to Joe or Mika. I have been banned. Sunzabitches. Cheers Dana!!
Technology is a wonderful thing.....when it works!
Nolens Volens, I'm giving it a shot and hoping it works for comments deemed SPAM by me as well as comments blogger "thinks" are SPAM. We shall see ...
Real Live Lesbian, I think social media has TONS of positive stuff to offer, far more than the negative!
Vinny "Bond" Marini, so are your posts, aren't they?? ;)~
Jay, so the blogger SPAM filter works, just not on the right stuff? That's reassuring ...
Karen, *gasp* Do you know what this means?? This means that you and Matt-Man have something in common *wink*
Matt-Man, that's because you are a MEANIE!! You probably have an order of protection on file too!
Pretty tame comments here... now Im gonna go read Matt-Mans!
"constructive criticism"
That reminds me of the old saying, "The best way to give someone a bad attitude is tell them they've got one".
I just started getting spam on old posts today.
Hope next week is better, Dana! (... and SPAM-free! - unless it's in mac 'n' cheese with pineapple and ketchup!) Ha!
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