Whew! After yesterday's back and forth with Jay and Matt-Man on the blog, then the back and forth between Kimmeh and Jay on Twitter (anyone doubting Jay's stalker status?) my brain needs a stimulus recovery and former president intervention.
Speaking of Jay, he's got a bit of a different view on the Car Allowance Rebate System (i.e. Cash for Clunkers) ... just in case you didn't get that from his comments here yesterday. Everyone go over to Jay's place - read his I Got Yer Clunker post - and make him think of clever responses, m-kay??
Speaking of Jay, he's got a bit of a different view on the Car Allowance Rebate System (i.e. Cash for Clunkers) ... just in case you didn't get that from his comments here yesterday. Everyone go over to Jay's place - read his I Got Yer Clunker post - and make him think of clever responses, m-kay??

Found myself one of those cool water droplet photo ops while I was out there too. Of course it was missing the sparkle from the blazing sun, but if you use your imagination ...
Can I just say that I think the "rescue" of Euna Lee and Laura Ling by Bill Clinton is even more idiotic than the Cash for Clunkers program? Yeah ...I'm a cold hearted bitch.
*NEWS FLASH* There is no amount of American Law bubble wrap that can protect you when you travel to foreign countries. The rights you have here? They don't apply elsewhere. You are at the mercy of the law in the country you travel to.
Don't like it? Don't walk the border between China and North Korea. Check the batteries in your GPS before deciding to take a hike near Iran. Hello?
So, do you think Bill Clinton swallowed?
*NEWS FLASH* There is no amount of American Law bubble wrap that can protect you when you travel to foreign countries. The rights you have here? They don't apply elsewhere. You are at the mercy of the law in the country you travel to.
Don't like it? Don't walk the border between China and North Korea. Check the batteries in your GPS before deciding to take a hike near Iran. Hello?
So, do you think Bill Clinton swallowed?
I was watering the plants yesterday morning and noticed the heavy fog was offering up some interesting photo ops. Although I scream like a little girl when I see a spider am not fond of spiders, I do find spider webs quite fascinating. This one was even missing its maker - BONUS!

Found myself one of those cool water droplet photo ops while I was out there too. Of course it was missing the sparkle from the blazing sun, but if you use your imagination ...
As I was looking for more water droplets, I came across something terribly disturbing - bug sex! In fact, I was so disturbed, I took a bunch of pictures of it (in the name of quality control ... really!). In fact, it wasn't just bug sex, it was a full-on bug orgy. Those that weren't in the act were watching the act. Imagine ... all of this in my front yard, right in clear view of small children and dogs!
It really amazes me how short-sighted people seem to be about the Ling/Lee release. People seemed to think it was soooo wonderful, but as we discussed yesterday, I am in agreement with you. I don't think we should compromise ourselves to "save" irresponsible people.
As I tweeted yesterday, I think this is a great pattern we are establishing. I am just waiting for Pelosi to go over and blow Ahmadinejad for the safe return of the 3 hikers.
Nice nature pics, by the way!
Those women knew exactly where they were and what they were doing. They just got caught. And Bill Clinton saw an opportunity to get back into the news.
I have a really hard time believing their story.
Bug porn. Cool!
I thought I was the only one thinking naughty thoughts on what Clinton was doing! Thank you for not letting me be the only one!
Diggin the bug porn :)
I don't think Clinton had to swallow anything but I'm hopin' Euna and Laura swallowed on the flight home.
And Ha...I dig this, the news conference just ended and Clinton didn't say a word. It was all about the families. The man knows how to politick. He backed off and let the reunion take place.
He will undoubtedly later talk about how cool he was, but for now, he is letting the families take the forefront.
That is why I soooo dig him. He is the consummate politician/campaigner. He performs the art of it better than anyone has in my lifetime.
And by the way, whether it was intentional or unintentional to cross into NK, I don't find that two people doing a story on human trafficking and exposing it, as an unworthy reason to push the limits of law.
Karen, I think what I find most disturbing is that we gave N Korea EXACTLY what they demanded. Do you suppose Clinton would have been so quick to act had these been journalists that worked for an agency not associated with Al Gore?
Real Live Lesbian, of course they knew where they were - they went there for a specific purpose because it was their American "right."
Average Chick, bug porn is running rampant in my front yard right now!
These reporters were doing a job. They were following a very important story.
I do not get the "North Korea got what they wanted"...What did they get? a photo op with Clinton? Gore wanted to go over, but the NK wanted Clinton.
I think this is a very good thing and have to wonder if these two women would have disappeared eventually if Washington was not agreeable to allowing Clinton to travel there.
We got the two reporters back - we did not pay a ransom of cash or deals - success in my mind.
Oh and I never thought of you as a porno director...instead of trying to stop the bug sex and talk to them about the benefits of protection, you just clicked away with your camera...
so sad...
First off, on the Clinton thing. No, he didn't swallow but I think Hillary has to go and let Kim Jong Ill bend her over and rump her. I think this is what was promised.
Bug Sex? Yeah it happens..sort of like watching a train wreck isn't it?
Super-impose a picture of Kim Jong Ill and Hillary Clinton on those bugs and you will get an idea of what was negotiated.
Now you're gonna get all the freaks who are into bug porn following you here. Have fun with them. LOL
And taking North Korea's side over America's? *shakes head* Very sad. ;-)
Great photos! Hate spiders, love their webs? Me too!
Bug porn?!
Bow chicka bow wow.
He is the consummate politician/campaigner. He performs the art of it better than anyone has in my lifetime.
Can't argue with that one, can I?
I have no issue with Lee and Ling pushing the limits of the law (as you characterize it). I *do* take issue with them making that choice, then balking at the consequences of their actions. It's a personal responsibility issue, not an international diplomacy issue.
Bond, they were following an important story that had inherent risks associated with following it. They clearly were not willing to accept the consequences of their actions, and the US just reinforced the notion that they shouldn't have to accept responsibility for their choices.
N Korea got cooperation from the big and powerful US. They got an apology that they perceive as political resignation, although because we say it was humanitarian only, we won't acknowledge what we gave.
Joker_SATX, I'm just waiting to see if the hikers in Iran have any link to Al Gore. If not, they can expect to stay there for quite some time!
Jay, Bug porn freaks can't be any worse than psycho single moms!
I know ... I am EVIL ... taking the side of personal responsibility over a nanny state? Clearly I don't realize how wonderful it is for my government to take care of me. I'm such an ingrate!
buffalodick, and here I thought I was special! Dreams shattered again!
Kim, you know you love the bug porn!
Yeah, not happy with the CFC program. Should be called something else. Also, maybe helping with some things but many more faults.
I have a total fear of spiders but like you, see a cool looking web without the the spider, fascinating.
Jesus Christ...And you know I'm serious, because I didn't say "Jeebus".
How is the business of human trafficking not a international diplomacy issue? How is the exposing even further of what a piece of shit government that North Korea is, not a diplomatic issue?
What cooperation did the US give North Korea? Some speculation by the Heritage Foundation. Some Made Up offer that was talked about by Glenn Beck or AIPAC?
Bond hit the nail on the head. There may have not been any quid pro quo, other than the following...
Kim Jong Il wanted attention. Clinton went over to get the chicks, and in the end, Kim thinks erroneously that the nations of the world thinks he has a heart.
Even his friends hate the crazy mo-foe...China while they officially will never speak out against him, are nervous that if he screws up, millions of NK'ers will pour into China.
Bug sex??
No wonder there are so many of the blessed things around if they're going to do that all the time. Perhaps we need to run a government advertising campaign about sex targeted at irresponsible bugs? ;-)
Are you Sarah Palin's speechwriter? You're such a victim. If I disagree it's only because I think you're "evil" and you're only standing up for "personal responsibility" and anyone who disagrees is all for the "nanny state."
Could you fit a few other right wing code words into that response?
Don't be so defensive. You know I love ya. I just think we should wait and not take the NK govt's word for everything. They're not the freest and most open society ya know.
Of course he swallowed.
You don't think he didn't learn anything from the last time someone didn't swallow, now do you?
Wait? Matt-Man agreed with me? Be still my heart.
We gave them nothing but some phony words...If that little puppet wants to claim victory, let him...the world knows better.
As far as chiding the two reporters, I am sorry, but that is like saying "well she was in a bar and drunk so she must have wanted it"
the fact that they were some number of feet over some invisible line and for that they get 12 years of hard labor?
THAT is the crime
Dragon, I think it was Jay (?) who mentioned it should be called Grants for Gas Guzzlers ... or something similar, which would make far more sense. Is the program pushing cash into the economy? Absolutely! But let's be honest enough to call it what it is.
Matt-Man, this is just silly. You and I don't agree on this issue which doesn't surprise me, nor do I really care. You likely have a better idea on the position of the Heritage Foundation, Glenn Beck and/or AIPAC than I do as I haven't read any of their opinions on the matter. This was *my* opinion - based on what I've read from many sources (none of which claim to be "fair and impartial") and what I know from spending a year on the N Korean border. I certainly wasn't under the assumption that I would change you mind or anyone elses mind - just stating my opinion.
Ro, I'm thinking I could make a fortune working on a way to sterilize a bunch of the dang things! What's even worse than their public exhibitionism is the fact that they are eating the leaves on my cherry tree!
Jay, I'm really not being defensive - I was trying to interject a bit of humorous sarcasm in my response as yesterday's bantering really did a number on my thinking ability.
I have always felt - generally - that American's work under the assumption that they should be treated in the same manner abroad that they are when in their own country. Is the N Korean version of what happened 100% true? Highly unlikely. Is the U.S. version of what happened 100% true? I'm not convinced - not because Obama is President, or because it was Clinton who went to N Korea, but because I *know* better.
Alfro, let's hope the lesson was learned.
Bond, we'll have to disagree on the personal responsibility of the reporters. Am I happy for them and their families that they were able to reunite? Of course. Do I think they hold some accountability in all of this. I do - you don't *shrugs*
Agreeing to disagree is what makes the world a better place Dana...
As Matt has said, the hikers in Iran, well they were told to stay out...these two were doing their job...different situations IMHO
But I still enjoyed the bug porn...
...I certainly hope the dogs won't be scarred for life by seeing the...you know...
Dude. Nothing like a couple of flies humping to get ME in the mood.
You have a future in Hollywood, Dana.
dont you have anything else to do besides 'arm chairing' - you so have the catch words and phrases down now dont you - is it because you 'know' better?
I use the word "bugfuck" all the time. This would be the perfect photo in lieu of same.
A couple things....
Ling and Lee were definitely investigating with the objective to publish their findings. They were to some extent spying.
Human Trafficking is the third largest....and fastest growing criminal activity in the world. It was (to my way of thinking) a valid reason to be doing what they do.
Unfortunately they were caught. I am fairly certain they had been briefed on what the repercussions would be if they were captured. They took the risk knowing full well.
FORTUNATELY their employer was former VP Gore. If they had been working for someone else, this may not have turned out so well. You know Al asked Bill to step up. Laura's sister Lisa is very well connected also...and her influence was substantial.
KJ ll got a photo op with a former US President who the Korean government and people are familiar with. Those photos...and news stories...with or without propaganda will be seen everywhere. Plus he gets rid of his two prisoners which would cause him nothing but grief for very little benefit.
Clinton was requested and he went. Good for him. He and Bush 41 have done many a humanitarian act in the past ten years. It was nice to see a happy segment on the news.
Gotta think that Barak and Hillary aren't too happy however.
Amazing photos! Spiders completely freak me out but I agree, their webs can be quite amazing!
Phfrankie Bondo, the dogs ... the small children ... not to mention me!
Aunt Becky, you know you're in trouble when you are jealous of the bugs!
we're doomed, bug porn director?
doggybloggy, are you still here? Don't you have some *controversial* ingredients to throw together or something?
katherine, thank you for this well thought out, unemotional (in a great way) yet opposing comment. We could all learn a few things from your integrity!
Vixen, I was looking around for that missing spider - I just knew he was going to jump out at me!
My husband has the SAME thoughts regarding Bill Clinton and the hiker thing. Scary really that you two said just about the SAME thing?? Are you sure you don't him?? LOL
I just LOVE the spider web. They fascinate me. And I don't mind spiders at all.
GREAT pic's Dana.
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