22 September 2008

TMI Tuesday #153 & An Award


TMI Tuesday

1. What is the strangest thing you have ever inserted or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person?

How 'bout I just give you a list and let you decide if I've inserted it, or just seen it inserted in person? That's the best you are going to get from me!
  • Eggplant
  • Wire Whisk
  • Corn on the Cob
  • Beer Bottle (long neck of course)
  • Electric Toothbrush
2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J?

First name or last name? *giggle* Oh hell, it doesn't matter, I'm sure I have. You're not looking for a list here are you? Wait! This isn't like some long-term memory test is it??

3. Have you ever been outside completely naked?

I was in the Army for 5 years. Field exercises. Showering with a canteen and a few baby wipes. Ummmm ... yeah!

4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex?

I prefer porn be prominently displayed on the wide screen TV! Background? Nah - make it the focal point!

5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes?

Like when giving a blow job? Like as in "being inserted"? Like allowing it to melt and drip on delicate, sensitive places on one's body, just to use my warm tongue to lick it up? Maybe ...

Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex?

Propositioned or participated? As a matter of fact ...


The other day, Flyinfox, from the Hurt Locker, was running a little contest. He posted the following picture and asked his reader's to come up with a funny caption. He also said political correctness was not necessary and strongly discouraged *whew*

My contribution: "If Jesse Jackson doesn't get your nuts, can I have them? Some of my supporters seem to think I've lost mine!"

I know ... I know ... I'm just terrible, aren't I? Well apparently, at least one person thought it was funny (and you know you laughed too) because I received co-ownership of the following award:

Thanks Flingfox!!



Vixen said...

*snort* ...on #1...I have no idea. ALL are acceptable, realistic choices! Hell, I throw out an eggplant???? (just bc I can't fathom having one on hand very often)


Anonymous said...

I would worry about the bottle and suction and eh.

Your answers were too vague. :P We need details!

The caption was hilarious and very true I think.

Schmoop said...

You had sex with Jesus? Wow. Cheers Dana!!

Dana said...

Vixen, see? I'm not all that strange! Wait ... I am comparing myself to you *giggle*

FF, suction just might be a good thing! I can't be too graphic in my responses - I don't want one of those blogger content warnings after all!

Matt-Man, Jesus? The landscape guy? How did you know?! (I'll probably get hate mail on that one ...)

Nicey said...

I love the idea of porn on a wide screen !! must say I am always impressed when a woman has a bigger stash of porn than me !!
Which isn't difficult really

Real Live Lesbian said...

Which end of the wire whisk? :)

LOVE your caption!

Trée said...

Was the corn cob cooked or raw?


Anonymous said...

"I prefer porn be prominently displayed on the wide screen TV! Background? Nah - make it the focal point!" - Wow, party!

The Trailer Of Love

Dana said...

Nicey, I am quite the visual person. Porn does it for me every time!

RLL, you silly! Who would bother with the handle?? *wink*

Trée, YES! *gigglesnort*

Unknown said...

Ooh girl. Is it strange that I thihnk electric toothbrush is the oddest thing in that list???

GREAT answers!

Baby said...

Ohhhh most definitely the porn on the wide screen!!!! That's a definite big "O" in multiples maker! :) Happy TMI - loved your answers....

Knight said...

For number one we all know that you were the receiver. Nice word play though. About the bonus question, how many people do you need to qualify as a group?

Anonymous said...

Well well well......

Lu' said...

That was funny. How about, "Hey B' when we're done here how about you and your wife meet me in my stretch and we make like an oreo cookie.

Dana said...

Wil, what can I say? I really am a visual kind of gal! I don't even need sound!!

Bina, more odd than the wire whisk?? Hmmm ...

Baby, definitely takes me over the edge!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I am *so* intrigued by the wire whisk. . .

I think we need illustration. ;)

Oh, and I'm digging your caption. :D

Dana said...

Knight, you know no such thing! And honestly, there is at least one item in the list that I have only seen! I define group as 4 or more!

Good Girl, can we just accept the fact that I tend to be a bit open minded when it comes to bedroom (or livingroom, or kitchen) antics?

Lu, Ha! Another good line!!

Jay said...

My seventh grade English teacher inserted a cock can into her hoo-hoo once. Well, probably more than once.

What? Oh no, not in class.

My name starts with "J" ... I'm just sayin' ;-)

Knight said...

FYI Good Girl is a spammer. I got the same comment on my post a few minutes ago and thought it didn't make sense.

Lu' said...

Knight, I saw it on Phfrankie's blog and then saw it here.

Deech said...


Thanks for the honorable mention. I am on the hunt today for the next pic.

That is quite an assortment of goodies you posted there in regards to insertion...I am understandibly curious as to whether you watched or participated...either way, it must have been a trip to experience...

Dana said...

Ms. I, there might be a video ... or maybe not ... hmmmmm

Jay, a cock can? *gigglesnort* I think that just might have been Freudian! You sure she wasn't a psych teacher?

Knight, ahhh ... yes ... I see! "Her" profile says, "What is your thrill ??? The answer is: Play Online Poker. NOW !!!"

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I think the electric toothbrush isn't strange in the least? After all, you could use it for clit stimulation too...

Crazy Charlene said...

lol i have to do this one


here is one all about me


Biscuit said...

Baby, I KNOW I remember you talking about corn on the cob. In fact, I believe there was some discussion about shucked or unshucked. *LOL*

Osbasso said...

I think I know the answer to #1!! ;-) Maybe even for #5!!

Anonymous said...

great answers!!

Excellent caption too!! TFF

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

So, what you are saying is that you will 'butter' my corn?

Pronto said...

LOL - you had me at eggplant ;-)

- said...

Maybe *that's* why my dentist keeps recommending I get an electric toothbrush (lol)

Awesome answers. Luv how you answered #1. Clever.

Um... except you forgot to finish your bonus answer (haha!)

Happy TMI Dana ; )

rage said...

LOVE the variation on your answers!

Happy TMI!

Anndi said...

I nearly peed myself when I read your caption.

Well done!

Hellooooooo ice! I have fond memories of playing with ice, yup. So does my Honey...

Anonymous said...

Oooh, weee! That's the ice thing, alright!

Moosekahl said...

The army is going to make me shower outside nekkid?!?! It was 21 degrees when I got up this morning!

Dana said...

Flyinfox, a trip? Well, I guess you might call it that *giggle*

Ang, yes you could use the electric toothbrush in a multitude of ways ... not that I know, of course!

C, I think you should!

Dana said...

Biscuit, yeah ... that was when I was "reprimanded" for fondling the corn on the cob. If he only knew ...

Os, you think you do? How could that possibly be?? And number 5? Well, you were a band geek ...

SS, being that I'm not terribly excited about either candidate, I thought it was fitting!

Dana said...

Bond, butter your corn? I'll do you one better than that!

Pronto, why is that? Vegetarian? *giggle*

I Smile, I forgot nothing! A girl has to keep at least one or two secrets *wink*

Dana said...

Rage, sometimes you've got to be creative with the rules.

Anndi, it's always good to have the Depends around when reading my blog!

Marty E., ice-ice-baby!

Dana said...

Moose, welcome to Alaska! Just do your best to keep icicles from forming - they can be a bit painful!