09 September 2008

TMI Tuesday #151


TMI Tuesday

1. Describe the perfect date for YOURSELF... what you would enjoy most.

Why is it that sometimes the most simple questions have the most complex answers? In my world, the "perfect" date has nothing to do with where or what I'm doing, but rather how both of us are feeling during and after the date - the emotional connection made. I've been on a date that involved nothing more than a walk around a lake and some time on a park bench - and it was wonderful. I've been on a date that included dinner at Gibson's Bar and Steakhouse and drinks at the Signature Lounge at the John Hancock - it was miserable.

2. Do you lean more toward being submissive or dominant?

I might have a dominant moment on occasion, but submissive is my preference. The challenge in this is that people (both male and female) look at my height/size and assume that I am dominant and are sometimes disappointed when they discover the truth ... and sometimes they are pleasantly surprised.

3. What do you usually wear to bed?

Not a damn thing! The only exception to that is if I am sleeping on the sofa in the family room (usually 2-3 times/week) or if I am visiting a friend/family. Then I wear my "standard" sleep attire - a pair of yoga pants and a big t-shirt!

4. Have you ever seen a counselor?

Have and currently am. In fact, we have a family session scheduled for Thursday. I'm not one to tell my personal problems to a stranger (and oh, have I ever kept some secrets from this counselor), but when situations get beyond what is manageable - when they become harmful physically or emotionally - I have no issue with bringing in a little professional help.

5. Lights on or off?

Yes! It matters not to me. I do enjoy watching when the lights are on, but the surprise of not knowing what might be coming next in complete darkness is quite nice as well.

Bonus: Have you or a partner ever faked an orgasm?

I could swear I've answered this before ... hmmmm ... maybe it was one of my Sunday Secrets? Yes, I've faked an orgasm (or even multiple orgasms) when having sex with husband. Why? Because as much as I enjoy sex (and boy, do I enjoy it), I've not been enjoying it with him. Sometimes I just want it to be over and I know that husband, when he finally decides to "give it up," won't quit until he believes I'm satisfied, which to him means I've had at least one orgasm.



Schmoop said...

I fake orgasms all the time. Have a lovely Tuesday. Cheers Sexy!!

buffalodick said...

Well, honest answers, that's for sure!

Lu' said...

Girl, that is too much reading for the glognicity of the right side of my head. I'll be back when the fog clears. Hope you guys feel better soon.

Knight said...

I'm with you on number three. The only problem with sleeping in the nude is that if there is a fire you will be standing in the yard naked with all the neighbors.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Ahhhh....the walk around the lake...that's what I did with my girl the first time she visited me! THEN I took her to a nice dinner.

I'll be naked after the fire, too. Here's hoping one of my neighbors has a robe! ;)

Dana said...

Matt-Man, not when you are with me *wink*

Buff, well - if there's one thing you can expect from me it's honest answers!

Lu, your poor sinuses! Hope you feel better so that you can can enjoy way too much TMI!

Anonymous said...

my ex and i attempted counseling... i was told my attitude sucked. i was also told i was bipolar... which im not.. i call it situational depression... and i left the situation and have been a happier girl since! happy tuesday, dana.

Eddie D. said...

Dana, how about this...if a date asked you what you'd want to do, or suggested you plan the evening, what would you do?

In case you'd like to visit...

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I've never liked how "satisfaction" seems to have a one-to-one correlation with "orgasm". Sometimes, it's just not necessary.

Jay said...

I faked an orgasm with myself this morning. I didn't want feel bad about myself. ;-)

Pepper said...

Great answers...but sad that you have to fake o's in order to placate your hubby.

Dana said...

Knight, it would just give the neighbors one more thing to gossip about *wink*

RLL, I tend to be a simple gal and can enjoy a date no matter where I might be.

Anaïs Satire, we've been doing the counseling gig since January, and although things sometimes seem better, they eventually fall apart again. Seems one of us is willing to make permanent change, and the other isn't.

Dana said...

Eddie, if there is one thing I've learned about dates, it's that it really is personality specific. Does my guy like beer? Then maybe an evening out at the microbrewery is in order. Baseball? There is nothing like a minor league ball game! The outdoors type? A walk through the forest preserve with a picnic lunch is fabulous!

Ms. I, I think it's just that women (generally) approach sex a little differently than men. Sometimes I want the O - other times the closeness and intimacy is every bit as satisfying.

Jay, you deserve better! *giggle*

As American as Apple Pie said...

I'm very dominant in life but would prefer to be more submissive if possible. I'm tired of making all the decisions.

I wear a variety of pjs to bed, some with more material than others.

I have NEVER faked it. I don't think he deserves to get off the hook about it without actually getting me off. Besides, sometimes it happens so fast I just give up trying.

Anonymous said...

At least he's worried about you getting "yours".

I always liked the simple dates too. Saved me tons of money ;)

Why do you sleep in the family room?

Dana said...

Paul, well ... yeah ... I guess it is kind of.

Apple, you and I see this a bit differently. I kind of feel like my orgasm (or lack of it) is my responsibility, not his.

Slick, sometimes I doze off on the sofa in the family room. When this happens, husband does not wake me up to go to bed (punishment?) so when I wake up on the sofa, I usually just stay there.

captain corky said...

I don't think I ever faked an orgasim. I'm almost 99.9% sure.

Karen said...

I think faking in the beginning of a relationship is common - at least to me. It takes me time to get used to someone new and relax enough to really enjoy stuff.

we're doomed said...

You go girl!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I am totally dominant in the bedroom and enjoy silk scarves and blindfolds...ice cubes....leather straps...

umm sorry...I forgot we were not alone here....

I never settle for giving only one orgasm....I keep going until the number is 3 at a minimum!

Wait???This wasn't about me????


Biscuit said...

I have to say that the fact that men fake orgasms cracks me up. I mean, hellooooo??? As if we think the well suddenly went dry?

Jeff B said...

Great response to the first question. Sometimes simple can speak volumes over the complex.

Anonymous said...

Great first answer! I think the company and chemistry are more important than what you're doing. I can have fun doing anything with the right company. ;)

Great 5 and bonus. I think quite a few of these were repeats actually but oh well, hehe. Happy TMI!

rage said...

I can totally relate to your answer on 4. There are so many secrets that I have kept from my counselor(s) in fear that they somehow will come back to bite me in the ass at a later date.

I guess there truly isn't such a thing as patient confidentiality.

At least, not in my nutcase mind.

Great answers, happy TMI!

Vixen said...

Wonderful honest answers. Love your #1, very true.


As American as Apple Pie said...

Dana--of course its his responsibility!!! I make sure he gets his.

Bond--send me your addy...I'm coming right over.

boo said...

I sleep on the couch a lot, too. I'm too damn lazy to hump my ass down the stairs, or whatever. Truth of it is, I'm a nester. I'm a dweller, a lurker, a loiterer. I pick a spot, spin around in a circle, and get comfy. ^_^