25 September 2008

Friday Wrap-Up


There's been a rash of blog nastiness lately. For a change, it's not been my blog that is full of drama, although, with my strong opinions and blunt nature, I haven't been completely exempt from it by any means. Most of what I've seen seems to be happening in the comments section of many blogs. I am a firm believer in our right to free speech, but it seems it's the respect component (or perception of respect) that is missing.


I am so frustrated with so many of the political posts I read lately. I see far too many (in my oh-so-humble opinion) blogs that spend most of their time cutting/tearing down the candidate they are not supporting, than they do pointing out why their candidate is the better choice. This is not in any way party specific - I see it on both sides. If that weren't enough, there has been an awful lot of regurgitating internet rumors and misinformation on both candidates that bloggers - SMART bloggers - tout as fact.


Maybe the recent increase I've seen in blogger burn-out over the past month or so is directly related to the above issues? It seems many of my favorite bloggers, those who used to post regularly, have either announced their hiatus from blogging or have simply disappeared. I wonder if the blog nastiness and abundance of political posts aren't somehow related to their decision.


As I continue to play out here in the blog world, I realize their are just as many expectations from bloggers on how their readers/commentors should behave, as there are bloggers. I'm afraid I am terribly guilty of assuming everyone feels the same as I do, especially when it comes to disagreement on a post.

On my blog, dissenting opinions are welcome, but commentors need to be prepared for me to stand true to my opinion. That doesn't mean I am not listening to what they are saying, or that I am not open to considering I might be wrong, but it does mean that I am prepared to debate my position. There is nothing I enjoy more than good, logical debate. Some of you have presented such good arguments, you've changed my perceptions. Yet it seems there are bloggers who feel, when this is done on their blog, it is rude, obnoxious and/or argumentative.

I also try to respond to all comments left on my posts, but I am guilty of not visiting - and/or commenting on - every post of every blogger who visits me. I've learned there are bloggers who feel this is disrespectful and portrays a feeling of superiority on the part of the blogger who doesn't reciprocate.

I think I need a spreadsheet ...



boo said...

Meh. Blogging is just as fraught with social awkwardness and petty back-and-forthing as any other mode of human expression. There are several blogs I read, but never comment on. Some I read and sometimes comment on. None that I read and always comment on. Not everyone whose blog I read reads mine. Why should I really care? I read their blogs for their content. It stimulates or interests me in some way. If mine does not do the same for them, why should they be forced to read it?

Seems a vanity to me. I love comments, but I don't expect them, nor do I deserve them. Who am I to demand anyone pay homage to my hubris?

As always, well done. Love ya, girlfriend.

katherine. said...

why....whatever do you mean?

In the circles my life takes me...I am either the most conservative by far...or the most liberal by far.

I am very use to people whom I admire, or love, or just hang out with thinking differently than I do. It's cool.

Then there is the fact I seem to have an opinion on just about everything.

I enjoy the banter.

I enjoy playing in your comment box now and then. But... I am far more a reader than a writer...so do not feel compelled to reciprocate.


Anonymous said...

That is interesting. I do try to reciprocate but sometimes I don't and, not to be rude, but some blogs just don't interest me.

I read a lot of them. I love my google reader.

Some of them I skim. Some of them I open in another tab and read and, if I have something to say, I'll say it. If not, I don't. I just figured everyone was like that. LOL

Lu' said...

Urgh. Didn't most bloggers get into blogging for themselves and some how it becomes about others.

Dana said...

Boo, you wrote: Who am I to demand anyone pay homage to my hubris? That's where I am on this. I have no (?) expectations from my readers/commentors, but really was surprised that there are people with their own set of standards (just like me) who feel differently.

Kat, you can come play in my comment box any time you'd like. I too, enjoy the banter - it challenges me emotionally and intellectually, and I think that is a great thing!

FF, I'm in the "If I have something to say I'll say it" boat too. Want to help me row??

Just Me said...

It is a shame some feel this way. I enjoy reading blogs. I believe all should blog & say what they wish. It is in fact your blog, feelings, wishes, etc.

I read several blogs, I don't always leave comments. If it isn't something I agree with, interests me, eh .. I move on for the day.

lu I totally 100% agree. Spot on there!!

Schmoop said...

First of all, I have become incredibly horny thinking about you and Kat playing with each others boxes. With that being said...

I love disagreements. As I said Thursday, to me, that is what makes this blogging shit worthwhile.

I listen to "right-wing" talk radio everyday because I don't want to listen for a couple of hours to some liberal yapper with whom I mainly agree. That's no fun.

As it has been said before, "If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary."

As far as tearing down Palin/McCain, I can't help it...I really enjoy doing that. It's become my hobby. Cheers Sexy!!

tt said...

I subscribe to the 'no rules' thought in blogging.
I sit on the fence so often that i don't do political observations on my blog.. And, I really don't care how the 'other' people vote...as long a they vote.
I do, however, love to read everyone's ideas and gain new perspective from it at times...just as I think you do. I just don't normally comment on it. Makes me feel safer..and if i'd admit it...non-confrontational. Guess I'm just an old hippie.
Peace out gal!
Spread sheets are tiring.Just say NO. :)

Anonymous said...

Dana, hi im Tiffany, my first visit here, and iv had a great tour! enjoyed your perspective on things! I dont expect a return visit, though you are most welcome. (reverse psycchology!) have a great weekend. love Tiff

chica40208 said...

i had someone leave a sexual comment i was like wtf

Jormengrund said...

I agree.

It's sad to think that folks will convince you that they're COMPLETELY correct, when all you're doing is stating a viewpoint.

Keep blogging, and be honest with yourself. Don't give in to frustration about what others think. This is YOUR space, and YOUR time. Do what YOU want to do.

Oh, can I get you to print and sign this and fax it to me?


Your Biggest Fan. *wink*

Deech said...

Amen! And well said. The election? I really don't give a rats ass. I think we are voting for the lesser of two evils and not for the guy that instills confidence that they are going to get the job done. Its very sad really.

I have been experiencing somewhat blogger burnout. With all that is going on in my life, I just am sick and tired of writing about the same old shit.

I will read everyone elses blog though...always looking for inspiration.

Knight said...

I've decided to put the blog on hold for a little while. I'm still reading but have made less of an effort to comment. I've noticed people have expectations of reciprocation regarding comments and readership. It's really too much to handle. I just want to read who interests me and comment when I feel like it. It isn't grammar school. We don't have to give a valentine to everyone so they don't feel left out. If someone wants more readers they should be more entertaining. What the f am I talking about?

Dana said...

Lu, I don't know ... I really don't, but it seems counter productive to have expectations of your readers.

BaseballMom, you are much better than I am - it's when I disagree that I am likely to post a comment. I think that might be part of the problem ...

Matt-Man, Kat and I aren't horny any more, we've been playing in the box for months now *wink* And stop picking on JohnyMac and his side dish, would you?? On second thought, if you did that I'd never have anything to comment on!

Dana said...

tt, it's that differing perspective I find so fascinating, and the banter that accompanies it is enlightening. Do you have a tie-dye shirt I can borrow?

Tiffany, thanks for stopping by! And at the very least I'll stop in and say "hi"!

Chica, I'd be saying WTF if someone didn't leave a sexual comment on my blog, but that's just me *wink*

Ken said...

This could be the beginning of Blogging Politics.

By the way ...I love your sqiggly paragragh seperators.

Liz Hill said...

I thoroughly enjoy discussions in my comments a la yesterday. One of the fun things is finding out how similar we are by discussing our differences.

What I will not allow on my blog/in my comments are petty personal attacks and racial insults which is why I've had to reject two comments from my new friend 'Kenny' today.

Dana said...

Jormengrund, those are the posts that really bother me - the ones that say, "Go read this to find out the real truth" kind of things. Information is great - half-truths are dangerous. My biggest fan? I don't know, are you taller than 6'-6"??

Flyinfox, I've heard many claim to be in the lesser of two evils camp. Personally, I giving consideration to voting for Bob Barr. At least that way I can vote my actual beliefs!

Knight, I hope you are filling your time with stuff that makes you feel good! You know I'll miss your blog, and your rambling comments (kidding!) but I also understand the need to step back!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I have always welcomed opinions from all sides. I moderate comments only because I am not into the spam or into comments that are down right nasty...though over the years I think I have only had to reject 3-4 comments...

I do love the banter on every ones blogs within the comments...sometimes they are more fun than the post themselves...

HUGS for a marvelous weekend.

Dianne said...

Yo Dana how you be!? LOL
I'm assuming I didn't give you the feeling you had to reciprocate to me, especially since I rarely comment here - what sense would that make? Plus I like what Knight said - this isn't grammar school. Shows how young she is. I can only remember far back enough to say This Isn't High School. What I did mean in our conversation last night was that it would be enjoyable if you visited my stupid, silly, photo, fun blogs rather than just the political. How far away do you think voice blogging is? It is so fucking hard to convey a tone in written words alone. Have a great weekend Dana and come by anytime or not hehehe
it's all good.

Dana said...

Micky, the beginning? I think we are already full throttle! ~*~*~*~*~

Turnbaby, you know, there really is some common ground no matter how differing the opinions. I came close to deleting a comment just this week from someone known to be a personal petty attack pot-stirrer, but in the end decided it damaged him far more than it did me and I left it up. I have no doubt one of these days I'll have to do it!

Bond, the interaction between poster and commenter is - in my oh-so-humble opinion - what makes the blog!

Dana said...

Dianne, DAMN! I need to be better at being passive aggressive - you spotted me *wink* Actually, I had been noticing some odd blog behavior this past week and had planned this post, but it was actually your response to my comment yesterday that sent me over the blogging edge. Not in a bad way, I had just never considered the "Be nice when playing at someone elses house" perspective before, which is kind of a sad commentary on my part. The rest of the stuff in this post actually happened at other blogs - honest!

Jay said...

How the hell did I miss out on the blog nastiness??? Please point me in the nastiness direction. ;-)

As for tearing candidates down, the real problem is that both candidates are basically indefensible. So, that's the only thing left.

Karen said...

I agree 100% on the political issue. Talking about issues is fine, but personal attacks are making me ill.

Jormengrund said...


Sad to say, I'm only 6'4.. So maybe height-wise I'm not the biggest, but at least in my personal opinion, I've got the biggest EGO out there! (lol)

Anyway, this is a great post, and I hope you have a FANTASTICK weekend!

Ken said...

What I meant is, the politics *of* blogging, not politics being discussed by blogging.

Does that make sense?

Dianne said...

Dana - LOL!!!! When it comes to spotting passive aggressive I go way back. As I told Matty recently I'm an Irish Catholic raised by a Jewish Nana. Passive Agressive is a religion. But what is funnier, funniest? is that I didn't thin you were being passive aggressive at all, I just thought I was being misunderstood - which is a fine segue into one last observation. My 'not fighting at other people's houses' thing might be based more in my own issues than in reality or good manners. I know I can confuse dissent with confrontation, comes from a long bitter childhood ;) and since I'm trying to work on that I may go too far in not voicing my opinion because I'm worried that I don't know how to stop/control. So there we are and on we go. I have enjoyed our conversation the past 12 hours - wow it seems longer.
Oh and Jay - Dana and I had a terrible fight and we mud wrestled and pulled hair and vlogged it all!! You didn't see it?

Jay said...

Dianne: I always miss all the fun stuff. Is the video on YouTube?

Dianne said...

Jay - Youtube pulled it! Something about me and Dana being too hot for the internet!

Anndi said...

As I say on my blog.....
What you should know before you read this blog:
I am strong-willed.

I am opinionated.

I will listen (technically I will read as this is not an audio blog) to your opinions... I may not agree and be aware that I will let you know when I disagree... as you are welcome to do the same.

There is no singular truth.

I don't know if the funk some bloggers are in have to do with politics... I just let life get in the way sometimes.

I guess bloggers fall into the same pattern the media does as far as their political posts are concerned.

Dana said...

Jay, you obviously aren't visiting the right bloggers! Start posting HNT's and you'll see a lot more (pun intended)!

Karen, somehow the issues just never quite make it to the focal point, do they?

Jormengrund, Ha! I think there are even a few egos here that could give you a run for your money, but if you want that title, I'll gladly let you have it!

Dana said...

Micky, well, let's just hope the politics of blogging doesn't end up looking like politics in the U.S.!

Dianne, you weren't supposed to tell anyone about the mud wrestling *SHHHH!*

Jay, YouPorn ... but you'll have to get Dianne to give you the link!

Dana said...

Dianne, I think we are the reason for the Blogger maintenance shut down later today *wink*

Anndi, I may have to consider a disclaimer one of these days. I just hate to scare anyone away!

bookbinder said...

It doesn't bother me so much when people cut up a candidate, except when they have their facts wrong. I can't count how many false emails I've gotten about each candidate. Why can't they just check Snopes.com before sending them?

I try to visit each blogger that comments on my blog, but many times I just don't have anything to say about a post. Or I choose not to say anything for any number of reasons.

Biscuit said...

I have found in my 3+ years that blogging ebbs and flows. Some are just better at flowing than others. ;) I think most of us do the best we can as far as reciprocation goes. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you know?

I guess I've been lucky to not receive any nastiness on my regular blog. Probably because I don't post anything worth arguing about most of the time. People don't really come to me for deep thoughts. *LOL*

Anndi said...

You'll only scare off the ones who are insulting or don't stop to learn about the blogger they're about to be rude to.


Neil Benson said...

since my blog consists of political and social commentary with an emphasis on satire, I try to insult both liberals and conservatives. Whatever happened to the moderates? I don't have that many comments, but will certainly allow anyone to disagree with me as long as they don't use foul language.I always appreciate your comments Dana.

rage said...

It's too bad that things get all crazy like that with comments.

I usually don't comment on blogs with political satire on them.

Having said that, I never talk about politics (government politics that is) on my blog.

we're doomed said...

Dear Dana, I don't read blogs written by people I have no respect for. I love to debate. We all need to respect other peoples opinions. If we don't like a blogger, why visit their blog? On the other hand life's to short to argue with fools when you can discuss issues with intelligent people. There seems to be a certain life span for the average blogger. Boy do I miss Acid Man.

Dana said...

Bookbinder, I am so there with you on leaving comments. Sometimes I think it really is better to say nothing than to say the wrong thing.

Biscuit, I come to your regular blog for deep thoughts. OK, maybe not, but I might still be able to pick a fight, but you might like that *giggle*

Anndi, but don't you think those are the idiots who are the worst offenders?

Dana said...

Neil, you do favor insulting the conservatives though. Sometimes I get so irritated with your posts sometimes I write, then delete comments several times *wink*

Rage, fortunately it hasn't been me this time, but I seem to be seeing more and more of it.

Doomed, awwww ... that means you respect me, doesn't it? Too bad the fools seem to want to spew their nonsense for more than the intelligent people.

Anonymous said...

Even though I tend to be a bit long winded in my comments, I make it a point to never name-call or get nasty as that just serves no real purpose. I try to present the facts as I see them and hope that my side of things is well represented. On my blog, life tends to get in the way and I don't post as often as I'd like. Many times I find myself unable to decide what to post. Of course my 3.5 readers so far haven't been the sort for nastiness, so I've had no trouble along those lines. As for you, your posts are always well-reasoned and well written. I've said before, you are one of the best. Take heart, the blogging community will police itself as needed and things will turn back to their better natures. There will always be some idiots, but they usually manage to hang themselves at some point or other. Keep up the awesome work!! I'll always be here!

Richard said...

What is important is that it is your blog. Keep yourself happy. Very few people comment on anything. Mostly the same people do most of the commenting.
At times, it is fun to post about a controversial subject, like politics. Some people freak out if they read something that they don't agree with.
I swing from far left, to the far right, depending on the subject. I don't support any party. I go with who i think will do the best job.
Many people are "die hard" republicans or democrats. These people shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are wearing blinders. Someone like Adolph Hitler could be running for one of the parties, and these "die hards" will vote for him.

Big Kahuna said...

Dana - I agree with much of what has been said, but both bookbinder and biscuit really echo my thoughts..........See - I really had little to say and probably should have just not posted a comment:-)

buffalodick said...

Alot of folks do seem to be moving on from blogging... maybe they didn't find what they were looking for. You know how I feel about opinions.. The 1st and 2nd Amendments to the Constitution are both statements I support. Opinions differ because personal situations differ. Politics feeds on this, as does the media. It's all OK.. It's a system that needs resetting so it works the way it was intended to...

katherine. said...

ummm....enjoying all the comments...but am compelled to point out...

there can NEVER be a motivation or opinion that results in people not being allowed to vote.

voting for a party
voting for a race
voting for a gender
voting for a religion
voting for a whatever reason

everybody gets to vote
no matter what they think or why.

Jeff B said...

Nice to see that you and Dianne kissed and made up. (although a video of that certainly would have been nice!)

Seriously though, it was pretty weird seeing that between to women that I've come to like.

I wonder if this political season of nastiness in blogging happened four years ago too. There are obviously very strong opinions on both sides of spectrum that are going to spill over into the posts and comments these days. Hopefully, we can all remain adult about our differences and work through them without wanting to rip each others heads off.

Richard said...

I agree with Katherine's comment except for the first one.

Moosekahl said...

Isn't it all just fun! There are weeks I don't get to all my blogs on my "watched" list let along a few others. If I get to read them I'm happy, I don't always have time to comment. Nor do I have time to respond to my own comments. I figure that's part of keeping on "ongoing" blog. It's not a newspaper, it won't be published daily. I'm with you...don't get grumpy about it.

Unknown said...

I, too, ahve been conerned about the political nastiness floating about. I really wish that folks would/could stick to the party philosophies and platforms rather than engaging in the nasty personal shit. However, I suppose folks are just following the lead of the media. That's sad.

Vixen said...

Well said. It's amazing to me how someone's blog can become another persons excuse to use it as a sounding board. Of course I believe in the freedom of speech. And everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i don't get coming to another persons site to cause issue.

I don't 'do' drama. But it's amazing how many pple who do! LOL

BTW, you do an awesome job at commenting back. :)

Vixen said...

Well said. It's amazing to me how someone's blog can become another persons excuse to use it as a sounding board. Of course I believe in the freedom of speech. And everyone is entitled to their opinion, but i don't get coming to another persons site to cause issue.

I don't 'do' drama. But it's amazing how many pple who do! LOL

BTW, you do an awesome job at commenting back. :)