10 August 2008

Road Trip Part II - The Video

It's here! The video I promised from the previous post!


tt said...

How fun!!! and...Holy HNT!!! You got to meet 'the man' is person!! I love watching your trip....makes me feel like I'm there...'cept w/o the car sickness and naps :)

AND...Moon pies...we've got them here. I eat them whenever I can. Love them! Even the Chocolate ones. Yummy....

buffalodick said...

Always good to travel, always good to go home... Good people are everywhere I've ever gone. Maybe we're all pretty OK- who'da thunk?

Jay said...

Moon pies are a staple of life down here in this area.

Great video. Keep them coming!

Osbasso said...

Good God, what a dork!

Biscuit said...

I was so afraid you were going to have to perform the Heimlich on Os. And by afraid, I mean really looking forward to watching THAT! :) *waving at Os*

LOVE your vlog. You should just post this way all the time, because you are so good at it.

Knight said...

I'm jealous you are meeting all these real bloggers. I need to travel more. Cam seems to be having a ball jumping around behind you and whatnot. He isn't so camera shy anymore!

M said...

As much as I loved seeing Os in the flesh....Cam in the background MADE the video. How adorable is he?? SO much different than the vlog you had of taking him to the ball game.

Brian Gardes said...

I love regional treats. Every time I drive cross-country or travel internationally I have to stop at a convenience store and stock up on junk food!

I was wondering how you were going to handle the HNT aspect with Cam in the background. Goo thing he was so focussed on having fun to ask too many questions. But what are you going to do when he wants to see the blog when you get home????

As American as Apple Pie said...

The Chiles and I all have super-large bladders too! We can go HOURS w/o stopping...especially if I don't allow them beverages.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Montana's flatter than I thought! LOL @ the town with no gas station situation. We have the same thing in TN. Lots.

Moon pies? We have an RC and Moon Pie FESTIVAL. You must have the Royal Crown Cola to go along with!

Looks like you all are having a blast! Keep it up!

Karen said...

What is a moon pie? I don't think we have them in NJ. I am going to have to ask Jay to send me one.

Cam is so funny. I am glad he is having a good time.

justsomeguy said...

I've actually eaten a Moon Pie fresh from the oven at the Chattanooga Bakery. Never even made it into the wrapper. They are a treat indeed.
I agree with Biscuit that you're really good at the Vlogging!

katherine. said...

this was very funny actually....

I especially liked the gang signs in the background....