Some days you just need a little fluff (No, Jay - I didn't say some day I'm going to be a fluffer) Between far too many silly dramas, and preparing for our road trip departure, I am
This first one is based on a 1939 marital rating scale. The scales draws on the opinions of over 600 couples in the 1930s and what they most frequently voiced as flaws and virtues in their spouses. These are the critical elements in marriage if you want to make it both permanent and happy ... 70 years ago.
These results indicate one of two things - either I was born 50 years too early and missed my calling or, I'm a door mat. I think I'll go with being born 50 years too early!
I Scored 80 As a 1930s wife, I am |
I didn't want to get too obsessed with my red nail polish and the seams on my stockings (important qualities of a 30's wife) so decided to explore my brainy side. Chess. What could be more intellectual than that?
Honestly? These results were scary spot-on ...
Your result for Which Chess Piece are You Test?...
The Rook's Hawk
(Congrats! Only 12-16% of the population score this!)
They work systematically to get the job done. When a new procedure is proven, they can be depended upon to carry it out. The Rook’s Hawk is deeply frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when it comes to commitments. They will keep their feelings to themselves – but when asked expect truth over tact. They are quite able to make the tough call and carry it out. You will find the Rook’s Hawk at home in government, schools, military or any other organization which maintains strict hierarchy. They are the traditionalist and are perfect for balancing out the idealists of other types.
The Rook’s Hawk thrives on organization. They keep their lives and environments well-regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work and will not rest until satisfied with a job well done. They are obviously hard workers. They will sort through ideas and find the most practical ones, again revealing how common sense prevails in this type. This ‘Pawn’ is the cornerstone of an ethical working society. They are centered on dealing with the present and most practical affair. They observe life and promote consistency in society. They value loyalty and others are best to acquaint themselves with this type if they wish to gain a fruitful insight to what makes the world tick.
Take Which Chess Piece are You Test? at HelloQuizzy
Both tests seem to have got you figured out. I especially like the Chess piece test. That was too cute. It is a great way to help a reader get to know you as well. Nice post.
I will never take the Chess piece test! What happens if it says I'm a pawn? I could never face myself in the mirror again and I just love me too much for that.
I am the King's Rook (4-7% of the pop.)
And I found the results to be most accurate...
The King’s Rook is the epitome of the word ‘clever’. They are the professor who juggles ideas for papers and grants while joking with a highly entertaining lecture. They are stand-up comedians who are accurate with truths. They are quick with their brains and can love to argue if only to play devils advocate. Others should be aware that this can result in hurt feelings or confusion if you can’t handle debate for debates sake. This Rook is wonderful at finding short-cuts and performing mental gymnastics. They are fond of physical or intellectual toys – the more sophisticated the puzzle – the better. Tetris anyone?
The King’s Rook is an optimist in addition to being clever. This can lead to them flying off the handle when inconveniences and setbacks occur (because they shouldn’t have.)
They don’t have much patience for those who may come across as ‘wrong’ or even ‘unintelligent’.
But in light of this they are genuinely friendly if not charming when life doesn’t harass them.
They are experts in their own field – it is hard to win any debate they are passionate about – they most likely know the weaknesses and have that covered.
When the Rook behind the throne is appreciated, they offer the King a large amount of flexibility and problem solving.
If someone says 'it can't be done," rest assured this King's Prince is figuring out the solution to that challenge.
They may have a problem with starting projects and never seeing them through. They may also be competitive and unappreciative of others contribution.
Regardless, they are great at generating team spirit and using confrontation to their advantage.
I think yours was quite dead-on for the most part as well. That was fun. Cheers Dana!!
Beerpie, I'm telling you that chess piece quiz was surprisingly accurate.
Corky, and here I was thinking you'd be more concerned about being the QUEEN!
Matt-Man, wow! Yep! I'd say that one nailed you *giggle*nailed*giggle*
I think the chess test nailed your ass! Does that mean I can call you Hawky?
If so, I'll certainly let you call me...
The Queen
Congrats! Only 2-3% of the population score this!
Queen’s are the rarest of all types. They are quiet but hold the deepest of convictions regarding the matters of the world. They are frequently activists for their cause, they will do what’s right but not for glory, not for political power. It is why they are the Queen. They are the champions of the oppressed and the downtrodden. They are found in the wake of the aftermath rescuing those in acute distress. They may even fantasize revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. Think of ‘Poetic Justice’ and you’ll have appealed to the Queen.
You can’t lead the Queen if only because they are right in suspecting others motives. You cannot fool this individual even if they are sympathetic. The Queen selects a few for friendship – these are friends that transcend the very word. They promote harmony with their very presence and typically make their surroundings more beautiful by just being there to clean up the mess. Don’t mistake them for extroverts – they are special in their diplomacy. They are ‘doers’ and dreamers. They can only be intimate with a chosen few. They will withdraw suddenly if pressed and this is necessary for them.
The Queen excels with writing and communication. They are often the counselors of home, of public service and the good face of politics for the King. They look at the global perspective and are better at spotting patterns and relations. They think of the future and strive for meaning and purpose.
Who knew I was so regal?
Queens Rook, and 61% husband...
The King's Rook
Congrats! Only 4-7% of the population score this!
What the hell? I got the King's Rook as well. 4-7% the population my ass!
Thanks for the Fluff Dana. That was fun.
King Rook also. Hmmm ... seems as though that 4-7% of the population has gathered in the blogosphere. LOL
RLL, or Rookie *giggle* So, do you think you fit the Queen mold?
Buff, let's hope your New Millennium husband score would be better *snicker*
DB, no way!! You and Matt-Man with the same results?? Ha! I'm not sure which one of you will be more upset with that finding *giggle*
Knight, maybe that was a typo and should be 47% of the population??
It is too early in the morning to play chess. I am too sleepy.
The Queen's Confidante
Congrats! Only 5-7% of the population score this!
The Queen's Confidante is the first to hear the beat of a different drum. Many plunge into the avant garde experience and generally set the trend for their friends. They are more in touch with reality using their senses but this makes them want to live for the ‘here and now’. The Confidante is full of charm and may flow with compliments even if it isn’t deserved. Rather than write a poem on the beauty of life – they would rather live out the written story of beauty.
The Queen’s Confidante is usually peaceful and easygoing in nature. They usually adopt a 'live and let live' approach to life. They take things at their own pace and live for the moment. They may be quiet but are pleasant, considerate and caring. They may not be inclined to debate or air their views, but of course their values are important to them. They will solve problems as they arise especially if it concerns people. Generally the Confidante is one who develops great team spirit through the promotion of cooperation. They will only repeat facts without placing too much spin or interpretation on them. Because of this they may be the best mediators.
The Confidante is sensitive to its environment, and much more perceiving than others with regards to the physical world. They can notice variations in behavior of others. They are highly conscious of companions and friends, but they prefer to let others direct. This ‘Pawn’ is rarer than others because they are emotionally well rounded with a great degree of empathy. Because of this empathy, they can be overly concerned with ‘feelings’. They may even sacrifice their ideals and not contribute enough, especially if they don’t wish to exercise criticism.
*going to find out what type of wife I am*
Ok, I am a poor 1930's wife. Apparently it is because I gamble and drink....or maybe use dope(all 3 of those as one option). Who knows?
Can't get to that site here at work...but you can be my rook any old time
Whoa is me. I seem to be commenting but not sticking, ha! I wrote an 80, wow, I'm a 46. Chess piece, same as you Dana The Rook's Hawk.
I went back to take the marital test and they called me a failure. Good thing I'm not married! Jeez.
After starting the wife test and realizing that my kids were tearing up my house I stopped. But I did go and take the Chess test:
Only 6-8% score this-
The Bishops Clerk is both an idea and people person. Everyone and everything is part of a bizarre cosmic whole. They really do want to help and be liked and admired by others. By principle they are intrigued by new ideas but ultimately discard most for one reason or another. They are zany with charm which can allow them to warm up to even the stodgy types. They are outgoing, fun, and they genuinely like people. This Clerk is warm and affectionate and spontaneous.
This Clerk can have strong, if unconventional convictions which are usually tied into their cosmic view. They will often use their social skills and contacts to persuade others gently of the rightness behind their views. They may tie themselves with trying to save the world and end up forgetting the nearest and dearest to them (if only in a temporary sense.)
People will love working with the Bishop’s Clerk because they are easygoing, pleasant and great at brainstorming. They are wonderful in groups of people but need fresh projects to work on. They dislike bureaucracy in principle and practice; they will make a point of launching crusades against some aspect of the political agenda. It is honesty they are fighting for. The Bishop’s Clerk is a type of Pawn, but fret not, the Pawn is idealized because of its potential to do many great things and to think of the rest of humanity.
And OMG so true!! That was so neat!--Christi
TMC, too sleepy? I'm sure that says something about your chess piece!
Ambergail, The Queen’s Confidante is usually peaceful and easygoing in nature - Really? What the heck are you doing here? *giggle* And a poor 1930's wife? I'm sure that means you are an excellent wife by today's standards!
Bond, will you "rook" my world?? *gigglesnort*
Lu, it's good to have a fellow "aloofer" - not to be confused with a loofa!
Knight, you'd have only been a failure in the 1930's, so go ahead - get married - I dare you *wink*
I got an 81. How freaking funny is that, considering I am by NO means a traditional wife. In fact, I take pride that I'm an equal!
The chess peace pissed me off. I'm a freaking PAWN!!!!! WTF!!!
But hey, I took the sports car test and I'm a Corvette!
This is kind of eerie...
The King's Merchant
Congrats! Only 5-7% of the population score this!
The King's Merchant is an analyzer of situations, but function to repair problems. They prefer dealing with tangible problems and proven experience. They are naturally quiet and open to information and new approaches. Because of this they are a useful source for information.
They may be introverted, but are adept at controlling interactions with others, and may be forceful concerning their influence. They focus on efficiency and skills. The balance they bring is one that encourages groups to think then act. They are capable of holding a cool head in stressful situations and help others assess the reality of any situation. They can be difficult to understand because they do need space to charge. Communication is key here; others need to realize that the King’s Merchant communicates without the need for verbal cues.
The King's Merchant prefers to practice their passion in seclusion. The result however is one of virtuosity that other types find difficult to match or even out do. Because they focus highly on the task at hand they may fail to see the long term expenses. They may also not communicate their understanding of a situation having expected others to see it in their most practical way. They are valuable assets for friends. You should be pleased scoring as a 'Pawn' - it proves that you are a constructive and contributing member of society.
Did it say I am virtuous? *giggle* Oh wait... no I'm a virtuoso of things best practiced in "private"... *giggle*
Oh.. and I'm guilty of truth over tact. Yup, gets me in trouble all the time.
Well, here's me. As usual, I am different from the masses.
I am the King's Knight
The King’s Knight is spontaneous and active. They get great satisfaction from acting on impulse. This usually means thrill and risk can be quite exciting. If they are stifled by rules, they may end up feeling ‘dead’ inside. They look for the ‘tick’ behind the clock without the need for verbal cues. Oddly enough, this Knight deeply respects and admires anyone who can best them.
The King's Knight is a 'do-er', naturally impatient with discussion. They seek to live in the moment and are great improvisers. Because of this they are quite capable at bringing ideas or concepts to fruition. They often prefer practical organizational issues. Because they seek to make things happen, they may act too quickly with the appearance of not thinking things through.
They are the best at manipulating others. This usually means that they can convince others to a like-minded position and thus the King would love to have this Knight by their side. They are concrete with their form and speech and are seen as smooth operators. They could be seen as self-promoters and great salesmen of ideas. They are gifted at earning trust. But they are also gifted at applying common sense to any issue. They will maintain acute awareness of factual information during discussions and will guide tangents back on course. The King's Knight is outgoing, charming and fun. They know the 'who's who' and where the socially sophisticated reside and play. They are action oriented and deplore unnecessary diplomacy. They want life to be simple, but realize it isn't.
Mostly true but some I would disagree with.
I, like Anndi, am the King's Merchant.
Does that mean I get to have sex with the Queen?
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