26 July 2008

Fluff 'n' Stuff


Some days you just need a little fluff (No, Jay - I didn't say some day I'm going to be a fluffer) Between far too many silly dramas, and preparing for our road trip departure, I am feeling like a bowl of Cream of Wheat friggin' tired. Instead of looking for something substantive to post about, I perused the ever useful world wide web for some mindless insightful quizzes, both of which were obscenely long, indicating their flawless, scientific authority!

This first one is based on a 1939 marital rating scale.
The scales draws on the opinions of over 600 couples in the 1930s and what they most frequently voiced as flaws and virtues in their spouses. These are the critical elements in marriage if you want to make it both permanent and happy ... 70 years ago.

These results indicate one of two things - either I was born 50 years too early and missed my calling or, I'm a door mat. I think I'll go with being born 50 years too early!

I Scored 80

As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

Take the test!


I didn't want to get too obsessed with my red nail polish and the seams on my stockings (important qualities of a 30's wife) so decided to explore my brainy side. Chess. What could be more intellectual than that?

Honestly? These results were scary spot-on ...

Your result for Which Chess Piece are You Test?...

The Rook's Hawk

(Congrats! Only 12-16% of the population score this!)

The Rook’s Hawk is like a judge. They have a great sense of right and wrong especially in their area of interest or responsibility. They are devoted to duty. They are punctual. People who set their clocks on others are typically measuring their time with the Hawk. It is common to perceive that the Hawk is cold or aloof. They frequently protect their emotions via practicality.

They work systematically to get the job done. When a new procedure is proven, they can be depended upon to carry it out. The Rook’s Hawk is deeply frustrated by the inconsistencies of others, especially when it comes to commitments. They will keep their feelings to themselves – but when asked expect truth over tact. They are quite able to make the tough call and carry it out. You will find the Rook’s Hawk at home in government, schools, military or any other organization which maintains strict hierarchy. They are the traditionalist and are perfect for balancing out the idealists of other types.

The Rook’s Hawk thrives on organization. They keep their lives and environments well-regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work and will not rest until satisfied with a job well done. They are obviously hard workers. They will sort through ideas and find the most practical ones, again revealing how common sense prevails in this type. This ‘Pawn’ is the cornerstone of an ethical working society. They are centered on dealing with the present and most practical affair. They observe life and promote consistency in society. They value loyalty and others are best to acquaint themselves with this type if they wish to gain a fruitful insight to what makes the world tick.

Take Which Chess Piece are You Test? at HelloQuizzy


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