04 April 2008

Thin Mint Debacle

I'm not sure what happened this year, but I am sure it qualifies as a debacle ... maybe even a calamity. I was not able to secure a single box of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies! You might wonder how that could possibly happen.

I have had numerous people knock on my door selling magazines, newspaper subscriptions, holiday garlands, "free" home security alarm systems, but do you think a single Girl Scout knocked on my door??

What’s even worse is that no one at my job sold cookies on behalf of their Girl Scout daughters and my husband, who had access to such sales at his job, blew off the 736 emails few emails I sent him as a reminder. If our marriage wasn't already on the rocks, this, in itself, would have been just cause for filing divorce paperwork.

Wait! There's more!! You know how those cute little Girl Scouts stand outside of the supermarkets selling caseloads to every customer who walks by? Well, not at my market - they don't allow solicitors of any kind. How un-American is that?

Then, when going to Lowe's to pick up a plunger, I hit pay dirt - the Girl Scout cookie table set up outside the entrance. I ran like the wind sauntered to the entrance and stopped at the table. Something was terribly wrong. There were two boxes of Trefoils (those wonderful shortbread cookies), one box of Lemonades™ (some evil take-off on the Trefoils), one box of Thanks-A-Lot™ (thanks a lot for putting fat on my thighs) and one box of Cinna-Spins™ (who buys 100 calorie packs of Girl Scout cookies for goodness sakes). I started to panic ... where are the Thin Mints??? "We're sorry ma'am (sure, add insult to injury by calling me ma'am) but this is all we have left." I wanted to wrap her Girl Scout sash around her throat and tighten it until she shit Thin Mints scream! I plopped the money down for the Trefoils and pouted during my entire Lowe's shopping trip.

Then I had a brilliant idea! There is a cookie locator option on the Girl Scout page. I enter in my zip code waiting for the payoff and I get the following message:

The Girl Scout cookie season for Girl Scouts - Sybaquay Council, Inc. has ended.

No!!! It can't be!! How could this happen to me??? This is a state of affairs that simply cannot continue. I’m going to write a letter of complaint to the local Girl Scout Council to redress this grievance.

Then I'm going to decide if it's really worth bidding on the Thin Mints on eBay. If anyone knows of a Thin Mint crack cookie dealer who might be able to feed my addiction, please leave a comment. I don't think I can wait another YEAR!


Leighann said...

If only you had come here for another visit. We had two boxes.


They didn't stand a chance against J and the kids though.

Frankly I think Thin Mints are icky!

Dana said...

Leighann, you had Thin Mint cookies and you didn't tell me?? That's even worse than the Girl Scouts not knocking on my door!

Leighann said...

I didn't know you liked them! I'll remember next time, swear!

Doc said...

I still have a sleeve in my freezer... what are you willing to do for them??

Jay said...

If my sister hadn't sent me some cookies for my birthday I would have missed out too. Nobody came by selling them and nobody was selling out front of any of the stores here either.

Well, there were some girl scouts out, but they were selling heroin. There's a much higher profit margin in that.

Dana said...

Leighann, "liked them" would be an understatement!

Doc, an entire, un-opened sleeve? The question isn't what would I do for them, the question is what wouldn't I do for them!

Jay, are you implying that there might be some left??

R.E.H. said...

Sounds to me you have a serious Girl Scouts Thin Mints addiction ;)

I haven't had a girl scout sell me any cookies in 20 years... maybe that's on account of where I live... and now - for the first time in many years, I have a craving for some Thin Mints! Damn, that was a long time since!

Dana said...

R.E.H., I'm happy to have fueled your Thin Mint craving. If I track some down I might just share them with you. 20 years without Thin Mints is worse than 20 years without sex! OK ... maybe not ... but still ...

Jahooni said...

Well Well Well... IF YOU WOULD HAVE PAID ATTENTION TO MY BLOG, just awhile ago i was trying to SELL COOKIES. My daughter is a Brownie and I a leader. Our girls went door to door in uniform and all. My daughter sold almost 450 boxes. It was a pain in the ASS to deliver all of them but we did it.

I have thin mints. I am with Doc, what will you do for them? ;)~

(It's wierd because here in Cali we didn't even have some of those flavors)

Osbasso said...

I happen to have 2 full boxes sitting around taking up space. I KNOW what you'll do for them. Well one of them anyway...

Dana said...

Jahooni, how did I miss that post?? Actually, I seem to remember reading it and thinking I was glad the Girl Scouts would be knocking on my door soon! Doc only has one sleeve - no way will he get what you'll get!

Os, was that a proposition I heard. Name your price!! I'm not too proud for Thin Mints!

captain corky said...

"The Girl Scout cookie season for Girl Scouts - Sybaquay Council, Inc. has ended."

I must somehow find the courage to go on... ;)

Doc said...

I said I have one sleeve in the freezer... I didn't say how many I have in my pants...errrr my pantry

Karen said...

I have a sleeve in desk drawer. Now I am going to have to open them! I was the sucker who bought 2 boxes of each kind becasue the 2 little girls next door were selling and I have to be fair.

FYI those calorie pack ones are NASTY

Karen said...

And Dana, I would have shared, but I am making a Thin Mint Cheese Cake for my friend's rehersal dinner next week. So I need mine. Sorry.

Unknown said...

I'm always bombarded. At work, at Wal-Mart, at Lowe's every where I got there girlscouts, trying to get me fat! I can only take so much!

I just bet that someone on here would be more than willing to mail you a box of Thin Mints. I mean, you could threaten to NOT do HNT every again, until you get your Thin Mints!

Dana said...

Corky, this is no joking matter! Do you have a stash you aren't telling me about???

Doc, we all know that frozen Thin Mints are the best Thin Mints!

Karen, you're such a tease!!

Dana said...

Bina, better yet, I could offer to do a "private" HNT for the first blogger to send a box! Yes, I'm prostituting myself for Thin Mints ... it's difficult being an adict.

Jahooni said...

Send me your address on my email. They will be on their way. already sent one of my readers two boxes, so i am good for it.

and i want you on your knees to please me.

Knight said...

I have not heard a single thing about girl scouts for six years. How is that possible? When I was in high school I worked at an ice cream store and people with thin mint cookie addictions would bring in their own and ask us to make them into malts. They were orgasmic.

Lu' said...

My friend is a troop leader. Her daughter sold over 800 boxes of cookies. If you truely want some I can see if I can make it happen.

Dana said...

Knight, Thin Mints are orgasmic!

Lu, WELCOME!! Especially when you bring greetings of Thin Mints! I've got a few things waiting in the wings, but will let you know in the next day or two just how bad I'm jones-ing!


Dana said...

Jahooni, does this mean I need to do a Thin Mint HNT in your honor??

Lu' said...

My friend Micky-T turned me on to Doc and Mt Cat. I never looked around blog land before and through their site I've found some real cool people.

Big Kahuna said...

Dana - I have one sleeve left in the fridge and I will be happy to send your way

Anonymous said...

I just pour them out and sit on them they are going directly to my ass anyway!!

Jahooni said...

Yes! Can't wait. Send me your email.

Anonymous said...

lol thats a funny story

Doc said...

I am looking forward to Thin mint HNT... thank you Jahooni!!!

Ken said...

Looks like the thin mint fairy is coming your way!

Schmoop said...

Man that is just wrong. But if it results in a picture of you Half Nekkid with some cookies, I guess it worked out.

You could title your picture...

Cookies and Nookie. Cheers Dana!!

buffalodick said...

Once our kids were grown, We went into the "Death Valley" of no fund-raising cookies, candy bars, sub sandwiches, 2 for 1 coupon books, magazine subscriptions,used newspaper and pop can drives... Did I forget any? Still help when they ask- they just don't ask antmore...

Dana said...

Lu, so Micky-T is responsible for your corruption? I guess I owe him a big THANK YOU!

Kahuna, although I appreciate the offer, I think you and Babushka should share that last sleeve!

Sage, eating Thin Mints should be like drinking fine wine - savor eat orgasmic taste!

Dana said...

Jahooni, I promise you'll not be disapointed!

Tiffany, thanks for stopping by! I wasn't laughing at the prospect of a second year without Thin Mints!!

Doc, any ideas on just what I should do with those Thin Mints???

Dana said...

Micky, you don't know how excited I am by this prospect! Who knew??

Matt-Man, yeah ... whatever it takes is my motto ... especially when it comes to Thin Mints!!

Buff, having a 6th and 7th grader, I know the resistance to fundraisers, but Girl Scout cookies aren't really a fundraiser, they are one of the finer luxuries in life!