06 April 2008

Secrets, Archives &Memes

I have to say that I am completely taken aback by the comments on my Sunday Secret. Buffalodickdy and DoggyBloggy were the only two that even questioned what I wrote. "Good Luck" and "Cool Beans"? Yeah ... yeah ... I know ... d'issing my commentors isn't the way to get people to comment. Maybe some of you didn't know what to say, but felt an obligation to comment? I don't know ... I just find it somewhat curious that I can post about infidelity in my marriage and not a single person stands up and says, "What the fuck?" Curious ...

After a great Sunday morning, I decided to spend a little more time going through the archives of yet another one of my blog crushes (you know who you are). I don't usually spend the time to go back and read archives of even my favorite bloggers. I'm not sure why, other than it just takes a lot of time and I barely have the time to make my daily visits, but I think I might have to change my views on this policy. This person has been blogging for 3+ years, I am through just his first year and am already seeing amazing growth. It's interesting to watch the evolution of a blogger - when they find their spot and just shine there.

Anyway, while going through his archives I found this little picture meme. I know ... I know ... meme's (with the exception of TMI Tuesday) aren't really my thing either, but I was curious to see how this one would turn out and, as is always the case, I won't tag a darn one of you!

Here are the "rules":

Go to Google Images. Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture the search engine finds.

  1. The name of the town where you grew up
  2. The name of the town where you live now
  3. Your name
  4. Your Grandmother’s name (pick one)
  5. Your favorite food
  6. Your favorite drink
  7. Your favorite song
  8. Your favorite smell

... and this is what I got ...

I used only the city name, but Google Images came up with the right city and state on this one! Oh how I miss this part of the country!

Didn't quite get the same accuracy with this one, but I'm kind of glad I didn't!

You're kidding me, right?? I have never heard of Dana Hamm, but damn I'd sure like to look just an itty-bitty bit like her!

My grandma Elsie. I think that is the absolute perfect name for a grandmother! I miss her terribly!

Are words even necessary?

Nothing like an excellent bottle of vodka!

You laugh at Simon & Garfunkel? Shame on you! The hardest part of this one was figuring out which song of theirs to choose.

These won't bloom for probably another 4 weeks or so - I can hardly wait! I've got two bushes in my yard!


Christo Gonzales said...

another blog crush....this is getting to a point of 'causing envy'

buffalodick said...

I won't do the pictures, but I will answer the questions..
1. Grand Rapids, MI
2. Grand Rapids, MI
3. Richard
4. Marie
5. Chili Dogs
6. Cheap vodka, or fine coffee
7. The Captain and the Kid, Jimmy Buffet
8. ozone smell, just before a thunderstorm, or baby powder on a stripper!

Leighann said...

Dana Hamm Yum-o!

Schmoop said...

You have two bushes? I am so diggin' that. Yum. Cheers Dana!!

Dana said...

DB, there is no need for blogger envy! You, of all people, should know there is plenty of blogger love to go around!

Buff, I continue to be amazed at the number of people still living where they grew up. In all honesty, I wish I did!

Leighann, are you familiar with her?? I bet you'd eat that Hamm any day!!

Dana said...

Matt-Man, yes, I have two bushes and they smell like lilacs! What more could a man want in a woman??

Jay said...

People tend not to be confrontational in comments when it comes to things like that. Also a lot of people just want to be supportive and non-judgmental cause they don't want to be judged themselves.

The meme is pretty cool. I've seen that a couple of times I think. You grew up in a really scenic place.

Leighann said...

No I'm not familiar with her, but I'd like to be! ;)

Dana said...

Jay, interesting perspective, especially since I would likely be considered "confrontational." I'm not, by any means, a "yes" woman.

I grew up in a suburb of Seattle that sits right on Lake Washington. I never appreciated how beatiful it was until I moved away and saw other parts of the country.

Dana said...

Leighann, according to askmen.com "Thanks to a wonderfully sculpted body and large rack, Dana Hamm has become the most photographed fitness model today. Magazines such as Ultimate Athlete, Muscular Development and Pump put her on the map while calendars, posters and endorsements continue to be her bread and butter. One thing is for sure: she can really hamm it up."

I'm thinking Jay knows who she is *wink*

Unknown said...

Hmm, your outlook at the lack of comments about your secret sunday is pretty interesting. I had to question myself as to why I didn't comment in a negative way, and I think they answer is, no one is perfect. People do things. (Been there done that, one of the BEST times of my life). I've never been judgemental and therefore, I don't want to be judged. If I wrote that I was in love with another man, but didn't want to get divorced; or if I wrote I robbed a bank; or if I wrote I was scretely a lesbian, I wouldn't want my readers to be negative, but support me and offer me advice and if they didn't want to read me anymore, yea, I would be a LITTLE upset, cause hey, we are all here to belong; to get comments; to get feedback; and most people don't want the negative pointed out to them.

Okay, off the box!

I like this meme and I'm gonna do it! I highly doubt it will find my home town or my name, but we'll see!

Dana said...

Bina, I guess I just expected everyone to tell me how *wrong* it was - how I was being selfish - how I was violating a sacred commitment - all which would have been quite valid comments. It's not that I was looking for negativity per se, but that I was looking for honesty. What I've come to realize since posting that is that it's quite possible people were being honest, just not in a way I expected.

Osbasso said...

Keep yer stuff in yer pants, dammit!

(how was that?)

Librarian Lee said...

okay - I'll fess up - WTF was exactly MY thought, but I figured that you knew that anyway. Something like WTF and don't be blah blah blah..:)

Dana said...

Os, I can feel the love!

Lee, I especially like the and don't be blah blah blah..:)

Slyde said...

this looks like fun.. i think i need to try this on MY blog...

Chelle Blögger said...

I followed you over from Matt-man's place, I am stalking all my favorite blogger's commenters this week hehe.

That is a very cool meme, for a meme. I am not a big fan of the meme, to be honest. Hell, I don't even know how to pronounce meme.

But I do like yours, and the girl IS cute but maybe needs a little less silicone in the lip area. ;)

Dana said...

Slyde, thanks for stopping by! Be sure to let me know if you post the meme - I'll stop by and take a look!

TOB, Uh-oh ... I'm not sure if following me from Matt-Man's place is a good thing or not, but I'm glad you stopped by! I'm not a big meme fan either - they get way overdone - but I hadn't seen this one so figured I'd throw it out there.

Jeff B said...

I found your post to be vague in its timeline. In other words, I thought this was something from your past. Perhaps what you thought of before marraige.

If this is a present day though then I offer the following, "Jane you ignorant slut."

Just sayin'

R.E.H. said...

You don't happen to have this Hamm chicks number do you? Nah, didn't think so...

Fun meme - I did a similar once some time ago.

And, about comments yesterday... I guess it's just that... hmmm... No! I don't have an excuse!

Either way - I still hope you HAD a good time.

Anndi said...

Did you hope people would say NOOOOO!!! Don't do it!!!!
People do what they do for reasons that are their own. Besides, why chastise someone for being honest?

Now... lilacs... think that delicious piece of woman smells like lilacs? (and does it matter...)

Big Kahuna said...

Hey Dana,

I did not see your Sunday Secret until now. I am struck by the fact that you term it 'infidelity' even though no sexual contact has occurred. I agree with some of the posters regarding not wanting to be judged lest ye be judged.

From personal affair experience, I ultimately found for me the emotional toll of the affair (for PB and I) was more than the benefit of getting my physical/sexual needs met.

I am glad that I chose not to have an affair with Babushka, rather have the courage to leave my marriage for the right reason (OK - PB would not agree with that). What is 'right' is always biased from the view of the person anyway, so you gotta do what is best for you

I do not even know what MeMe even stands for (I know - Bad Blogger)

Thanks as always for your support of Babushka and I - Your kind words are truly appreciated.

Dana said...

Jeff, it's a good thing I remember the good old days of SNL or I might think you were posting your comments to the wrong blog!

R.E.H., isn't she amazing?? I could tell you that's really me and I just use the mom persona so people take me seriously. No?? And yes, I had a wonderful time.

Anndi, that's a good question. I guess I had hoped that they would, at the very least say, "Think about what your doing." I was just surprised that many people saw this as no big deal. Maybe it isn't any big deal.

Dana said...

Kahuna, I appreciate your thoughts on this. I know you've travelled a similar road and your insight is appreciated.

Sometimes I wish I could just give you and Babushka a giant hug - my words just don't seem to be enough.

Anonymous said...

Where can I get a pilot that looks like her?

captain corky said...

Nothing like any bottle of vodka!

Do you think that the Birdman and I are shallow? ;)

Jo said...

I kinda feel like I'm popping in at a weird time...but we comment in so many of the same blogs, I keep meaning to come here beyond the PFC--so hello!

I love Simon & Garfunkel! I have their 4-cd collection & can listen to it for a week straight. Dana Hamm is gorgeous. Every time I want to look super sexy I put on my Red Baron outfit too & the result is not the same.

About infidelity, well clearly I don't know you so this isn't personal to you, just my thoughts. I think when infidelity is a big leap for a person, the impulse says so much about what he/she is missing, longing for, needing--to feel more alive. And those feelings are so valid, even necessary...striving for them could totally change a life for the better. Thing is, once you cheat, it could likely dirty everything up--and those valid feelings could get lost in the muck. So beyond all the considerations for a relationship, I think a person needs to also think about safeguarding their own sense of self.

Dana said...

Matty, Hooter Airlines??

Corky, shallow? Nah ... more like blinded by shiney objects.

Jo, well, I'm glad you stopped by! Your insight is appreciated!

Anndi said...

Dana, I don't think there's a blogger who visits you who might think you haven't seriously thought about the implications.

Dana said...

Anndi, I'll take that as a compliment! I think I had somewhat of a distorted perspective on the comments to the Sunday Secret - I may have over-reacted a bit to my somewhat skewed view.

Anndi said...

It was definitely meant that way.

Maybe you thought your commenters would give you the stern look that in other circumtances you would like to give yourself.

I always wonder when someone says that people should wait to be free to act on their needs and desires... like it makes it ok if you end the other relationship first. Isn't that just arbitrary? If you leave and then have an affair, does it hurt the other person less? I doubt it. But we all take a chance when we enter into a relationship... there are never any guarantees.

Only you can decide what your next move should be. And all I can do is hope you make the right choice for you and stand by you. That's what friends do.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

i think some people do leave meaningless comments just to say they stopped by. some have nothing to do with what i even wrote. i got to the point where it's like "thanks, but i'm not going to respond to you unless you leave me something of substance"... maybe that makes me a dick, but it is what it is.

as for your sunday secret, judging is ridiculous. we all have our dirty little secrets. when i lived with my lawyerman there was another blogger that i chatted with in a very steamy way, exchanged pics, etc... and i still do with him. it's just one of those things that's part of some crisis in your life, where this is your way of acting out, whether to gain control or sweetly lose control.

do what feels right, and have no regrets.

Dana said...

Maybe you thought your commenters would give you the stern look that in other circumtances you would like to give yourself.

Anndi, I do believe you hit the nail on the head with this single sentence!

Tequila, thanks for stopping by! Dang! I read about you all of the time and now you've come to my humble abode. I guess that means I had better get my ass over to your place!

We all have dirty little secrets? And here I thought I was special *grin*

Tequila Mockingbird said...

yeah, i had been meaning to come around, i just get so busy trying to deal with my blog, and see everyone elses i hardly have time to visit new people.

just because we all have dirty secrets doesnt make yours not special... if anything, it makes you more so!

Anonymous said...

I am away from the internet Sun-Tues and this particular Wed, was unable to log on. As for your Sunday Secret, I tend to think I would have forgone comment rather than blast you about it. At this point, however, I do hope you fully consider the ramifications to what you're doing. I don't know your husband, but I seem to remember that you and he were working on some issues. I also don't know how things are between your husband and son since an incident you mentioned awhile back, but I urge you to consider your son's welfare first in whatever you decide to do. And honestly, if you are gonna go there, then it is only fair that you end things rather than trash that which you vowed to uphold and keep sacred. It won't hurt anyone any less as a previous commenter said, but it would be the right thing to do. That is always more important than one's own desires. Whatever you do, I hold you in the highest regard and only hope that you don't muck things up for yourself and your boy unnecessarily.

Take care,