05 July 2008

Sunday Secret

There are a handful of secrets that will likely always remain secret, either because I am so ashamed of them that I cannot - will not - share them publicly, or because they are such very special, intimate and happy moments that I am afraid would lose their sacred place in my mind and heart should I ever dare to compromise them.


buffalodick said...

Good idea. I have always by nature been open with my thoughts, beliefs, etc... I have found in the last 10 years or so, sometimes it's best to keep certain things to yourself. Some people are always looking for fault or a weakness of yours that they can exploit to their own advantage. Too bad, but true none the less...

Anonymous said...

I don't think there's a thing wrong with that. I'm sure we all have a few secrets too sacred to share. ;)

Real Live Lesbian said...

Ooooh they must be GOOOOOOOOOOD! ;)

As American as Apple Pie said...

There are some secrets that are best left kept. We all have them and should not feel compelled to compromise that.

Jay said...

I think we all have some deep, dark secrets that we will never share. That and some stuff that sharing will ruin the memory of the for whatever reason.

Knight said...

I too am afraid to share certian special things because I'm afraid they won't be as sacred. I say hold on to them. You still share far more than most.

Unknown said...

"A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets." ~ Gloria Stuart

I believe that Gloria speaks truth.

Neil Benson said...

There are some things we must keep within us. They can never be adequately described to anyone because words cannot express the feelings that go with the secrets.

I may be slow, but I just noticed your video. It is marvelous. Simon and Garfunkel have long been one of my favorites. I first saw them before you were born. Think about that.

Karen said...

I have some of those deep dark secrets. Got to take something to grave. ;)

Christo Gonzales said...

well ironically enough you told my ONLY secret....

boo said...

There's nothing wrong with holding those special memories back for yourself, to savor when you need them. They are yours to guard jealously. As for those deep dark ones... those are yours too, to share with whom you want, when you want. Some day you may, some day you may not. They're yours.

tt said...

Ditto! :)

Anndi said...

There are indeed some secrets that are too precious and sacred to share.

Dana said...

Buff, there have recently been some really good things in my life, but because they are indirectly associated with a perceived "bad", I think they are better kept between those involved.

FF, I can say that in the unshared secrets, there is at least one other person who knows them, making my "burden" far less.

RLL, yes ... some of them are!

Dana said...

Apple, it's actually the other people involved that I would never compromise. It's one thing to share *my* secret, and something entirely different to share someone else's.

Jay, well said.

Knight, I share about me - never about others, at least not without their permission.

You can Call me AL said...

There is this one secret I'll never share....... It's the one about Matt-man, a case of motor oil, set of jumper cables and cow tipping......Good times....Good times...

Mike said...

We all have secrets that we wish to remain just that.....a secret

Anonymous said...

Yeah...but a secret isn't a secret unless it's shared with everyone.

Everybody knows that Dana....duh!!

Dana said...

Nick, I think Gloria is a wise woman.

Neil, the video was done for me by Matt-Man and he did a fine job!

Karen, that grave is going to be a comfy, cozy place for me!

Dana said...

DB, imagine that!

Boo(duh), those deep, dark ones are far less of a concern to me than the special ones - shared between just the trusted ones. I think knowing that they won't be shared by anyone who knows them is a large part of the appeal.

tt, some are just too good, aren't they?

Dana said...

Anndi, indeed there are!

Al, that's old news ... Matt-Man already shared!

Slick, I have only one word for you - WalMart!

Schmoop said...

You have already admitted that you like liver and lima beans. What could be worse than that? Cheers!!

Unknown said...

I understand completely. There are things I will NEVER tell another living soul.

none said...

Same here. I understand completely.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST...whisper in my ear...I will not tell a soul...

ambergail77 said...

Reading this secret made me sit down and think about my secrets. I wondered if there was anything that someone didn't know about me. I have a few select people who know secret things that others don't. But I can only think of 1 person who could possibly know EVERYTHING. Of course the only way to know for sure would be to ask her if I ever told her about one certain thing. Doing this would make it unsecret, and I can't risk that if she doesn't already know. She would still love me, but it might change her perception of her own life now.

Liz Hill said...

I like keeping some things secret.

captain corky said...

I think I've told somebody everything. I've just never told one person everything. It's probably safer that way.

Mimi Lenox said...

Sacred secrets....yes, so true. Well said.

Lu' said...

Yep some secrets are meant to be just that, secret.

Jeff B said...

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

I only have the kind Im ashamed of. If it is a good memory, I will share it.