Have you heard the latest? Apparently lawmakers in Florida are more concerned with bull nutz (not to be confused with beer nutz) than they are with the state's huge revenue shortfalls. There's been a new trend in vehicle adornment - dangling, big metal bull balls on the back end of a trucks - and Florida wants them banned.
And just what are we going to do about these?? Will we need to ban them too??
Baker's bill will fine drivers $60 for displaying the ornaments and his bill recently passed the Senate. It's now up to the House, but there's only a slim chance that members would pass the measure before the session ends this coming Friday.
My words of advise? Just make sure you don't visit Florida after visiting Cape May, New Jersey this summer. Something tells me this bumper sticker might get you in a bit of trouble!
Don't forget to stop in and read Daddio's Daily Dose. Yesterday he posted part three in his series Save Thee? Or Sell Thee? As Michael says, "Plan on being informed, provoked, inspired, possibly irked, educated, amused and maybe even a tad thankful." He's on the mark with this one!
That's funny! I'll never forget the first time I saw a big black rubber set hanging from a big black Ford 250, I laughed my ass off all the while following him.
And it WAS in Florida!
With all of the problems that Florida has, some local yokel politician spends time thinking about cow balls.
Nothing like a well hung truck...
That's gonna be doubly painful if he gets rear ended. Cheers Dana!!
I saw that story and was thinking of mentioning it in my random thoughts... but I think you did it better justice than I would have!
The sad thing is, some wack job is going to hang a real ball sack from the back of his truck. We could only hope he'd be stupid enough and use his own :)
Micky, I have never seen this accessory on a vehicle - I can hardly wait for the day I do!
Richard, my thoughts exactly. Let's ignore the important stuff and focus on ball-sy trucks instead!
Buff, I was wondering if they come in sizes and colors - say blue balls for example.
Ahhh, just look at the American Democratic system and tax dollars at work. It's such a beautiful thing. Kind of reminds me of cow balls... oh wait.
Matt-Man, you think? Even with chromed balls of steel?
Doc, I just couldn't resist. It gave me an opportunity to talk about balls on hump day!
Lu, my dad actually had a real, "curred" buck sac covering the shifting knob in his truck when I was growing up - no kidding!
They think that's obscene? They've obviously never seen some of the people who frequent South Beach.
Tali, Apparently Florida isn't the first state to waste money on this either. Maybe they'll start legislating bumper stickers too?!
Honestly, things like this drive me crazy, not just because of the fact that this is so ridiculous, it's that people KNOW how ridiculous this is and they STILL vote people like this moron back into office.
And they continue to vote for people just like him. The people who could care less about the things that really matter and want to make sure that nobody is having any fun.
Noticed you forgot to mention he's a Republican. ;-)
How stupid that people are wasting time thinking about it! Personally I think it is moronic to put balls on your truck, but to each his own.
Thanks...now I want a truck just so I can have me some truck titties! But some no-fun bureaucrat would take the fun outta that too!
Leighann, or those senior citizens who dress alike ...
Jay, of course he's a Republican! If he were a Democrat he's be promoting Truck Tits as an equality/diversity issue!
Karen, I can't even begin to imagine balls hanging from the back of my vehicle, but damn! If I want them I should be able to have them *giggle*
RLL, just put a couple of nipples on your headlights and you'll be set! Maybe I should patent that idea ... hmmmm ...
just put a couple of nipples on your headlights
Amazing with everything going on they spend time on this crap. Like late last year as all of Georgia was in a water emergency, their legislature spend time developing a law to end the BCS Bowl system...IDJITS!
Those lawmakers are just nuts!
They can't let some people have fun. Guess they don't have any balls.
Why don't they take a survey of the drivers out there to see how many get a chuckle out of it. Sort of a test-tickle.
I saw a set of those (on a truck) and took a picture cause I thought it was SO funny! And my God. That bull has some balls, doesn't he? GEEZ!
It never ceases to amaze me the things they think of to ban in America. Like, isn't there bigger problems?????
Bond, one more reason why I'm a big fan of less government!
Jeff, you're such the pun-ster!
Bina, you took a picture of someone's balls? And you didn't share it with us??
Thanks for again for the props on my 'defrocking religion' series Dana. I've heard privately from a couple of "irked" folks too so I must be hitting a nerve!
As for the trucks with balls....seems to be another hall of fame entry in the 'recurring' Death of Common Sense. The lawmaker either wants to limit the things that might make him want to come out of the closet ... or he needs to find some fluff bill to put his name on so that his stats reflect that he is actually doing something besides sitting around reading blogs all day... :)
Michael, if you're getting "hate" mail you've really hit the big time! At least by hitting a nerve you might make them think for just a second ... but it really doesn't matter anyway 'cause you're going to hell for writing the series *wink*
In one of the articles I was reading there was some discussion about having to explain to curious children just what testicles are. I'm thinking this is a discussion parents should be having and seeing them on the back of a truck is an opportunity to have such a discussion!
Righteo, my seat on the express bus to hell is prepaid. :)
Now that you mention it that way, I might have to put some hanging nutz on my truck too....as a public service to parents with curious kids everywhere!
Guess what?! I got a fever, and the only prescription... is more cowballs?
We definitely have those round here but they're much more lifelike, like the seconds ones.
Yes, they're utterly redneck and stupid, but ban them???
I laugh when I see them because you know that big ole redneck in the driver's seat is seriously lacking.
Only the metal balls are offensive? Sounds like someone has ball envy if you ask me.
The nipples on the headlights are a brilliant idea. Make sure they light up pink. If you could flash your nip that would be even better!
Michael, at least you won't be making that journey alone!
Anndi, your fever will be cured in what?? 48 hours if that??
M, my guess is there might even be a gun rack in the back window.
Knight, it would even be better if the nipples were temperature sensitive, lighting up only when the air temp was below ... say ... 50 degrees?
I tried posting before but I guess Blogger didn't like me for some reason...anywho...I have your answer. Here is hoping that all the people who have posted to this clicks the linky for the answer.
I'd rather have balls of steel, that made of rubber ;)
BTW - that Cape May sticker... surely they must've been aware - they didn't make it like that by mistake, did they?
I'm still laughing over "Truck Tits"
That's something else!
people never cease to amaze me!! Stupid is as stupid does!! is there nothing else for those people to do????? H.e.l.l.o!!
Flyinfox, that was hysterical! Thanks for the link!
R.E.H., me too ... assuming balls were an option! Maybe that's why the state of Florida is worried only about the metallic form? Cape May ... I'm thinking someone had to have noticed phallic nature of the sticker.
Dianne, I'll be sure to send you out a pair when they go into production *wink*
Donald, thanks for stopping by! Now I have a new blog to read!
tt, oh there is plenty for people to do, just nothing that makes quite the same impact as being the author of the anti-testicle bill!
Apparently florida legislators don't have much to do...
Since 4 wheel drives are no longer for actual 4-wheeling, these little "decorations" have sprung up. Nuts like that would never have survived hanging from the bottom of my truck or any of the guys I hunted/4-wheeled with. That being said, this effort to ban them is just a headline grab to assuage some small cadre of folks who seem to live to get offended by something and just aren't happy if they're not protesting, boycotting or petitioning against something. It is their right to do so, and I'd die defending that right, but it's also my right to say: GET A LIFE!!
I mean that with love...really.
Hammer, that would make them just like most politicians!
FMD, good to see you! I've missed your smiling face! And you are right on target.
Oh yeah, double & triple racks even. And of course a Ducks Unlimited sticker.
Yah, they sell for $18.95 at Adult World up the road from here. Why they have bull balls in a porn shop is beyond me.
Oh Dana. I googled for your pleasure. Check out yournutz.com. A variety of sizes and colors await.
Rantingdiva, Adult World?? Really? That kind of concerns me!
Amber, I actually got an email from someone who reads my blog and is a sales rep for truck accessories. Guess what one of the products is that he sells? Yep! YourNutz.com!! He also told me these have been banned in Alabama.
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