13 December 2010

Opening Lines


This is the third year I've recycled this meme from Os, who originally stole it from Leesa back in 2005 (someone he clearly knows, but I do not, nor does she have an active blog that I can link to).

It answers the question so many of you are just dying to know, "What was the first line from your blog the first day of each month that you posted in 2010?"


January - 2009 was an interesting year, to say the least! (Little did I know that 2010 would be even more interesting)

February - You might understand, especially if you'll be celebrating Valentine's Day a little differently this year! (This post was titled "Overwhelmed" - not sure why I was so overwhelmed ... )

March - Today my Boo-Bear turns 14. (This - a birthday wish - will likely be my opening line every March 1st)

April - Good Friday. (And it was!)

May - I miss you too, but this isn't about us anymore - it's about the people in this family who are at the mercy of our decisions. (It was a Sunday Secret)

June - According to a recent article in the New York Times, Owners Stop Paying Mortgage ... and Stop Fretting About It, foreclosure is becoming a way of life for some folks. (A post on "Real Live Lesbian" - a weekly guest post gig I picked up this year)

July - For the past 20 years, the 4th of July has been far more than just a celebration of U.S. Independence. (A post reflecting on my husband Alan's death by suicide)

August - Olivia Harrison's parents spent a great deal of time looking into pre-kindergarten programs for their daughter. (Another guest post on "Real Live Lesbian")

September - Life is funny sometimes, giving you what you need to hear when you need to hear it. (A post about worry)

October - WooHoo?? It's October?? How the hell did that happen? (A Friday Wrap-Up Post)

November - Relationships. I suck at them. (A post on family facebook drama)

December - What is an auditor? Someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets the wounded. (The first day of the HUGE internal audit at work)



Schmoop said...

"March - Today my Boo-Bear turns 14. (This will likely be my opening line every March 1st)

Does that mean Cam will be forever 14? Holy Cow!! Cheers Dana!!

Another Suburban Mom said...

This is great. I am totally stealing it for today.

Mike said...

Too much research and you know how I hate research.

Jay said...

I'm going to do this next year. I'm waiting til next year so I can make a conscious decision to make sure that my first line each month is something totally offensive or outrageous. ;-)

Dana said...

Matt-Man, actually, I'd like to make him 18 this year. Can I do that??

Another Suburban Mom, it's a nice little reflection on the year ... and kind of fun!

Dana said...

Mike, research? It's just cutting, pasting and linking - right up your alley ;)

Jay, as I was going through the posts I was wondering why I hadn't been more aware of entertainment value of my opening lines.

Osbasso said...

Happy to provide mindless inspiration for you! C&P is so convenient at times!