10 November 2009

WWC - Fold and People


You, too, can join WWC. You'll find information over at Jay's place, on Facebook or on Flickr.

This week’s words are Fold and People. I had a bit of an issue with the cell phone this week. I inadvertently changed the settings on the size of the pic from my usual 1280 x 960 resolution to the wimpy 320 x 240 resolution. Oops!


It seems there is always laundry to fold

My Pepto Bismol folders. Every year we change the color of the folders we use at work. These make me need Pepto Bismol every time I look at them.

The proper way to fold a towel (and yes, there is a proper way!)

A wall full of people I know

... and a wall full of people I don't know

Where the little people slave away



Karen said...

That is not how I fold my towels. But I am a freak about my proper way also. Great photos!

Schmoop said...

I never wash towels. I figure that if I use them to dry my wet body off, they are getting washed as I dry myself. Cheers Dana!!

Shiny Rod said...

My grammie taught me how to fold since she worked at dry cleaners. It amazes all the women I have dated that I can fold clothes faster than them. 99% of the folks in my office now, I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

And those are some pink folders!

Jay said...

I fold towels all different ways. I like a little variety in my linen closet.

Also, when I post my pics tomorrow, please note that I had already taken them BEFORE I saw your post today. ;-)

Emmy said...

Isn't that the truth? There is always laundry to fold.

Great pictures, Dana!

Vixen said...

Yeah....I don't fold my towels like that either. But there IS a specific way they have to be in my linen closet. LOL

You know I love pink, but blech those folders are god awful!

Love what you came up with. :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Nope - you folded it all wrong...sorry

Jinxo56 said...

I used to be the laundry supervisor in a nursing home. We folded our towels differently.

I liked your pictures. I am glad I don't work in that environment.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I pick the folder colors around here. Pink ain't EVER happenin'!!!

Would you come fold my towels? lol I'd like to see how it's done correctly. ;)

Dana said...

Karen, if you're a freak about the proper way, I had better post a tutorial *wink*

Matt-Man, actually, I've had that same thought! The only thing I use the towel for is to dry off my CLEAN body. How could that make them dirty?

Shiny Rod, I'm a bit anal about folding clothes - I blame it on the Army (says the woman who still rolls her underwear)!

Dana said...

Kim, I will be so glad when 2009 is over and I can move to GREEN folders. They attempted to go with red but I protested saying it was in the same color family as pink and could easily be confused!

Jay, diversity in the linen closet? You don't want any of the towels to feel inferior? And are you saying we were thinking alike this week?

Emmy, I have a bad habit of leaving the last load in the dryer until I have to wash another load ... sometimes an entire week!

Dana said...

Vixen, pink just doesn't belong on a file folder!

Bond, clearly you will benefit from a towel folding tutorial as well!

Howard Bagby, the cubicle farm is not a happy place ...

Dana said...

Real Live Lesbian, towels and t-shirts are my specialty!

we're doomed said...

"Office Space"?

rage said...

I would get sick of looking at the pink folders too all of the time.

The towels having to be folded a certain way brought back a haunted memory....my ex boyfriend used to make me fold towels a certain way because his mommy used to fold them "that way."


Al Penwasser said...

Great post! The Navy taught me that there's even a proper way to fold underwear. I suppose that, if we go to war with "The Democratic People's Republic of Undergarments", we'll kick their butts.