06 May 2008

TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday

1. How many cell phones have you had? How long have you had your current cell phone number?

I've had 3 cell phones, I got my first one in 1999 and I used it for a paperweight when I wasn't talking on it *giggle* I've had 2 cell phone numbers - one for the 4 years I lived in Minnesota, and one for the 5 years I've now lived in Chicago.

2. Where was the last place you had sex?

The last place I had sex or the last place I wanted to have sex?? The last place I actually had sex was on the bed in the bedroom. The last place I wanted to have sex was on a park bench at a Forest Preserve.

3. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your love life? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)

First, let me give my definition of "love life." For the purpose of this question, "love life" will be in reference to the sexual side of relationships. For reasons far more complicated than I am willing to share on my blog, my love life is a 1 at home and an 8 elsewhere. I bet that's got you wondering ...

4. Does Bliss sound like a fun game to you? Have you ever played it?

Although I've never played it, I'd certainly be willing to play a round or two (or one-hundred and two) of Bliss! As you get *cough*older*cough* and more *cough*experienced*cough* it's not exactly easy to come up with new and exciting sex ideas and honestly, sex can (and does) get boring and routine. Now, I don't know about any of you, but when sex gets boring and routine with a partner, I'd just assume eliminate the partner and take care of it myself. That being said, I'm certainly open-minded when it comes to sex and would be willing to try just about anything once - twice if I liked it *wink*

5. Is there anything or anyone you would be willing to die for?

There is only one person in this world I would be willing to die for and that is my son. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child, and if circumstances were that either my son could live or I could live, there really wouldn't be a choice to make.

Bonus: If you were (or had) a magic genie and could only grant wishes for others and you only had three left, what would they be and who would they be for?

1. For my mother I would wish for self-satisfaction so that she could find happiness within rather than constantly seeking something/someone externally to make her happy.

2. For my father I would wish for a home near family so that he could actually start interacting with people on a regular basis - something I think he is finally ready and willing to do.

3. For my son I w
ould wish for a prepaid education after high school - whether that be a trade school or an ivy league school - so that he could begin his life as an adult without education debt.


Michael, from Daddio's Daily Dose has posted PART FOUR in his series Save Thee? Or Sell Thee? This installment talks about spirituality versus religion. Get on over there for a great, thought provoking read!



Mike said...

I love your answers, you have really replied in depth with each one. A lot more so that i have.
Happy TMI Tuesday

R.E.H. said...

Really liked your three genie wishes. Those really touched me.

I was probably the last person on the planet to get a cell phone. 2005 was the year for me... I just didn't see the point. Since I got one, I've become like everyone else; How the hell could I live without one?

Now... I'm off to find a partner to play Bliss ;) I wonder if that works as a pick-up line?

"Hey - wanna play Bliss?"

Schmoop said...

Great wishes Dana. As I am already Bliss personified, neither myself nor those intimate with me need a game to achieve it. Cheers Dana!!

buffalodick said...

Good wishes, and I hope some how they come true!

Dana said...

Mike, I always try to give a little more than just the basics.

R.E.H., I'm looking for a Bliss partner too! Who knew such things existed?

Matt-Man, I have no doubt that you could invent your own bliss-filled game!

Dana said...

Buff, I hope they do too! Each one of those would make a huge difference for them!

Ken said...

So, that date in the woods awhile back didn't payoff? That's to bad.

Anonymous said...

Pre-paid college. Yes, I could totally get on board with that.

Apathy Lounge

Leighann said...

I think we may have had the same "first" cell phone!

An 8 elsewhere huh? Right on!

Unknown said...

#3? I have been there honey, believe me. Thankfully, that was a long time ago.

Bliss. I had never heard of it but it does sound like fun!

And I love your wishes.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I really thought I was better than an *8*. An EIGHT? What about that time your eyes rolled back in your head? Maybe you forgot that?

Great list!

Osbasso said...

An "eight"?!?

Christo Gonzales said...

if it gets boring and routine you obviously are not doing it right.....
as I got older it got better...."I do chicken right" as the saying goes....

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Interesting answers. Had never heard of Bliss, but as I am in a new relationship that is bringing me all I could have ever hoped for I think I am fine without the game...

AN 8? Guess that was not the person on the bench then...or maybe it is and then if it had happened on the bench the 8 wuld have been a 10

And to comment on yesterday's post (as I am a tad behind)..I so agree with Mozilla...why would anyone want to use IE??? Why????

Knight said...

I say get back to the bench and boost that number up!

Unknown said...

Well done, Dana!

Deech said...


Good TMI today. Happy TMI Tuesday to you. I agree with you on the fact that Sex can get boring. I try not to make it that way however. I try new and different things...Like you, I would try anything once...twice if I liked it.


Jay said...

The only cell phone that I have is a pre-paid phone that I never use. I don't think there are even any minutes on it right now.

Karen said...

I have a too many cell phones to count. But I always like to have the newest technology with my cell. I loved you 3 wishes.

Doc said...

I bet that's got you wondering ...

Wow !!

Dana said...

Micky, there is always hope!

spsbogle, education related debt is just something I'd like my son to avoid - we'll see!

Leighann, I remember thinking how small that cell phone was in relationship to my house phone.

Dana said...

Bina, it's unfortunate, but part of life as I know it now!

RLL, I have no doubt you are better than an 8 *wink*

Os, for now an 8, but I have expectations of a perfect 10!

Dana said...

DB, trust me, *I'm* doing it right!

Bond, you're getting warm.

Knight, I'm always working towards a 10!

Dana said...

Nick, well thank you!

Flyinfox, I'm always up for a little spice.

Jay, if it weren't for my son's activities, I'd likely be just like you. I hate cell phones!

Dana said...

Karen, somehow that doesn't surprise me!

Doc, wow indeed!!

none said...

I agree with how you feel about the kids. I'm the exact same way.

Anonymous said...

Loved your answers! Now I'm off to do this, too. I had forgotten about it till I hit your blog. ;)

Lu' said...

I like your three genie wishes. They are heartfelt and beautiful :)

Jahooni said...

i am still wondering... ;)~

captain corky said...

Yeah, I'm still wondering too.

As American as Apple Pie said...

Love your TMI! Never heard of this Bliss. I'm going to check it out right now.

Oh...I was not surprised by your sex number answer.

As American as Apple Pie said...

Bliss sounds like what my marriage needs!

Dana said...

Hammer, those darn kids can get the best of you, can't they?!

FF, how could you forget TMI Tuesday?? *wink*

Lu, they would all offer peace - in some way - to their recipients. What more could I want for those that I love?

Dana said...

Jahooni & Corky, maybe I should get the two of you together and you can stop wondering and do something a little more constructive?!?! *giggle*

Apple, good luck with Bliss!