27 May 2008

TMI Tuesday #136

Just a quick thanks to all of you who stayed around through the emotional dumping of the last week. I know the story was difficult to read at times and that commenting had to be a challenge. Thank you for hearing me out and hanging in there for the long haul!

Now, there's really no easy way to transition back into my "normal" blogging - somehow TMI Tuesday seems kind of superficial, but you know what? It's fun - so here we go!

1. What lines have you used to let someone down gently?

You know, I'm not one who is much into "lines" I'd like people to be honest with me, so I am honest with them. It's a lot more difficult up front, but far easier long term.

2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.

I could not "waste" $10K. Seriously! I would have to purchase things that I needed, or put it in the savings account "just in case." It's not my nature to just blow money for the sake of spending. I am sometimes frugal to a fault, finding great pride in seeing just how far I can stretch a dollar.

3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy.

This is a bit easier. Spending on others is more to my liking. $10K, right now, would go into my son's college fund.

4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, you'd be ____________?

Wondering where my husband was?! Actually, toys in our bedroom, back when we were having sex, were not at all unusual. Now they aren't unusual, it's just that I am the one to bring them in bed AND use them on myself! I'd be thrilled if my husband brought a double dildo to bed, but only if he brought me someone to use it with.

5. What sounds to you make during sex.

It depends on how good (or bad) the sex is *wink*

BONUS: Tell your worst break up story.

Well, if you've been reading my blog lately you know that at the first hint of someone caring about me AND being emotionally available, I'm running away as fast as I can! Since this has become my mode of operation for the past 20 years, break-ups haven't been bad - they occur before anyone has any feelings that they can lose their mind over!

TMI Tuesday



Lu' said...

I may be a little dense but you are then saying that you are married but yet you are emotionally unavailable to your husband?

Dana said...

Lu, actually, I would say that my husband is emotionally unavailable to me and that is why I chose to be with him.

buffalodick said...

Try normal for awhile, it might do you some good! :)

Christo Gonzales said...

double donger huh?

Dana said...

Buff, are you implying that my life isn't "normal"??

DB, I'm an open minded kind of gal *wink*

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your ability to be honest like that with people and not hold back what you think. It is probably better in the long run but it gets to be a habit, being non-confrontational I mean.

Good answers as usual!

Dana said...

FF, I'm not always successful with being honest - especially in certain circumstances (i.e. my marriage), but 90% of the time I manage.

As American as Apple Pie said...

I understand the fear of being hurt. I'm not sure exactly how that plays into my life but I know it does. I think I subconsciously sabatoge things.

If I had $10K I totally know how I would spend it. Pay Bills!! Of course I'd take a little out to have some fun. Maybe a weekend at the beach or something.

Leighann said...

There no way I could waste $10k.... I could waste SOME of it, but the majority of it would be used for necessities or saved.

L said...

There's no way that I could waste 10k either. I'd be so excited I would throw it all into savings. Of course, I would take at least $500 and go shopping. Technically that's not a waste, it's an investment.

Unknown said...


Jay said...

If somebody gave me $10,000 to spend it would be gone in a day and there wouldn't be anything to show for it. Except my student loans would be gone and my only credit card would be paid off. Well, there might be a flat screen tv to show for it, but that would be it. LOL ;-)

Acrimony said...

College schmollege, give the 10k to me! ;)

tt said...

everything sounds 'normal' to me...**winkie-wink**

Schmoop said...

Well I care about you, but I have no emotions whatsoever, so can we get together and have incredibly hot, yet unobtrusive sex? Cheers!!

Dana said...

Apple, I wish my behaviors were subconscious - I know where my limits are and "cut and run" if I think I am caring too much or if I think someone else is caring too much.

Leighann, my accountability factoe wouldn't let me waste it.

WD, I like seeing a savings account with some "UMPH"!

Dana said...

Nick, Hmmmm indeed!

Jay, I don't think paying off bills is considered wasteful, nor the flat screen TV *wink*

Tali, by the time he goes to college $10K might cover his books for the first semester.

Dana said...

Matt-Man, are you here yet??