22 October 2010

Friday Wrap-Up (GAHHHH! Edition)


... and ... it's Friday! WooHoo!!


My cubical mate Norm, most famous for his "Good morning [insert name], and how are you on this wonderful [current season] day?" - spoken to every coworker each and every day - is on vacation for two weeks. He and his "sweetie" are on a 2-week cruise to ... oh hell ... I don't remember where they went even though he's been telling me of their plans - multiple times a day - for about 6 months (no exaggeration).

Anyway, it's been nice and quite in the accounting department. I didn't realize just how LOUD he is until I experienced how quiet it is without him in the office. The only down side is that I've had to pick up his work load in his absence.

Crunching numbers, although it sounds like you'd do it with a 50 pound sledge hammer, is rarely physical, however it is mentally exhausting. I am just worn out this week and as such, the blog has been quiet.

One more week of quiet and overwhelming mental exhaustion and life as I know it will be back to NORM-al.


I'm attending a Treatment Strategies for Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum conference at Northern Illinois University all day Saturday. It is being presented by Tim Wahlberg, Ph.D who has published extensively on the subjects of autism and neurological impairments.

The conference will be focusing on strategies and interventions for behavior, social skill development, problem solving and improving flexibility - all issues Cam struggles with.

What?? You think I might benefit from behavior strategies as well?? I would have to agree with you on that.

The only down side? Attending the conference requires I get up at 6AM on Saturday morning, and the on the road by 7AM.

That means early to bed Friday night.


Sunday night I'm working with the logistics team at church for a high school student ministries event ... because I don't get enough of the crazies on Wednesday nights.

Actually, I need to find a way to bow out of this weekly obligation gracefully. Although I enjoy being there for the kids (you'd be amazed to learn how many upper-middle class, suburban parents "discard" their kids at church Wednesday nights) I'm struggling with the organized religion side of things.

I could always "accidentally" leave my blog up on one of the computers we use for checking in the kids. That would probably do the trick!


My friend Gina posted her own 1 in 4 story today. Go over there and read it. Really! I'll wait ...

Are you back? I continue to be amazed at how similar the domestic violence stories are. Names change. Places change. The story stays the same.

I'm glad she decided to share her story!



we're doomed said...

It's always the same story Dana. When the police arrive they can usually write their report without asking any questions besides names. It is really an old sad story too.

Doc said...

I will continue to say that domestic violence sucks.

Schmoop said...

I was going to go over and read Gina's story until you ordered me to do so. I felt bullied. Have a good weekend and leave that blog up at church. Cheers Dana!!

Mike said...

If you run across a course "Treatment Strategies for changing the world to your line of thinking", let me know.

Charlene said...

Good post there!

I always liked people who came in at work with a smile and said "good morning!", etc. Though I do have a private office, so maybe it's not the same as cubicle bumping with one.

Enjoy your second quiet week.

Jay said...

You know, if you just asked I would be glad to take the place as the person who annoys you for a couple of weeks while Norm is gone. You don't have to go without, ya know. ;-)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I want to know where Norm is! Please find out and let us know...two week cruise - sweet.

Sounds like a good seminar and I am sure you will come back with many useful ideas.

Knight said...

@Vinny - I'm pretty sure Norm moved from Chicago to Boston to be an accountant. He hangs out at a local bar all the time with a guy named Cliff and Rhea Perlman.

Volly said...

When my calendar got too bloated with neighborhood and church activities, I simply sent an email to the minister and informed him that as of a date in the semi-distant future, I would no longer be serving on a particular committee. The date I chose corresponded with the end of the church's fiscal year, so that it was a logical transition time and not too abrupt. He wasn't what you'd call thrilled with my decision, but knew better than to try any sort of high-pressure tactics. I hope your church is wise enough to respond the same way. If not, and you ditch the whole thing, it's their loss.