12 May 2012

Saturday Share - Zero Dollar Books


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Being the only child that I am, sharing is not high on my list of things I enjoy doing.

Information is power!

If I keep the good stuff to myself I can feel silently superior to you.


Okay ... okay ... I'll share, but I don't have to like it!

From this day forward, Saturday's will be dedicated to sharing. I might share a website I find useful, a blog I read regularly, or maybe even a recipe.

We'll see where this goes.


Although I don't anticipate ever owning an e-reader, I did recently jump into the (android) smart phone pool. I promptly downloaded the Amazon Kindle App (on my phone and my PC) figuring it might be a nice diversion during those times I get stuck somewhere that I don't want to be, for longer than I anticipate being there.

The problem? I'm cheap. I don't want to pay for e-books. And I'm LAZY. I don't want to spend hours searching for free books.


Zero Dollar Books - where they aggregate all of Amazon's best selling free eBooks in an easy to view format.

Additionally, Zero Dollar Books updates hourly to keep current with Amazon pricing, making a subscription via RSS Feed advantageous.

Where is your favorite place to find free eBooks?



Susan said...

I love my Kindle Fire for reading and surfing the net. I'll check out Zero Dollar Books. I use http://www.ereaderiq.com/

I like how it separates all the genres.

Sujomi said...

I love, love, love Archive.org. To quote the site "Download free books and texts. The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books." Even if you do not have an e-reader, you can read online or download texts in PDFs, EBUB, Daisy, Full Text and DjVu.

Really, where else can you find "The Mary Frances Knitting & Crocheting Book" from 1918 in Kindle format?

Sujomi said...

Oh, I forgot to mention, they also have moving images, audio, software and a ton of other goodies. It's a great resource!

Annifer Tookel said...

I like it. Free is for me.
Also: check with your library, you can sometimes check out e-books from them.

katherine. said...

Gutenberg has put just about all of the classic in digital form...and offers them for free. I think you'll love this.
