18 March 2008

TMI Tuesday

TMI Tuesday

1. In the midst of a hangover have you ever promised to "never drink again?" How long until you broke that vow?

What I usually say is, "I will never drink like that again!" Now, that usually means I sampled at least one drink form every alcohol category, so I eliminate at least one alcohol group the next time I decide to lose my mind - usually about 2 years later. Hey! I'm "old"!

2. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done while drinking (or not if it is really stupid) but thought it seemed like a good idea at the time?

Let's just say that in my youth mid to late 20's, while in the Army, I did a LOT of drinking, and I even remember some of the things I did while I was drinking. I did wake up one morning after a tequila blackout binge and found rug burns on my knees and a bruise the size of an apple on my forehead. How, you ask, did that happen? I have absolutely no memory of it but I'm sure it was a really good story.

3. On a scale of 1-10, where do you rate green beer?

Any beer that is light enough that it turns green when food coloring is added is EVIL!

4. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn't have (drunk or sober)?

You weren't looking for a number here were you. I've done more stupid things while drinking than I care to count, and only a few when I was sober *wink*

5. What is the stupidest thing you have ever seen a drunk do (besides driving a car)?

I think starting a fight with someone who is sober ranks right up there. I've seen more drunk guys get PUMMELLED when they got stupid with someone who could actually stand upright without swaying.

Bonus (as in optional): How do you cure your hangover(s)?

I am an aspirin and LOTS of water before you pass out, then a "hair of the dog that bit you" fan. Actually, not even a "hair of the dog that bit you" exactly, but rather a shot of tequila with a Mountain Dew chaser! I swear! It's the best ... unless you have a buddy who works at the hospital who can hook you up with an IV in each arm.


buffalodick said...

I've got a few stories too.. I think everybody that drinks does!

Dana said...

Buff, I just wish I remembered some of the stories! I'm thinking I probably had a really good time!

Schmoop said...

I wish I could forget all of the stupid things I have done while drunk.

I avoid hangovers by staying perpetually drunk. Hangover food: Taco Bell.

Damn I need some meat. Cheers Dana!!

Karen said...

Here in NJ our hangover food is taylor ham (pork roll), egg and cheese sandwich. Guess Taco Bell would work too - it is all about the grease.

But Dana, tequila???? The smell alone gives me chills. I am vodka or whiskey girl.

Dana said...

Matt, staying drunk is certainly an effective way to avoid hangovers, but damn if my employer thinks it's a viable solution. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your meat binge!

Karen, tequila was my drink of choice 15-20 years ago. My tastes have noe been refined - it's vodka for me now!

R.E.H. said...

Hang overs and copious drinking seems to be a running theme right now... hehe...

I almost feel I should do this one just because it's fitting right now.

And, boy, have I done some stupid things under the influence of alcohol... especially in my teens and early twenties.

Pizza is the only way to go the day after... or spagetti!

Jay said...

I think part of the reason we do so many stupid things when we are drunk is because we know we have a built in excuse. It's easy to just tell that girl I made an idiot of myself in front of "oh I was drunk, I'm not like that really." Yeah, they never believed it either.

When I was in college the morning after routine normally was 1)a shot of tequila or something, 2) water and lots of it and 3) go find my car. ;-)

Dana said...

R.E.H., I laughed out loud when I saw the questions this morning after having read your blog yesterday. I can do pizza the next day, but only if it's leftover from the night before!

Jay, find your car?? I've had a few mornings where I had to figure out where the hell *I* was!

Unknown said...

Girl, I agree with EVERYTHING you said. I've had blackouts, I've the hair of the dog, and it really DOES work! Of course, it's hard to do with a hangover cause the smell makes you almost vomit, but it does work!

Dana said...

Bina, the trick is to not breathe through your nose!

captain corky said...

I seem to remember being wrapped around a toilet when I was 17 years ol, praying to God that if I made it through I was never going to drink ever again.

Sorry for that lie, God.

Breaking a promise to God isn't one of the 10 Commandments, right?

Anonymous said...

Hey I have been that drunk fighter!
and yes received an ass whoopin too!

and have woke up and was damn glad I didn't remember what happened, it does suck tho when she has to drive u back to you truck and she is ummmmmmmm unappealing, or when she wants a lil sumthin in the morning!

Unknown said...

Yesterday I drank my first beer in more than a year. It was a Guinness Draught—dark, not green. I have 11 bottles of it in the frig which should last me about 5 years—unless my sons visit.

This is what happens when one passes the age of 60.

Christo Gonzales said...

I know the combination to your lock...whoo hooo....

Leighann said...

tequila and mountain dew? that's wrong on so many levels!

Dana said...

Corky, I had my first real hangover when I was 16 and made a similar promise. I haven't been struck by lightening yet!

Sage, calling a cab is often a better option ... as long as you can find a phone!

Nick, I have 4 bottles of Guinness Draught in my fridge - I bought a six-pack on St. Patricks Day 2007.

Dana said...

DB, Shhhh! It's a secret!!

Leighann, I'm telling you, forget Corn Flakes!! Tequila and Mountain Dew is the breakfast of champions!

Doc said...

Rugburns and a bruise the size of an apple???Hmmm Are you sure we haven't met??

Dana said...

Doc, well ... were you ever in San Antonio in the 90's? That's about all of the details I know regarding that event!

g-man said...

A tequila IV??? Now that would be something.

I bet the rug burn forehead story is a good one. ;)

Dana said...

G-Man, there was actually a group (6) of people who knew EXACTLY what happened, and they would never tell me. All that I can be certain of is that they were all there too. Things that make you go "hmmmmmm."

Unknown said...

I only got a hangover once in my life. It happened to be the day Skylab fell and Hurricane Bob hit the Biloxi Gulf Coast where I was stationed in the Air Force at the time. I've never gotten drunk again. Cross my heart. In fact, I don't drink now.

That day, I was inbetween classes for the Air Force (I was in tech school back then) so I was on laundry detail. I was so sick, I didn't care if I got caught. I laid down in the pile of laundry and slept - or tried to. Luckily, I didn't get caught.

Jeff B said...

I think I could write a rather large book about all the stupid things I did when I drank.

Poor little brain cells.

Dana said...

Ashley, you are a better woman than I am! Only one hangover?? Wow!

Jeff, my book would have very few details, unfortunately!

Anonymous said...

In response to number 4, I used to have a map to every county in NJ in my glove compartment so that I could more easily find all the skanks that I drove to make out with at un-godly hours of the day and night....remember, I have NEVER drank lol

I am just a horny bastard.