She's right! I do have the best commenters in the blogging world. In fact, if it weren't for all of you who regularly comment, this blog would be nothing more than
So today I am presenting all of you with this award:

OK, it's not as creative as Matt-Man's C.O.W., or Doc's Peach, but it should still make y'all feel a little warm and fuzzy (or is that crunch and enlightened?). No, I don't expect anyone to post this on their blog as if it really meant something, but I do want each of you to know that if it weren't for some of your
Oh, and if you get a chance, go visit Scout's Honor over at the United States of Motherhood. Not only is she the one who reminded me just how lucky I am to have the best commenters, but she claims to be a Capitalist Republican Whore - I think I'm in love!
Commenting is more fun that posting sometimes.
"Ask a question, and the world will flood you with opinions" The Chronicles of Buffalo Dick, Chapter 2, verse 11...Always remember the name of my blog!
Jay, I find it is far easier to be witty and entertaining when you only have to write a single line!
Buff, yes, let us not forget Opinions & Rectums ... especially the rectums!
I dunno...I think I have the best commenters in the sphere. But then again, I am a Pissy Liberal who is off to set this so-called Republican Whore straight. Cheers!!
Matt-Man, I love it when you spew your "liberalness" at me - especially when it hits me in the eye!
Kinda a good way, doesn't it? Cheers!!
isn't it great when someone makes you feel all warm and fuzzy by telling you something like that? i posted a similar post today and i too stand in awe of the people who visit and comment at my site and others. i agree with jay - sometimes it is more fun to comment than to post.
off to investigate scout's honor!
Posting (and reading others posts) is half the fun of this crazy blogging life!
Goshks! Golly Gee! Thanks. I'm blushing.
I really am glad I found you and your commentors. It's a cool bunch. I like that it's varied and respectful. I've seen the bad side of commenting when a troll hurls insults. I’ve been called a murder because of my party and irresponsible for having a third child after a failed vasectomy. Go figure! There are nutbags everywhere, but this was a nice forum to come upon.
...And, the Nekkid Thursday is pretty balls-y too. Kudos again! Thanks everyone for the visits and comments to my humble bloggy abode. Ok, this Capitalist Republican whore's off to pick up her kindergartner for whom she is thankful everyday for his accidental entry into her world. He rocks!
Thanks Dana. It is easy to comment (share) when the material is so open and honest. It is hard not to respond in kind. I'll take my politically neutral self and watch you lefties and righties bonk each other in the head (debate). Rock on girl.
Matt-Man, you *know* how I like to see it coming ...
Heidianne, it's always nice to get the ego stroked!
Leighann, I agree!
Scout's Honor, I guess I've been lucky on the comment front - everyone has always been respectful even when their opinions differ, and I do my best to offer them the same ... even Matt-Man! I'm glad you found me and I'm glad I found you! Oh, for the record, I grew up in Kirkland :)
G-Man, y'all really are the BEST!
Oh I love awards so ya know it will get posted on my page for them...eventually, I am so behind lately.
Blogging has opened doors and windows I never imagined I woudl venture to, so it is awesome, and now I have another blog to check out.
NOW you have the best commenters in the entire world.
Happy to help.
You rock girlfriend!
How can we stay away from you when you keep us entertained in the way that you do.
Thanks for providing us with some awesome reading material!
I love reading your pictures. Oops did I say that?
I really enjoy your blog and your thoughts. I don't much care for secret Sunday but I understand why you do it and it's your blog to do with as you see fit.
Now Thursdays rock around here! between you and Matt, it's a DON"T MISS DAY. You turkeys even have me contemplating getting into the action.
I'm with you Dana on the liberal spew, it tickles the shit out of me!! I snigger and snigger at them!!
Can I be the third in the Rep Cap whordom, I'm thinking that'd be fun!
I agree with Jay that commenting can be better than posting. We are all lucky to have found each other!
I WON I WON I WON I WON I WON... but shit, i have to share with all of them?! crap. ;)~
I'm just glad I know about your blog and can comment now! :-)
P, blogging does make this little world a lot bigger, doesn't it?
Christine, thank you for stopping by and expanding my "best commenter" status.
PP, it's all of you that provide me great writing material!
Al, I know the Sunday Secrets aren't for everyone ... in fact, I would consider them to be my selfish blogging. They really are for me! But Thursdays? Those are for everyone!
SS, come join us in the RCW club!
Karen, it's a lot of fun, isn't it?
Jahooni, you crack me up! Your "personal" award is coming ... I can feel it!
Scarlett, keep those comments coming because they keep me thinking!
I can't tell if it's the soup I'm eating or the award that's making me feel all warm and fuzzy, but I do heart this blog.
I also appreciate how liberal you become on Thursdays! ;)
For me, commenting is way more fun than actually posting. I really don't think most people give a crap about my boring, mundane life! I know I usually don't!!! LOL
Late to the party I see. Sorry, I took a couple of days off from the sphere.
The comments people leave seem to be the fuel to keep the fire burning. I always enjoy coming here to see what you have to say. Your HNT ain't bad either.
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